Best PhD Thesis Award

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce the winner of the Minerals 2021 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, which recognises the most highly anticipated academic potential thesis among Ph.D. students and doctors.

The award has been granted to Dr. Núria Pujol-Solà, she completed her Ph.D. at the University of Barcelona in 2021. She investigated the presence of unusual phases in ophiolitic chromitites from Cuba and Morocco. Her report of in situ nanodiamond within methane-rich olivine-hosted fluid inclusions support the idea of diamond metastable growth during low-pressure serpentinization.

On behalf of the evaluation committee, I congratulate the winner on her accomplishments. We would like to thank all the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics, as well as the Award Committee for helping with this award.

Prof. Dr. Paul Sylvester
Editor-in-Chief, Minerals

Minerals 2021 Best PhD Thesis Award
Past Winners


Adrienn Maria Szucs
Department of Geology, Museum Building Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin. Dublin 2, Ireland

Award Committee

Prof. Paul Sylvester Chairman
Texas Tech University
Dr. Amin Beiranvand Pour
Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Prof. Pier Franco Lattanzi
IGG CNR, UOS Firenze
Dr. Jaroslav Dostal
Prof. Dr. Przemyslaw B. Kowalczuk
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dr. Olga Yakubovich
Moscow M.V .Lomonosov State University


Yihang Fang
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Award Committee

Prof. Paul Sylvester Chairman
Texas Tech University
Dr. Alexander R Cruden
Prof. Antonio Simonetti
University of Notre Dame
Prof. Zhiyong Gao
Central South University
Dr. Carla Patinha
Aveiro University


Núria Pujol Solà
Departament de Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada. Facultat de Ciències de la Terra. Universitat de Barcelona

Award Committee

Prof. Paul Sylvester Chairman
Texas Tech University
Dr. Theodore Bornhorst
Michigan Tech
Prof. Zhiyong Gao
Central South University
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