Forecasting of Chinese Primary Energy Consumption in 2021 with GRU Artificial Neural Network
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Energy Consumption Forecast
2.2. Multiple Linear Regression
2.3. Support Vector Machine
2.4. Gated Recurrent Unit
3. Research Methods
3.1. Multiple Linear Regression Model
3.2. Support Vector Regression Model
3.3. Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Network Model
4. Data and Results Analysis
4.1. Data Sources
4.2. Analysis of Results
5. Chinese Primary Energy Consumption Forecasts Based on Different Scenarios
6. Conclusions
- Deep learning is the hotspot of current research, and in the GRU there are internal relations between the four economic variables (gross domestic product (GDP), population, import trade volume, export trade volume) and energy consumption. The four economic variables can be used to forecast the primary energy consumption in China;
- The GRU model is a model based on long and short memory for learning time series data. Compared with the MLR model and the SVR model, the GRU model is superior for the processing of time series data, and the average absolute percentage error of the predicted result can be as low as 5.63. However, when applying this model, the choice of the amount of training data is a key factor in accurate prediction. In particular, for the prediction of macroeconomic variables, recent data is more important to the final forecast result, due to uncertainties in socio-economic change; and
- The GRU model is used to forecast energy consumption in China from 2016 to 2021, with a finding that Chinese energy consumption in 2021 will fluctuate between 2954.04 Mtoe and 5618.67 Mtoe.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | GDP (1010 Current US$) | Population (Million) | Import (109 Current US$) | Export (109 Current US$) | Primary Energy Demand (Mtoe) |
1965 | 6.97 | 715.19 | 2.25 | 2.56 | 131.40 |
1966 | 7.59 | 735.40 | 2.48 | 2.68 | 142.81 |
1967 | 7.21 | 754.55 | 2.17 | 2.39 | 128.44 |
1968 | 7.00 | 774.51 | 2.07 | 2.34 | 129.67 |
1969 | 7.87 | 796.03 | 1.92 | 2.43 | 157.87 |
1965 | 9.15 | 818.32 | 2.28 | 2.31 | 202.22 |
1971 | 9.86 | 841.11 | 2.13 | 2.78 | 239.79 |
1972 | 11.22 | 862.03 | 2.85 | 3.69 | 258.45 |
1973 | 13.68 | 881.94 | 5.21 | 5.88 | 272.69 |
1974 | 14.23 | 900.35 | 7.79 | 7.11 | 281.12 |
1975 | 16.12 | 916.40 | 7.93 | 7.69 | 314.91 |
1976 | 15.16 | 930.69 | 6.66 | 6.94 | 331.57 |
1977 | 17.23 | 943.46 | 7.15 | 7.52 | 361.68 |
1978 | 14.84 | 956.17 | 7.62 | 6.81 | 396.62 |
1979 | 17.69 | 969.01 | 10.56 | 9.20 | 408.16 |
1980 | 18.96 | 981.24 | 12.45 | 11.30 | 417.40 |
1981 | 19.44 | 993.89 | 14.59 | 14.59 | 411.58 |
1982 | 20.35 | 1008.63 | 13.65 | 15.79 | 429.53 |
1983 | 22.90 | 1023.31 | 16.16 | 16.79 | 456.86 |
1984 | 25.81 | 1036.83 | 22.16 | 20.73 | 490.18 |
1985 | 30.75 | 1051.04 | 42.78 | 27.51 | 529.92 |
1986 | 29.88 | 1066.79 | 43.43 | 31.37 | 555.31 |
1987 | 27.13 | 1084.04 | 36.19 | 32.96 | 598.77 |
1988 | 31.07 | 1101.63 | 42.29 | 36.35 | 643.12 |
1989 | 34.60 | 1118.65 | 44.53 | 39.60 | 674.60 |
1990 | 35.90 | 1135.19 | 49.22 | 57.09 | 681.41 |
1991 | 38.15 | 1150.78 | 59.21 | 66.67 | 716.17 |
1992 | 42.49 | 1164.97 | 69.75 | 73.41 | 753.24 |
1993 | 44.29 | 1178.44 | 74.63 | 65.88 | 810.25 |
1994 | 56.23 | 1191.84 | 115.56 | 120.92 | 858.79 |
1995 | 73.20 | 1204.86 | 132.30 | 149.11 | 884.98 |
1996 | 86.08 | 1217.55 | 139.01 | 151.26 | 932.17 |
1997 | 95.82 | 1230.08 | 142.42 | 182.88 | 936.95 |
1998 | 102.53 | 1241.94 | 140.43 | 183.88 | 938.18 |
1999 | 108.94 | 1252.74 | 165.93 | 195.21 | 969.67 |
2000 | 120.53 | 1262.65 | 225.15 | 249.26 | 1003.11 |
2001 | 133.22 | 1271.85 | 243.55 | 266.09 | 1059.63 |
2002 | 146.19 | 1280.40 | 295.16 | 325.58 | 1156.00 |
2003 | 164.99 | 1288.40 | 413.14 | 438.42 | 1347.98 |
2004 | 194.17 | 1296.08 | 561.04 | 593.26 | 1576.92 |
2005 | 226.86 | 1303.72 | 662.33 | 764.53 | 1793.70 |
2006 | 272.98 | 1311.02 | 794.86 | 973.21 | 1967.98 |
2007 | 352.31 | 1317.89 | 963.48 | 1230.72 | 2140.07 |
2008 | 455.84 | 1324.66 | 1144.48 | 1444.80 | 2222.28 |
2009 | 505.94 | 1331.26 | 1004.46 | 1200.77 | 2322.12 |
2010 | 603.97 | 1337.71 | 1380.08 | 1602.48 | 2487.36 |
2011 | 749.24 | 1344.13 | 1825.40 | 2006.30 | 2687.90 |
2012 | 846.16 | 1350.70 | 1943.22 | 2175.08 | 2795.26 |
2013 | 949.06 | 1357.38 | 2119.38 | 2354.25 | 2903.95 |
2014 | 1035.11 | 1364.27 | 2191.44 | 2475.70 | 2970.31 |
2015 | 1086.64 | 1371.22 | 2045.76 | 2431.26 | 3013.96 |
Model | MAPE | RMSE | ||
Train | Test | Train | Test | |
MLR | 5.55 | 12.8 | 26.39 | 392.84 |
SVR | 5.91 | 9.17 | 27.95 | 284.08 |
GRU | 2.11 | 5.63 | 5.45 | 12.4 |
Scenarios | GDP | Population | Import | Export |
Scenario 1 | IMF’s forecast for Chinese GDP | The average population growth rate of China from the World Population Outlook (2015) (0.25%) | Initial growth rate (−6.65%) | Initial growth rate (−1.8%) |
Scenario 2 | IMF’s forecast for Chinese GDP | The average population growth rate of China from the World Population Outlook (2015) (0.25%) | Average growth rate (16.49%) | Average growth rate (16.05%) |
Scenario 3 | IMF’s forecast for Chinese GDP | The average population growth rate of China from the World Population Outlook (2015) (0.25%) | Minimum growth rate (1.52%) | Minimum growth rate (0.55%) |
Scenario 4 | Chinese initial GDP growth rate (4.98%) | Initial population growth rate in China (0.5%) | Initial growth rate (−6.65%) | Initial growth rate (−1.8%) |
Year | GDP (1010 Current US$) IMF Forecast Data | GDP (1010 Current US$) Initial Growth Rate 4.98% | Population (Million) Average Growth Rate 0.25% | Population (Million) Initial Growth Rate 0.5% |
2016 | 1158.36 | 1140.75 | 1374.65 | 1378.08 |
2017 | 1230.18 | 1197.56 | 1378.08 | 1384.97 |
2018 | 1303.99 | 1257.20 | 1381.53 | 1391.89 |
2019 | 1382.23 | 1319.81 | 1384.98 | 1398.85 |
2020 | 1463.78 | 1385.54 | 1388.45 | 1405.85 |
2021 | 1548.68 | 1454.54 | 1391.92 | 1412.87 |
Year | Import Trade Volume (109 Current US$) | Export Trade Volume (109 Current US$) | ||||
Initial Growth Rate −6.55% | Average Growth Rate 16.49% | Minimum Growth Rate 1.52% | Initial Growth Rate −1.8% | Average Growth Rate 16.05% | Minimum Growth Rate 0.55% | |
2016 | 1911.76 | 2383.11 | 2076.86 | 2387.50 | 2821.48 | 2444.63 |
2017 | 1786.54 | 2776.08 | 2108.42 | 2344.52 | 3274.32 | 2458.08 |
2018 | 1669.52 | 3233.86 | 2140.47 | 2302.32 | 3799.85 | 2471.60 |
2019 | 1560.17 | 3767.12 | 2173.01 | 2260.88 | 4409.73 | 2485.19 |
2020 | 1457.98 | 4388.32 | 2206.04 | 2220.18 | 5117.49 | 2498.86 |
2021 | 1362.48 | 5111.95 | 2239.57 | 2180.22 | 5938.85 | 2512.60 |
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Liu, B.; Fu, C.; Bielefield, A.; Liu, Y.Q. Forecasting of Chinese Primary Energy Consumption in 2021 with GRU Artificial Neural Network. Energies 2017, 10, 1453.
Liu B, Fu C, Bielefield A, Liu YQ. Forecasting of Chinese Primary Energy Consumption in 2021 with GRU Artificial Neural Network. Energies. 2017; 10(10):1453.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Bingchun, Chuanchuan Fu, Arlene Bielefield, and Yan Quan Liu. 2017. "Forecasting of Chinese Primary Energy Consumption in 2021 with GRU Artificial Neural Network" Energies 10, no. 10: 1453.
APA StyleLiu, B., Fu, C., Bielefield, A., & Liu, Y. Q. (2017). Forecasting of Chinese Primary Energy Consumption in 2021 with GRU Artificial Neural Network. Energies, 10(10), 1453.