27 June 2023
Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Guéant Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section “Nutrition and Metabolism” in Nutrients

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Guéant has been appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of the “Nutrition and Metabolism” Section in Nutrients (ISSN: 2072-6643).

Name: Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Guéant
Homepage: https://cvscience.aviesan.fr/cv/2119/jean-louis-gueant
Affiliation: Department of Molecular Medicine, National Center of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, University Regional Hospital of Nancy, 54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France
Interests: one-carbon metabolism; metabolism of micronutrients; obesity; NASH; inherited disorders of metabolism

Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Guéant, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., specializes in hepato-gastroenterology and is a professor of biochemistry-molecular biology at the University of Lorraine, France. He is Head of the Department of Molecular Medicine, with clinical activity at the department of Hepato-Gastroenterology, National Reference Center of Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the University Regional Hospital of Nancy. He is the Director of UMR-S Inserm 1256 “Nutrition-Genetics-Environmental Exposure” and a titular member of the French National Academy of Medicine. Beside his position as Section Editor-in-Chief of the “Nutrition and Metabolism” Section in Nutrients, he is a member of the Editorial Board of Human Genetics and Vitamins and Hormones. His scientific production includes 460 articles in Pub Med, with publications in N Engl J Med, Science, Nature Comm, Nature Rev Disease Primers, The Lancet, PNAS, Ann Intern Med, Cell Rep Medicine, Gastroenterology, Gut, J Hepatology, Nucleic acid Research, J Allergy Clin Immunol, Blood, etc. He ranked as the top world expert in “vitamin B 12 deficiency” and “Methionine synthase”, and the second top expert in “vitamin B deficiencies” on Expertscape. He has described the key mechanisms of digestive transport and metabolism of vitamin B12 and folate, the influence of the one-carbon metabolism on the epigenome, cellular stress, energy metabolism, and fetal programming in rare and complex metabolic diseases and a new type of rare metabolic disease named “Epi-cblC”. He has also dissected genetic predictors of allergic drug and food reactions.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Guéant, who shared his vision for the journal and his views on the research area and open access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal and encouraged you to become its Section Editor-in-Chief?
The high quality of articles published in Nutrients is reflected by their rate of citation and the ranking of the journal as one the best in the field. The journal has a very efficient peer-review process which complies with the best international standards of scientific evaluation while providing a delay of publication as short as possible. Open access warrants the wide diffusion of science published in the journal.

2. What is your vision for Nutrients?
Nutrients will be more and more one of the best options to publish the most innovative and impactful articles of basic, clinical, and epidemiological research in nutrition and metabolism.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?
Nutrition and metabolism are two closely interactive fields that have benefited from considerable advances in knowledge over the last decade thanks to the accessibility of multi-omics, metabolomics, proteomics, genomics and epigenomics techniques, the study of metabolic fluxes in cells and organs, the interactions with the microbiota and the environment, and the integrative views of systems biology. These developments open fantastic prospects to better understand the dynamics of metabolism at the different stages of cell life and differentiation, its adaptive capacity to stress, its direct influence on the genome and the post genome, and the molecular mechanisms of rare and complex diseases, cancers, and biological processes of aging.

4. What do you think of the development of open access in the publishing field?
Open access should be the preferred option, provided that reasonable publishing fees make it accessible to the budget of the widest community of authors, as it plays more and more a key role into the diffusion of scientific knowledge by sharing the results, methods, data, codes, and other constituent elements of a peer-reviewed publication as widely and as quickly as possible.

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Guéant as the new Section Editor-in-Chief and we look forward to him leading Nutrients to many more milestones.

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