Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Photonics reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: chemiluminescence; bioluminescence; nanophotonics; photoacidity; engineered nanomaterials; computational chemistry; photochemistry; carbon dots; photodynamic therapy; quantum chemistry
Interests: molecular polaritonics; attosecond science; strong field physics in condensed media; high harmonic generation; ultrafast phenomena in condensed media
Interests: epitaxy; MOVPE; III-V semiconductors; dilute nitrides; solar cells; J-V-T characterization
Interests: biophotonics; biomedical optics; medical optics; imaging systems
Interests: laser physic and engineering; optics and optoelectronics; quantum electronics; computer simulation; control of laser characteristics
Interests: luminescence; solid state reaction; upconversion
Interests: hyperspectral imaging; microscopy; spectroscopy; two-dimensional materials; multivariate analysis; machine learning; spectrometer
Interests: computer graphics; biomedical optics and most recently artificial intelligence; simulation of light transport in turbid media; physically-based rendering; development of novel optical diagnostics modalities
Interests: optoelectronics; Si photonics; nanotechnology
2. Polytechnics University of Timisoara, 1 Mihai Viteazu, 300022 TImisoara, Romania
Interests: optics; optomechanics; optomechatronics; optical devices; laser scanners; biomedical imaging; optical coherence tomography; non-destructive testing; biomaterials; measuring systems
Interests: planning and operation of optical networks; wavelength routed optical networks; elastic optical networks; hybrid optical networks; cognitive heterogeneous optical network; access optical networks; network optimization; virtualization and multi-access edge
Interests: silicon photonics; silicon nitride photonics; optical interconnects; optical beam forming networks; solid state lidar; electronic photonic integration; polarization control and diversity circuits; optical isolators
Interests: magneto-optic garnets; garnet-oxide composites; magneto-plasmonic; metal-dielectric composites; thin-film materials; optical coatings and multilayer optical structures
Interests: nonlinear optics; soliton; quantum optics; low dimensional systems; quantum computing; quantum Information
2. Department of Civil and Resource Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada
Interests: plasmonics; nanostructures; photonic crystals; fiber-optic sensors; coherence theory; solar energy conversion
Interests: Boson Sampling
Interests: micro-optics; diffractive optics; resonant gratings; nano-optics; micro-lens; computer assisted design in optics; rigorous electromagnetism; refractive optics; laser etching; laser ablation; micro and nanotechnologies
Interests: multi-junction III-V compound solar cells; polymer solar cells; tandem solar cells; photovoltaics
Interests: photoacoustic imaging; ultrasound; Medical Imaging; Biomedical Engineering
Interests: fiber laser; high power fiber laser; large mode area fibers; photonic crystal fiber lasers; phosphate fiber lasers
Interests: 3D shape measurement; displacement measurement; strain measurement; digital holography; speckle interfelometory; phase analysis; fringe analysis; experimental mechanics; nondestructive inspection
Interests: dynamic light manipulation on-chip; dynamic photonics; nonlinear optics; vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs); mode-locked laser and nanophotonics
Interests: photogrammetry; sensor integration; hyperspectral imaging and interpretation; lidar; 3D modeling
Interests: biosensing; optoelectronics and photonics; plasmonics; optical communication
Interests: ultrafast optics and spectroscopy; tunable lasers
Interests: optics; optical design; nonimaging optics; field theory
Interests: laser processing; surface structuring; femtosecond lasers; time-resolved experiments; laser-matter interaction
Interests: optics; electronics; photonics; lasers; chaos
Interests: applied nanosciences; photonics; microfluidics; optofluidics; photothermal methods; spectroscopy
Interests: nonlinear optics; ultrafast optics; terahertz; time-domain and time-resolved spectroscopy; strong field terahertz generation; laser spectroscopy; nonlinear light-matter interaction; graphene and 2D materials; metamaterials photoacoustics