8 August 2024
Interview with Dr. Minhyeok Lee—Winner of the Mathematics 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award

We wish to congratulate Dr. Minhyeok Lee for winning the Mathematics 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award.

Name: Dr. Minhyeok Lee
Affiliation: School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea
Research Interests: deep learning; machine learning; generative adversarial network

The following is from an interview with Dr. Minhyeok Lee:

1. Could you give a brief introduction of yourself to the readers?   Could you introduce your current research direction and provide an update on your progress?
My research focuses on the mathematical foundations of generative models and computational intelligence. I am currently investigating the convergence properties of multi-task deep learning games using techniques from game theory and convex optimization. My work aims to establish rigorous theoretical guarantees for the performance and stability of complex neural network architectures.

2. Can you please share with us your sentiments upon winning the award?
The award recognition aligns with my commitment to advancing mathematical rigor in the field of computational intelligence. It reflects the importance of applying formal mathematical analysis to emerging computational techniques. This acknowledgment may help promote the increased emphasis on theoretical foundations within the broader research community.

3. Could you share some insights into your approach to reviewing manuscripts? How do you balance thoroughness with efficiency?
My review approach centers on assessing the mathematical validity and novelty of the presented work. I examine proofs, derivations, and algorithmic complexities to ensure logical consistency and correctness. Efficiency is maintained by focusing primarily on the core mathematical contributions rather than peripheral details.

4. In your opinion, what are some key qualities that make a review outstanding?
Key qualities of an outstanding review include identifying logical gaps in mathematical arguments, suggesting relevant theoretical connections or generalizations, assessing the mathematical significance and originality of the results, providing constructive feedback to strengthen formal proofs, and maintaining objectivity in evaluating the work’s mathematical merit.

5. Based on your experience, which research topics do you think are of particular interest to the research community in the coming years?
Promising research directions include the theoretical analysis of large language models, mathematical frameworks for explainable AI, information-theoretic approaches to deep learning, and advances in geometric deep learning. These areas offer rich opportunities for developing new mathematical tools and insights.

6. What is your opinion of the open access model of publishing?
The open access model aligns with the universality of mathematical truth and the field’s collaborative nature. It promotes the wider dissemination of mathematical knowledge, potentially accelerating theoretical advancements. However, maintaining rigorous peer review processes remains crucial for upholding the integrity and quality of published mathematical work.

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