10 July 2023
Energies 2023 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award—Open for Nominations

To reward the academic community, especially young researchers, and enhance communication among scientists, Energies (ISSN: 1996-1073) is offering an award to encourage young researchers in the field of energy.

Energies is currently accepting nominations for the Energies 2023 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award. This prize will be awarded to a Ph.D. student or doctor who has produced a highly anticipated academic thesis.

The prize includes:

  • CHF 500;
  • An electronic certificate;
  • An offer to publish a featured paper in Energies with the article processing charge (APC) waived before the end of 2024.

For more information about the award and how to nominate candidates, please click here.

For further information, please contact the Energies Editorial Office ([email protected]).

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