27 June 2023
Free Media Partnership between Children and OASIS—Holistic Care Hirschsprung’s Disease, 27–29 July 2023, Rostock Warnemünde, Germany

We are pleased to announce that OASIS—Holistic Care Hirschsprung‘s Disease has set up a free media partnership with Children (ISSN: 2227-9067).

Date: 27–29 July 2023
Place: Rostock Warnemünde, Germany

This collaboration grew between clinicians and patient associations from Poland, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany and will take place in Warnemünde, organized by the Rostock Colorectal Center.

Hirschsprung Disease (HSCR) is a rare disease affecting the capability to pass stool and results in obstruction of the bowel, and it affects approximately 1:5000 liveborn babies, with its most severe form, Total Colonic Aganglionosis (TCA), affecting 2–5 % of all children with HSCR.

There will be ample opportunities for networking, both professionally and socially.

For more details, please visit the following link: https://kinderchirurgie.med.uni-rostock.de/oasis/oasis-summer-symposium-2023.

Children Editorial Office

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