11 August 2023
Meet Us at the XII Iberian Congress on Agroengineering, 4–6 September 2023, Seville, Spain

The XII Iberian Congress on Agroengineering is organized by the University of Seville, Spain and supported by the Spanish Society of Agroengineering and by the Specialised Secção de Engenharia Rural of the Sociedade de Ciências Agrárias de Portugal.

From 4 to 6 September 2023, Seville will host this biennial event designed as a meeting point for researchers and technicians linked to Agroengineering in Spain, Portugal and the entire Ibero-American community. For three days, the Iberian Congress on Agroengineering will analyze, update and discuss the latest advances and scientific developments produced in the area of knowledge of agroforestry engineering.

European agriculture faces major challenges, such as protecting biodiversity, limitations on the use of pesticides, degradation of soil quality, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global challenge of climate change. To overcome these challenges, scientific and industrial research and development in agricultural and biosystem engineering must work together to offer strategic pathways and technological solutions. The XII Iberian Congress on Agroengineering brings together these skills and knowledge to offer a scenario to connect and promote solutions for these global problems.

Thematic areas:

  • Mechanization, safety and health at work;
  • Soils and water;
  • Animal production/aquaculture technology;
  • Rural buildings and infrastructure;
  • Energy;
  • Information technology/process control/automation;
  • Projects, environment and territory;
  • Educational innovation in agroengineering;
  • Post-harvest technology;
  • Greenhouse technologies;
  • Precision agriculture.

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