4 July 2023
Machines 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Award—Open for Applications

We are pleased to announce that Machines (ISSN: 2075-1702) is now inviting applications for the Machines 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Award. This prize will be given to one applicant who has made a unique and outstanding academic or societal contribution to intelligent manufacturing. All applications will be assessed by an Award Evaluation Committee led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso.

The prize:

  • CHF 1000;
  • Option to publish one paper free of charge in Machines after peer review before the end of 2024;
  • An electronic certificate.

Eligibility and requirements:

  • Must have received their Ph.D. no more than 10 years prior to 31 December 2023;
  • Have made a unique and outstanding academic or societal contribution to intelligent manufacturing.

List of documents for application:

  • The self-recommendation summary and contact details (including title, name, institutional affiliation, and email address);
  • Scanned copy of doctorate certificate;
  • The related work summary:
    • A detailed description of the applicant’s work (max. 3000 words), highlighting the contributions to intelligent manufacturing;
    • Applicant’s detailed CV;
    • Applicant’s intelligent manufacturing-related publications or social work;
    • Applicant’s list of funded projects (if available);
    • A recommendation letter from a senior scientist;
    • Other relevant information (supplementary materials).


Application deadline: 31 December 2023
Winner announcement: 31 March 2024

How to submit applications?

Send application materials to [email protected] with the subject “Machines 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Award—Applicant’s Name”.

Machines Editorial Office

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