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Journal: Cancers, 2022
Volume: 14
Number: 2671

Article: The French Early Breast Cancer Cohort (FRESH): A Resource for Breast Cancer Research and Evaluations of Oncology Practices Based on the French National Healthcare System Database (SNDS)
Authors: by Elise Dumas, Lucie Laot, Florence Coussy, Beatriz Grandal Rejo, Eric Daoud, Enora Laas, Amyn Kassara, Alena Majdling, Rayan Kabirian, Floriane Jochum, Paul Gougis, Sophie Michel, Sophie Houzard, Christine Le Bihan-Benjamin, Philippe-Jean Bousquet, Judicaël Hotton, Chloé-Agathe Azencott, Fabien Reyal and Anne-Sophie Hamy

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