
Flood Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods

Edited by
February 2019
376 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-548-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-549-6 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Flood Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

Nowadays, the degree and scale of flood hazards has been massively increasing as a result of the changing climate, and large-scale floods jeopardize lives and properties, causing great economic losses, in the inundation-prone areas of the world. Early flood warning systems are promising countermeasures against flood hazards and losses. A collaborative assessment according to multiple disciplines, comprising hydrology, remote sensing, and meteorology, of the magnitude and impacts of flood hazards on inundation areas significantly contributes to model the integrity and precision of flood forecasting. Methodologically oriented countermeasures against flood hazards may involve the forecasting of reservoir inflows, river flows, tropical cyclone tracks, and flooding at different lead times and/or scales. Analyses of impacts, risks, uncertainty, resilience, and scenarios coupled with policy-oriented suggestions will give information for flood hazard mitigation. Emerging advances in computing technologies coupled with big-data mining have boosted data-driven applications, among which Machine Learning technology, with its flexibility and scalability in pattern extraction, has modernized not only scientific thinking but also predictive applications. This book explores recent Machine Learning advances on flood forecast and management in a timely manner and presents interdisciplinary approaches to modelling the complexity of flood hazards-related issues, with contributions to integrative solutions from a local, regional or global perspective.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
data scarce basins; runoff series; data forward prediction; ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD); stopping criteria; method of tracking energy differences (MTED); deep learning; convolutional neural networks; superpixel; urban water bodies; high-resolution remote-sensing images; monthly streamflow forecasting; artificial neural network; ensemble technique; phase space reconstruction; empirical wavelet transform; hybrid neural network; flood forecasting; self-organizing map; bat algorithm; particle swarm optimization; flood routing; Muskingum model; machine learning methods; St. Venant equations; rating curve method; nonlinear Muskingum model; hydrograph predictions; flood routing; Muskingum model; hydrologic models; improved bat algorithm; Wilson flood; Karahan flood; flood susceptibility modeling; ANFIS; cultural algorithm; bees algorithm; invasive weed optimization; Haraz watershed; ANN-based models; flood inundation map; self-organizing map (SOM); recurrent nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (RNARX); ensemble technique; artificial neural networks; uncertainty; streamflow predictions; sensitivity; flood forecasting; extreme learning machine (ELM); backtracking search optimization algorithm (BSA); the upper Yangtze River; deep learning; LSTM network; water level forecast; the Three Gorges Dam; Dongting Lake; Muskingum model; wolf pack algorithm; parameters; optimization; flood routing; flash-flood; precipitation-runoff; forecasting; lag analysis; random forest; machine learning; flood prediction; flood forecasting; hydrologic model; rainfall–runoff, hybrid & ensemble machine learning; artificial neural network; support vector machine; natural hazards & disasters; adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS); decision tree; survey; classification and regression trees (CART), data science; big data; artificial intelligence; soft computing; extreme event management; time series prediction; LSTM; rainfall-runoff; flood events; flood forecasting; data assimilation; particle filter algorithm; micro-model; Lower Yellow River; ANN; hydrometeorology; flood forecasting; real-time; postprocessing; machine learning; early flood warning systems; hydroinformatics; database; flood forecast; Google Maps

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