Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the winners of the Machines 2022 Young Investigator Award are Dr. Fernando José Figueiredo Bento, Dr. Goshtasp Cheraghian and Dr. Roman Mykhailyshyn.

Dr. Fernando Bento is a PhD Researcher at CISE—Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre, and is also an Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Beira Interior. He has co-authored 1 book chapter, published 9 articles in high impact factor journals, and delivered 19 communications in highly renowned conference proceedings. His scientific research activities focus on energy efficiency analysis, fault diagnostics and fault tolerance in electronic power converters, namely DC‒DC converters.

Dr. Goshtasp Cheraghian is currently a postdoctoral scientist in the Functional Nanomaterials group at the Humboldt University of Berlin and King’s College, London. Dr. Cheraghian’s research interests focus on polymer nanocomposites, nanotechnology for energy and environmental applications and materials characterization. He has been among the top 2% of scientists in the world for three consecutive years and the top 500 scientists in the field of energy. Dr. Cheraghian has also published over 80 research papers (citation>2700, h-index: 33, i10-index: 55), 3 chapters in books, obtained 9 granted patents.

Dr. Roman Mykhailyshyn is a Visiting Scholar at the Texas Robotics, College of Natural Sciences and the Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA, working with Prof. Ann Majewicz Fey. From 2023, Dr. Mykhailyshyn has been an Adjunct Professor at the EPAM School of Digital Technologies, American University, Kyiv. Dr. Mykhailyshyn is an author of more than 30 articles, published in leading scholarly journals. His research focuses on robotics, grasping and manipulation, motion planning and optimization, modeling of physical systems, additive manufacturing and design of gripping devices for robots.

As awardees, each of them will receive an honorarium of CHF 1000, an offer to publish a paper free of charge before the end of August 2023 in Machines after peer-review and an engraved plaque.

We would like to thank all the nominators from various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee Members for their evaluation of the many excellent nominations.

Machines 2022 Young Investigator Evaluation Committee

Machines 2022 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Dr. Khandaker Noman
Northwestern Polytechnical University

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso Chairman
CISE | University of Beira Interior (UBI)
Dr. Davide Astolfi
University of Brescia
Prof. Dr. Dan Zhang
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Dr. Donghong Ning
Ocean University of China


Fernando José Figueiredo Bento
CISE - Electromechatronic Systems Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, Calçada Fonte do Lameiro, P – 6201- 001 Covilhã, Portugal
Goshtasp Cheraghian
King's College London/ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Roman Mykhailyshyn
The University of Texas at Austin

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso Chairman
CISE | University of Beira Interior (UBI)
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Manolakos
Prof. Dr. Dan Zhang
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Chen Lv
Nanyang Technological University
University of Malaga
Ning Sun
Nankai University, China

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso Chairman
CISE | University of Beira Interior (UBI)
Prof. Giuseppe Carbone
University of Calabria
Prof. Dr. Kai Cheng
Brunel University London
Dr. Jerome Antoni
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