2.1. ROHR Analysis
Pressure traces can be used to calculate various thermodynamic parameters, where besides indicated work, ROHR evaluated using the 0D thermodynamic framework is one of the most valuable parameters for combustion analysis. Commonly ROHR is related to the heat released during the combustion period, whereas in diesel engines negative ROHR values before the start-of-combustion indicate fuel evaporation. In an ideal case, ROHR would be zero in the entire compression and expansion phase. This would have been achieved, if the following assumptions would be fulfilled:
- -
Pressure trace is measured without any errors and disturbances,
- -
Pressure trace is positioned correctly with respect to the absolute pressure value and the TDC position
- -
Pressure trace is processed with the thermodynamic model yielding no discrepancies to the actual heat transfer, gas properties, fuel evaporation and blow-by.
In general, this is not the case especially during the presence of TDC and pressure offsets. Therefore, in this study, the term ROHR (in equations denoted as ) will be used as indication of the energy imbalance not only during combustion and potential evaporation but in the entire high-pressure phase of the engine cycle. In addition, the term expansion phase will be used for the period between the end-of-combustion and exhaust valve opening and the term compression will be used for the period between the intake valve closing and start of injection in diesel engines or spark initiation in spark ignited engines.
Using the 0D thermodynamic framework, which is similar to the formulations found in classic textbooks, e.g., [
24], ROHR is given as:
are to be inserted into Equation (1). Equation (1), which presents general equation for evaluation of the ROHR, includes terms that are dependent on volume derivative
, in-cylinder mass derivative
, relative air-fuel ratio derivative
, in-cylinder pressure derivative
, enthalpy flux in and out of the combustion chamber
and heat flux from the gas within the combustion chamber
. With the aim to allow code porting on the real-time hardware and especially the FPGA (Field programmable gate array) chip the computational effort was reduced. Therefore only most significant gas property dependencies were considered in further analyses and thus
were assumed zero because of small dependencies of the pressure on the internal energy (
) and the specific gas constant (
) at temperatures lower than approximately 2700 K [
25]. This approach can additionally be reasoned by the fact that methodology is demonstrated on compression ignition engines generally featuring lower averaged in-cylinder temperatures compared to spark ignition engines. However, it should be noted that analyses presented in the paper could be done using Equation (1) and that all findings presented in the paper are also valid under consideration of gas property dependencies given in Equation (4).
As only high pressure phase of the cycle is analysed and as blow-by is very small in modern well maintained engines,
is also set to zero to minimize computational effort, whereas again analyses presented in the paper could be done using Equation (1) and findings presented in the paper do not alter based on the consideration of the blow-by. Considering listed assumptions, Equation (1) can be reformulated to:
A general equation for calculating the heat flux from the in-cylinder charge to the combustion chamber walls has a form:
represents heat transfer coefficient,
charge temperature,
temperatures of the surrounding walls (liner, cylinder head, piston) and
surface area or the surrounding walls. For heat transfer coefficient calculation, empirical correlations are generally used, e.g., [
26]. Proposed, 0D thermodynamic framework is compatible with any heat transfer coefficient correlation, whereas results are presented for the Hohenberg model [
27]. Detailed derivation for this specific heat transfer coefficient correlation are presented in
Appendix A.
2.3. ROHR Integral Values Depending on the Pressure and TDC Offsets
The main idea of the innovative method for simultaneous determination is based on characteristic deviations of the ROHR that are specific for the TDC and the pressure offset in the compression phase and the expansion phase. To derive these dependencies, Equation (6) is expanded in the Taylor series with the respect to the pressure offset
and the angle deviation
and the linear terms were retained. For the pressure offset series expansion yields:
Heat transfer term in the Equation (7) is expanded as:
and subscripts
represent head, liner and piston, respectively. Full derivation of the Equation (8) for the Hohenberg heat transfer coefficient correlation is given in
Appendix A.
Partial derivative of internal energy with respect to temperature, present in the Equation (7), is defined as:
represent parameters, calculated with estimated absolute pressure, and
is evaluated by Equation (9).
Table 1 provides a basic insight into contributions of particular terms in Equation (7) to the
for pressure offset of
(arbitrary selection for illustration purposes) and for different crank angle positions. The following notation is used:
is denoted as (a);
is denoted as (b);
is denoted as (c) and
is denoted as (d). Sign of the term (a) is in the compression and the expansion phase determined by the value of
and it thus features negative values in compression phase, whereas in expansion phase it features positive values. Terms (b) and (c) feature opposite signs, which is related to different signs of
in the compression and the expansion phase. Their absolute sum is comparable to the absolute value of term (d), which is two orders of magnitude lower than the magnitude of the term (a). Therefore it can be concluded that the term (a) most significantly influences the ROHR for a given pressure offset in the entire region except around the TDC, whereas these regions are generally not of interest for analyses of fired cycles. As the sum of all terms and thus the
is mainly driven by the term (a) it also features opposite signs in compression and expansion phase.
Combining Equations (8)–(10) along with the Equation (A3) from
Appendix A into Equation (7), yields a linear dependency between
, i.e., left hand side of Equation (7), representing the
deviation due to the pressure offset at a particular crank-angle position, and the pressure offset
, which can be represented as:
represents the proportionality parameter derived by right hand side of Equation (7).
Similar procedure as for the pressure offset can also be performed for the TDC offset,
. Equation (12) was derived from Equation (5), while the influence of the terms
, dependent on TDC offset were considered in the equation:
The term
is defined as:
represents correct crank angle without TDC offset for each pressure measurement.
In a similar manner as in the derivation of the
, the term
is defined as:
and the term
Table 2 provides, similarly as the
Table 1, insight into magnitudes of the terms of the Equation (12), which were evaluated for the TDC offset value of
(arbitrary selection for illustration purposes) and for different crank angle positions. The following notation is used:
is denoted as (a);
is denoted as (b);
is denoted as (c);
is denoted as (d);
is denoted as (e) and
is denoted as (f). The most influential term is term (e), which is directly dependent on
, which features same signed values in compression and expansion phase of the engine cycle except around the TDC. This can be related to the fact that as given in Equation (13),
features the same sign as the second derivative of pressure with respect to the crank-angle, which is due to basic characteristic of the polytropic process and piston kinematics positive in compression and expansion phase except around the TDC. The sum of all terms and thus the
therefore follows the trend of the term (e), i.e.,
features the same sign in the compression and expansion phase.
Results in
Table 1 and
Table 2 that were derived from Equations (7) and (12) respectively thus confirm the basic hypothesis of the proposed method stating that ROHR features different characteristic deviations in the compression phase and the expansion phase when subjected to the pressure and the TDC offset.
Combining Equations (12)–(15) along with the Equation (A5) from
Appendix A, again gives linear dependency between
, i.e., left hand side of Equation (12), and the TDC offset
represents the proportionality parameter derived by right hand side of Equation (12).
In general, the TDC and the pressure offset are not known and thus the framework for simultaneous determination of both offsets is generated by summing Equations (11) and (16). To minimize the impact of uncertainties of the pressure signal on the accuracy of the proposed method, the method does not rely on the single values of slope coefficients
evaluated at a particular crank-angle position, but it rather relies on the integrated values of
over a pre-specified intervals in the compression and the expansion phase. Likewise, to reduce the impact of uncertainties on the
these values are not taken at a particular crank-angle position, but they are integrated over the same pre-specified intervals. Summing of Equations (11) and (16) and integration over pre-specified intervals in the compression and the expansion phase thus yields:
represent integral values of the ROHR when subjected to arbitrary combination of the TDC and the pressure offset in compression (
) and expansion (
) respectively and
represent integrals of
over the same intervals in the compression and the expansion phases.
Section 2.1 it was stated that in an ideal case, which besides others implies also zero TDC and pressure offset, the values of
would be zero. By assuming that values of
are more influenced by the TDC and the pressure offset than by the deviations caused by the thermodynamic framework for their processing, it is possible to ascribe most of the deviations of
from zero to the TDC and pressure offset. This assumption might be partially justified by the fact that a sophisticated version of the 0D thermodynamic framework is used in
Section 2, whose validity and robustness (in this or very similar level of fidelity) is demonstrated in multiple research and industrial studies. Moreover, in subsequent sections, it will be shown that the proposed method yields very accurate results although ROHR of the pressure trace with zero TDC and pressure offset features moderate deviations from zero (as discernible in figures of
Section 4), which more adequately resembles real application area of the method and proves its robustness.
Values of
at unknown TDC and pressure offset are thus simply calculated by integrating the Equation (4) (in a more general case it could also be Equation (1)) pre-specified intervals in the compression and the expansion phase. Similarly, the values of
are calculated by integrating Equations (11) and (16) over the same intervals, while using species composition and temperature inputs calculated by Equation (4) as indicated in
Section 2.2.
All parameters of Equations (17) and (18) are thus calculated during the processing of the pressure trace. Simultaneous determination of the TDC and the pressure offset is afterwards performed by solving of the Equations (17) and (18), i.e., the linear system of two equations with two unknowns. Due to limited additional workload of integrating and ( is often integrated in compression and expansion phase of presents codes and thus these two parameters can be calculated just by simple subtractions) as well as , and , and solution of the linear system with two equations, the method is very computationally efficient and thus suitable also for low computing power systems and real time systems.