Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Minerals reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: analytical methods; organic geochemistry; materials characterization; spectroscopy; surface probes
Interests: deep sea mineral deposits; assessment of deep sea mining; manganese cycling microorganisms; iron cycling microorganisms; manganese oxides; iron oxides; Cable Bacteria
Interests: archaeometry; geomaterials for cultural heritage; Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy; elemental mapping; portable x-ray fluorescence; optical microscopy; pottery analysis; fake and forgery; artificial intelligence; chemometrics; multispectral imaging; matlab programming
Interests: metamorphism; Mineralogy; subduction; archean; lithosphere
Interests: mineral processing; thin liquid films; flotation chemistry; surface force
Interests: igneous petrology and geochemistry; REE and isotope geochemistry; geochemistry of hydrothermal alteration of igneous rocks Igneous-related ore deposits and their exploration; U-Pb dating of rocks and ore deposits
Interests: Rare Earths; f-elements; actinides; metals; separation; extraction; recycling; managament; e-waste
Interests: Hydrometallurgy; clay minerals; zeolite; bauxite and bauxite residue; mineral processing; molecular dynamics simulation and gromacs; crystal growth and nucleation; nanobubble and interfacial science; synchrotron and powder X-ray diffraction; bioleaching
Interests: petrology; ceramic technology; Building Materials; Stone; bricks; stones and raw materials provenance; archaeometric studies; heritage; decay and conservation
Interests: extractant; froth flotation; cobalt extraction; gallium extraction
Interests: asphalt mixture; pavement; infrastructure materials; asphalt; asphalt mix design
Interests: mine design; mine planning; production scheduling; Optimization; Simulation
Interests: earth observation by satellites; circulation of fluids in the mantle and deformation/rheology of serpentinites
Interests: risk assessment; toxicology; Ecotoxicology; environmental chemistry
Interests: energy materials; nanomaterials; crystals; Chemical Looping; ferrimagnetic materials; redox reactions; magnetic materials; ceramics
Interests: Mineralogy; Geochemistry; diamond; mantle; Eclogite; mineral inclusions; fluid inclusions; Peridotite; Ultra-High Pressure Metamorphism; U-Pb dating
Interests: use of natural zeolites in adsorption; catalysis and antimicrobial applications
Interests: geo-chemical aspects of seafloor hydrothermal activities and related mineral deposits
Interests: petrography; metamorphic petrology; lithogeochemistry of metasedimentary rocks; orogenic evolution and metalogenesis; geological mapping
Interests: solid-liquid phase equilibria; polymorphism; Clathrates; calorimetry; high pressure low temperature experiments; biodiesel; Petroleum; flow assurance; energy and environment
Interests: agricultural soils; industrial soils; heavy metals; lead; mining soils; Plastic contamination; soil contamination; shooting ranges; urban soils
Interests: conservation of cultural heritage; artificial and natural stone materials; rock degradation; minerals degradation; nanoparticles; archaeometry; petrography
Interests: powder x-ray diffraction; quantitative phase analysis; structure determination; in situ analysis
Interests: environmental remediation; Green Chemistry; Acid Mine Drainage; Acid Sulfate Soil; mine waste remediation; mine tailing management; mine site rehabilitation; bioremediation; water quality; bioenergy
Interests: Glauconite; clay minerals; Iron Ore; Controlled-released fertilizer; chemical activation; mechanochemical activation; Geochemistry; Geology; Mineralogy; applied mineralogy; mineral-based nanocomposites
Interests: rock mechanics; mining; mining methods
Interests: data-based modelling; measurements; monitoring; control; optimisation; steel making; blast furnace; basic oxygen furnace
Interests: mathematical geosciences (fractal modeling); geostatistics (simulation and uncertainty quantification); GIS and mineral prospectivity mapping; remote sensing; applied geochemistry and renewable and sustainable energies (geothermal in particular)
Interests: mineral processing; flotation; solid fluid dynamics; energy; sustainability; modelling; mining; coarse flotation; fine particles; hydrodynamics; bubble; image processing; gravity separation; flotation cells; attachment and detachment
Interests: extractive metallurgy; critical raw materials; leaching; pyrometallurgy; solvent extraction; membrane processes; metal recovery