8 September 2023
Solar | Aims and Scope Update

We are pleased to announce that, with the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinz Werner’s suggestion and for the better development of Solar in the future, we adjusted the aims and scope of Solar, which are outlined below.

Solar (ISSN: 2673-9941) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of scientific research on solar thermal energy and photovoltaic systems, which publishes articles, reviews, and communications as well as Special Issues on particular subjects.

We also encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the maximum length of the papers. Full experimental details should be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Additionally, electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure as well as source codes can be submitted as supplementary material.

The main subject areas include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Photovoltaics (PV);
  • Materials for PV conversion;
  • Solar cells, modules, and systems;
  • Novel measurement, test, and characterization methods and systems;
  • Processes and tools for industrialization;
  • High efficiency cells and multijunctions;
  • Concentrating PV and space applications;
  • PV heating, cooling, and storage systems;
  • Power electronics for PV;
  • Large-area PV power plants;
  • Grid integration;
  • Stand-alone systems;
  • Solar thermal systems;
  • Materials for solar thermal conversion;
  • Flat panel collectors;
  • Heating, cooling, and storage systems;
  • Concentrating systems;
  • Solar and hybrid power plants;
  • Energy storage for solar systems;
  • Battery systems and their control;
  • Seasonal storage for heating, cooling, and electricity;
  • Arising and future technologies for energy storage;
  • Solar education;
  • Best practice examples (from elementary schools via vocational training to universities);
  • New methods and ideas for solar training;
  • Solar education in the Global South;
  • Other topics related to solar energy;
  • Economy of solar conversion systems;
  • Modeling, yield measurements, forecast, and predictions;
  • Environmental issues, recycling, lifetime analysis, and degradation;
  • Energy policy;
  • Radiation measurements and predictions;
  • Photochemical conversion.

For more journal information, please visit the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/solar/about.

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