11 July 2023
Obituary—Prof. Dr. Ronald W. Armstrong

With sadness, we regret to inform you about the passing of Prof. Dr. Ronald W. Armstrong, Editorial Board Member and Guest Editor of Crystals and Metals. We are grateful for his many contributions to the journals and the legacy his research has left in the academic world.

Prof. Dr. Ronald W. Armstrong was a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. He received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University in 1958, and he finished his postdoctoral studies at Leeds University, UK, in 1959. His work focused on dislocation mechanics, constitutive equations, Hall–Petch relations, Zerilli–Armstrong equations, microstructural stereology, high-rate metal deformations, ductile–brittle transition behaviors, and X-ray diffraction imaging. 

His work was recognized with a significant number of honors and awards:

  • AIME Robert Lansing Hardy Gold Medal for 1962;
  • Senior Fulbright–Hays Fellow, New Zealand, 1974;
  • NATO Advanced Study Institute Lecturer, England, 1979, and Crete, 1985;
  • Who's Who in America, 1982‑89;
  • Liaison Scientist, Office of Naval Research‑London, UK, 1982‑1984 and 1991;
  • Visiting Research Fellow, now Life Member, Clare Hall, Univ. Cambridge, UK, 1984;
  • Symposium in Honor of Professor Ronald W. Armstrong, Dynamic Deformation;
  • Constitutive Modeling, Grain Size, and Other Effects, TMS 2003, 132nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 3/2-6/2003, San Diego, CA; see Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 35A, 2545-2745 (2004);
  • DYMAT John Rinehart Award, 2015;
  • Invited to present/publish more than 50 technical papers in symposia, published in more than 400 technical journal and symposium publications.

We wish to express our deepest condolences to his family and colleagues.

Crystals and Metals Editorial Offices

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