
Plants Receives Updated Impact Factor of 4.658 29 Jun 2022
Welcoming New Editorial Board Members of Behavioral Sciences 28 Jun 2022
Recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 28 Jun 2022
2021 Impact Factors - Released 28 Jun 2022
Sports | Top 10 Cited Articles in 2020–2021 28 Jun 2022
Sports Receives Its First CiteScore of 4.5 28 Jun 2022
Sports | Call for Special Issue Proposals and Recruiting Guest Editors 28 Jun 2022
Cells | Editor’s Choice Articles in 2021 in the Section "Reproductive Cells and Development" 28 Jun 2022
Cells | Editor’s Choice Articles in 2020–2021 in the Section “Cellular Biophysics” 28 Jun 2022
Condensed Matter | Top 10 Cited Papers in 2020 28 Jun 2022
Recruiting Founding Editor-in-Chief for the New Journal Analytics 27 Jun 2022
Recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Catalysts 27 Jun 2022
Symmetry | Special Issue Mentor Program 27 Jun 2022
Religions | Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Section “Religions and Humanities/Philosophies” 27 Jun 2022
Cells | Top Cited Papers in 2021 in the Section “Cellular Aging” 27 Jun 2022
Welcoming New Editorial Board Members of Gels 27 Jun 2022
Cells | Top Cited Papers in 2020 in the Section “Cellular Aging” 27 Jun 2022
Gels Receives Updated CiteScore of 4.2 27 Jun 2022
Recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief for Cardiogenetics 27 Jun 2022
MDPI’s 2021 Young Investigator Awards in “Chemistry & Materials Sciences”—Winners Announced 27 Jun 2022
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