Editorial Board for section 'Computational Engineering'

Please see the section webpage for more information on this section.

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Section Board Member
Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Interests: computational fluid dynamics; numerical heat and mass transfer; mathematical modelling; numerical simulation; MHD; nanofluids; porous media
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Section Board Member
Center for Life Nano Science @Sapienza, Italian Institute of Technology, Viale Regina Elena, 295, I-00161 Roma, Italy
Interests: statistical and computational physics
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Section Board Member
Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA
Interests: computational and theoretical condensed matter physics; materials with strong electron-electron correlations; excitations in novel materials; ultrafast charge dynamics in Mott insulators and semiconductors; nanomagnetism
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Section Board Member
Directeur de recherche au CNRS, Institut Camille Jordan, University Lyon 1, 69622 Villeurbanne, France
Interests: mathematical modeling in biology and biomedicine
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Section Board Member
Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster LA1 4YX, UK
Interests: computational immunology; agent-based modelling; artificial life; simulation software engineering; complex systems analysis

grade Website
Section Board Member
Informatics Building School of Informatics, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK
Interests: explainable deep learning; medical image analysis; pattern recognition and medical sensors; artificial intelligence; intelligent computing
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Section Board Member
Department of Mathematics, The University of Alabama, PO Box 870350, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0350, USA
Interests: high order methods for partial differential equations; finite difference methods; finite element methods; alternating direction implicit (ADI); matched interface and boundary (MIB); mathematical modeling for molecular biology; computational electromagnetics and optics; biomolecular solvation analysis; molecular surface modeling
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