Generation and Amplification of Tunable Multicolored Femtosecond Laser Pulses by Using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in Transparent Bulk Media
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Analysis of CFWM Process
3. Experimental Section
3.1. Experimental Setup
3.2. Generation of Wavelength-Tunable Multicolored Sidebands
3.2.1. Generation of wavelength-tunable sidebands by changing crossing angle
3.2.2. Generation of wavelength-tunable sidebands by simply replacing the bulk medium
3.3. Improvement of the Sideband Pulse Energy up to a uJ Level
3.4. Generation of Sub-20fs Sidebands Using Chirped Incident Pulses
3.4.1. Principle of the experiment
3.4.2. Generation of 15-fs multicolored femtosecond pulses
3.4.3. Generation of self-compressed ∼20-fs pulses
3.5. Spatial Profile and Power Stability of Multicolored Sidebands
3.6. Generation of Multicolored Sidebands in BBO Crystal and Sapphire plate
3.6.1. Multicolored sidebands generated in BBO
3.6.2. Multicolored sidebands generated in sapphire plate
3.7. 2-D Multicolored Sidebands Arrays Generated in Sapphire plate
3.8. Simultaneous Compression and Amplification of the Sidebands in a Bulk Medium
3.8.1. Principle of the experiment
3.8.2. Experiment results and discussion
4. Theoretical Calculation of the CFWM Process
5. Conclusions and Prospects
References and Notes
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μW | CaF2 | Fused silica | BK7 | Sapphire plate | BBO |
AS1 | 480 | 700 | 715 | 750 | 780 |
AS2 | 210 | 315 | 295 | 210 | 135 |
AS3 | 125 | 90 | 60 | 40 | 10 |
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Liu, J.; Kobayashi, T. Generation and Amplification of Tunable Multicolored Femtosecond Laser Pulses by Using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in Transparent Bulk Media. Sensors 2010, 10, 4296-4341.
Liu J, Kobayashi T. Generation and Amplification of Tunable Multicolored Femtosecond Laser Pulses by Using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in Transparent Bulk Media. Sensors. 2010; 10(5):4296-4341.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Jun, and Takayoshi Kobayashi. 2010. "Generation and Amplification of Tunable Multicolored Femtosecond Laser Pulses by Using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in Transparent Bulk Media" Sensors 10, no. 5: 4296-4341.
APA StyleLiu, J., & Kobayashi, T. (2010). Generation and Amplification of Tunable Multicolored Femtosecond Laser Pulses by Using Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing in Transparent Bulk Media. Sensors, 10(5), 4296-4341.