29 June 2023
Meet Us at the 2023 Conference of Material Coating Science and Technology, 25–27 October 2023, Lanzhou, China

Date: 25–27 October 2023
Location: Lanzhou, China
Conference websitehttp://www.fineceram.cn/page109

Dr. Fernando Rubiera González

The 2023 Conference of Material Coating Science and Technology will be held from 25 to 27 October 2023, in Lanzhou, China. The conference is hosted by the Advanced Ceramics Division of the Chinese Ceramic Society and the international journal Coatings (ISSN: 2079-6412) and is co-organized by the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gansu Materials Society, and the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics group, Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion Association. This conference will strengthen the scientific and technological exchanges among experts and scholars in the field of coating science and technology, promote the application of coating technology and promote the high-quality economic development.

This conference sets up 19 topics, covering the application-related areas of coatings and surfaces, which will invite leading experts to deliver plenary speeches. The organizing committee warmly welcomes experts, scholars, engineering technicians and postgraduates in the field of coating technology to attend this conference.

Important dates
Abstract deadline: 25 July 2023 (submission link: https://sciforum.net/user/submission/create/931)
Full submission deadline: 30 December 2023 

Coating materials: A1 high entropy materials, A2 thermal functional materials, A3 optical functional materials, A4 electric/magnetic/acoustic functional materials;
Coating technologies: B1 vapor deposition, B2 thermal spraying, B3 plasma electrolytic oxidation, B4 atomic layer deposition, B5 chemical deposition, B6 self-assembly;
Coating applications: C1 thermal/environmental barrier coating, C2 battery coating, C3 biological coating, C4 superphobic/hydrophilic coating, C5 anti-friction and wear-resistant coating, C6 antibacterial coating, C7 anti-fouling coating, C8 fuel cladding coating, C9 smart coating.

Editorial Office
Ms. Diana Zhao
Tel: 18002161361, Email: [email protected]

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