16 August 2023
Prof. Dr. Yanlin Song Appointed Associate Editor of Materials

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Yanlin Song has been appointed Associate Editor of Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944). We wish Prof. Dr. Yanlin Song every success in his new position, and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

Name: Prof. Dr. Yanlin Song
Affiliation: Key Laboratory of Green Printing, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Homepage: http://ylsong.iccas.ac.cn/
Interests: nanomaterials and green printing technology; printed electrics and photonics; fabrication and applications of photonic crystals

Prof. Dr. Yanlin Song has been a Full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) since 2001. His research interests include green printing materials and technology, polymer photonic crystals, and optic/electric device fabrication. He has published more than 600 academic papers in peer-reviewed journals, has an h-index of 100, and has been granted more than 140 patents. He has proposed and developed nano-green printing as well as micro/nanomanufacturing technology, breaking through fundamental challenges, such as the coffee ring effect, Rayleigh instability, and the Marangoni effect, that affect printing accuracy. He has printed wearable electronics, solar cells, ultrasensitive biosensing chips, and other functional devices. He has won numerous academic awards, including the Second Prize of National Natural Science Award in 2005 and 2008, the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2006, the First Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award in 2016, the IEC 1906 Award in 2019, and National Innovation Competition Award in 2023.

We are honored that we have the opportunity to introduce Prof. Dr. Yanlin Song to our editorial team, and we are confident that, with the guidance of our new Associate Editor, we will continue to improve the reputation and quality of Materials (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials).

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