Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Membranes reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
Interests: Cell Membranes; yeast; membrane proteins; biotechnology
Singapore Membrane Technology Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637141, Singapore
Interests: carbon nanoarchitectonics; advanced functional nanomaterials; nanocomposite membranes; gas separation; water treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO, USA
Interests: function and biomolecular organization and dynamics; fluidity and composition; Model Membranes and Liposomes; membrane proteins biophysics and biochemistry
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., Boston, MA 02210, USA
Interests: membranes; membrane separations; liquid-liquid extractions; carbon nanotube membranes; graphene oxide based membranes; solvent recovery; biofuels; 2d materials

Department of Applied Chemistry and Ecology, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia
Interests: water treatments; waste water treatments; water monitoring; adsorption; arsenic; fluoride; heavy metals
Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto 607-8412, Japan
Interests: biomaterials; vesicle trafficking; liposomes; drug delivery; nanomedicine; cancer
Department of Chemistry of Oxidic and Organic Interfaces, Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Interests: metal-organic frameworks (MOFs); Surface-Anchored Metal-Organic Frameworks (SURMOFs); water purification; gas separation; membrane technology; fuel cells

Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, Doha 2713, Qatar
Interests: polymer membranes (desalination, oil-water filtration, waste water treatment, membrane fouling and durability); polymer composites for aerospace and civil Engineering applications; biodegradable polymers
Membrane Science and Technology Research Development Center, Dalian University of Technology, 2 Linggong Road, Dalian 116024, China
Interests: anion exchange membranes; proton exchange membranes; lithium-sulfur batteries; mixed matrix membranes; vanadium redox flow battery; gas separation
Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Safety and Clean Utilization, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Interests: rubber; Clay; nanocomposite; elastomer; mechanical property; proton exchange membrane; self-healing
Ecole Normale Supérieure (LPENS), CNRS (UMR 8023), 75014 Paris, France
Interests: physiological membrane dynamics; free standing (suspended) membranes; microfluidics; membrane proteins; membrane trafficking

Department of Genetics and Evolution, Centre for Biological and Health Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luis, km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos - SP, Brazil
Interests: biomembranes; cell signaling; enzymes; lipids; lipid-protein interactions; organelles; transport
School of Chemistry, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
Interests: gas separation; polymeric membranes; mixed matrix membranes; thin-film gas sensors
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA
Interests: gas separation; polymeric membrane; Metal organic frameworks; CO2 capture
Energy and Transportation Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
Interests: membranes and sorbents; chemical/biochemical separations; synthesis of functional nanomaterials; chemical engineering
Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology, Department for Systemic Cell Biology, Otto-Hahn-Str. 11, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Interests: membrane trafficking and cellular membranes under cryo-conditions; fluorescence microscopy; cryo-microscopy; microscopy method development; cryobiology; cryopreservation; cellular signalling: EGFR, Ras, ERK, Ephrin
1. iBET, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Apartado 12, 2780-901 Oeiras, Portugal
2. LAQV-REQUIMTE, Departamento de Química, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Interests: chemical modification; material science; chemical engineering

Center for Environment and Water, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Interests: water treatment; nanomaterials in water treatment; carbon membrane; adsorption; MXenes
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Interests: novel advanced materials and energy efficient processes for energy and environmental applications; separation science and technology, membrane science, separation, purification, recovery, and recycling of critical materials, and water desalination

IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, 08916 Badalona, Spain
Interests: membranes in life sciences; particularly in the field of virology and immunology; including: cellular membrane structure; function and biomolecular organization and dynamics; model membranes and liposomes; membrane proteins; membrane traffic; receptors; cellular signaling; cell morphology; membrane ligand interactions

Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX 79430, USA
Interests: genomics; bioinformatics; drug discovery; toxicology; pharmacology; protein modeling; virtual screening; computational Biology; neuroscience; age related diseases; alzheimer's
Department of Paediatrics, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
Interests: membrane biology; membrane trafficking; Neurological disorders; endosome
College of Agriculture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
Interests: ion transporter; molecular genetics; plant salt tolerance; osmotic tolerance; ion homeostasis; membrane traffic

Lab. for Membrane Science and Technology, College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Interests: pervaporation; adsortive membrane; membrane contactor
CryoEM Center, Laboratory of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, SUNY-Buffalo, 700 Ellicott St., Buffalo, NY 14203-1102, USA
Interests: membrane biology; voltage-gated ion channels and lipid metabolic defects; anion channels for regulated secretion; RNA-binding complexes; cryoEM for structural studies; chemical functionalization for cryoEM and membrane biophysics
School of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Interests: advanced polymeric materials; fluorinated polymers; membranes

Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience (IINS), CNRS UMR5297, University of Bordeaux, 33000 Bordeaux, France
Interests: membrane proteins; G protein-coupled receptors; lipid bilayers; protein-membrane interactions; cytoskeleton-membrane interactions; cell biology; fluorescence microscopy

Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Interests: nanonmembranes; continuous filtration; continuous bioprocessing; nanoscale modelling of adsorption/fouling

Membrane Separation Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC), Kerala- 673601, India
Interests: membrane preparation and characterization; thin-film nanocomposite NF; membrane distillation; forward osmosis, hemodialysis; wastewater treatment; proton-exchange membranes

School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane Campus, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK
Interests: PEM fuel cells and SOFCs (materials and diagnostics); energy storage systems for hybrid vehicles; recycling and repurposing of energy storage devices; sustainable design and automotive materials
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