7 July 2023
Cells Webinar | Actin–Myosin Cytoskeleton Regulation and Function, Held on 19 July 2023

On 19 July 2023, MDPI and the journal Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409) organized the webinar entitled Actin–Myosin Cytoskeleton Regulation and Function.

This webinar, hosted by Prof. Dr. Michael F. Olson from Toronto Metropolitan University (Toronto, Canada), focused on the fascinating world of the actin–myosin cytoskeleton and the role of its key regulators, the Rho GTPases. Within the intricate and dynamic network of the cell, this system plays a crucial role in a myriad of cellular processes, ranging from cell division and migration to muscle contraction and intracellular transport. Dr. Mélanie Laurin described how her laboratory at Université Laval (Québec City, Canada) uses ultrasound-guided in utero lentiviral injection to investigate the contribution of Rho GTPase network components during skin morphogenesis. Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé from Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada) showed that phagocytosis mediated by β2 integrins involves their mechanical coupling to the actin cytoskeleton by a mechanosensitive molecular clutch, which enables the discrimination of phagocytic targets based on their mechanical properties. Dr. Michael Samuel from the Centre for Cancer Biology (Adelaide, Australia) discussed novel molecular mechanisms regulated by mechanotransduction, including signaling molecules such as CRELD2, whose secretion is regulated by Rho-ROCK signaling, that could be targeted to suppress cancer metastasis.

Please note that this webinar is associated with a Special Issue in the Cells journal, “Actin-Myosin Cytoskeleton Regulation and Function Series 2”. The deadline is 15 September 2023. We also invite you to read the excellent papers in the first of the Special Issue series, “Actin-Myosin Cytoskeleton Regulation and Function”.

You can watch the recorded webinar at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxGsVeioH_0.

Webinar Chair and Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Michael F. Olson, Department of Chemistry and Biology, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
  • Dr. Mélanie Laurin, Department of Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry and Pathology, Université Laval, Canada;
  • Dr. Valentin Jaumouillé, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada;
  • Dr. Michael Samuel, Centre for Cancer Biology, Adelaide, Australia.

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