
Pervasive Computing in IoT

Edited by
July 2024
280 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1487-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1488-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Pervasive Computing in IoT that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics

In the era of Internet of Things (IoT) that we have entered, the “Monitoring–Decision–Execution” cycle of typical autonomic and automation systems is extended to include distributed developments that might scale from a smart home or greenhouse to a smart city, and from autonomous driving to emergency management. In such highly distributed and scalable architectures, each of the three processes can be situated at any physical or virtual computing system and located, ideally, at any place. Hence, communication and interoperation between the subsystems that comprise the total IoT system, namely extreme edge, edge, fog, and cloud deployments, are of critical importance. This reprint presents a collection of high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers, each introducing challenging issues in pervasive computing across the different domains of the IoT ecosystem. It comprises four papers focusing on customized application frameworks, three papers dealing with issues of ambient intelligence and assisted living of the aging population, three papers considering blockchain technology in various IoT applications, and two survey papers related to sensors and their applications.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
activity recognition; posture transitions; inertial sensor; feature selection; support vector machine; ambient intelligence; human behavior monitoring; smart homes; activities of daily living; elderly population; machine learning; internet of things; ubiquitous computing; big data; machine learning; indoor localization; ambient assisted living; internet of things; smart homes; elderly population; indoor location; human–computer interaction; assistive technology; blockchain; records; non-fungible tokens; transparency; Internet of Things; sensor; machine learning; computational intelligence; data analytics; data pre-processing; capacitive sensing; low cost; tangible sensing; interactive surface; tactile sensing; human-computer interaction (HCI); IoT; pervasive computing; Internet of Things; healthcare; pervasive computing; smart cities; cyber security; Internet of Things; cyber-physical systems; zero-trust; ABAC; blockchain; IPFS; Internet of Things; edge device; framework; application server platform; SEMAR; IoT; machine learning; neural networks; federated learning; blockchain; learning on the edge; internet of things; device identification; machine learning; unsupervised machine learning; remote laboratory; Arduino microcontroller programming; xAPI; LRS; assessment types; pervasive learning; supervised learning; n/a