4 September 2023
Obituary—Prof. Dr. Stanley Omaye

It was with shock and sadness that, on 29 August 2023, the editorial team of Antioxidants received news of the passing of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Stanley Omaye. We were privileged to have had him serve as Editor-in-Chief and are grateful for the many contributions he made to the journal, noting the legacy his research has left to the academic world.

Prof. Dr. Omaye has been the Editor-in-Chief of Antioxidants since 2012. He was always supportive of the journal and kind to all members of the Editorial Office. He led 4 Special Issues over the years:

Under his leadership, Antioxidants (ISSN: 2076-3921) came into its own, developing into one of the most influential and largest journals in the field, with a continuous increase in impact factor and the number of published papers.

The Antioxidants editorial staff will remember him as a devoted, responsible, and engaged Editor-in-Chief. His death is a loss to the academic community as well as a personal loss to anyone who has come into contact with him. 

We wish to express our deepest condolences to his family and colleagues.

Antioxidants Editorial Office

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