
Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Odonata

Edited by
April 2024
402 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0709-3 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0710-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Odonata that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Members of the insect order Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) play an important ecological role as predators that consume large numbers of insects and serve as prey for larger animals such as birds, fish, and amphibians. They also serve as bioindicators for freshwater quality assessment and wetland conservation monitoring. Their beauty and diversity make them attractive to the public, which has led to an increased interest in their biology and conservation. This special issue compiles a series of articles focusing on different aspects of the diversity, ecology and evolution of odonates from different regions of the world including China, Australia, USA, Brazil, Czech Republic and Poland, among others.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Caucasus-Anatolian-Iranian-region; hybridization; identification key; new species; new status; new synonym; variation; dispersal barriers; dragonflies; genetic differentiation; pond networks; population structure; divergence; ecological niche modelling; niche equivalence; niche similarity; Odonata; helicopter damselfly; dragonfly; damselflies; DNA barcode; Brazilian northeast; biotic responses; freshwater; Odonata; life history; chemical cues; microsporidia; parasitism; predator–prey interaction; invasive alien species; temperature; Ischnura elegans; Pacifastacus leniusculus; biogeography; North America; glaciation; species occurrence; Zygoptera; damselfly; integrative taxonomy; species delineation; barcoding; morphological analysis; DNA sequencing; bioindicators; dragonflies; cacao cultivation; pasture; aquatic ecosystems; aquatic invertebrates; biodiversity; freshwater ecology; geographic range; habitat preference; Odonata; odonatology; range dynamics; range size; species distribution; riverine community; survey method; sampling issues; field protocol; conservation; splendid cruiser; pronged clubtail; orange-spotted emerald; biogeography; Zygoptera; wing coloration; mating behavior; Zygoptera; molecular phylogeny; network; population genetics; sampling effect; Odonata; hydrological basin; biogeography; ecoregion system; Iberá; Argentina; Cordulegaster heros; Cordulegastridae; Odonata; northern border distribution; population abundance; biogeography; Chřiby Hills; Czech Republic; holokinetic chromosomes; gomphids X chromosome evolution; sex-determination systems; Aphylla; Phyllocycla; dragonflies; land uses; Atlantic Forest; Theobroma cacao; cabruca; zygoptera; anisoptera; species diversity; distribution; biodiversity and conservation; biogeographical patterns; molecular data handling; sequence alignments; species delimitation; conservation units; biodiversity; geographic range expansion; Odonata; range dynamics; range size; species distribution; species richness; zoogeography; Anisoptera; Zygoptera; dragonflies; damselflies; tendencies and shortfalls; global research; scientific production; n/a

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