Climate Change and Natural Resource Scarcity: A Literature Review on Dry Farming
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. VOSviewer Analysis
- The Red cluster, titled “Farmer inclusion and policy interventions”;
- The Green cluster, titled “Potential adaptations to climate change”;
- The Blue cluster, titled “The resilience of arid areas”;
- The Yellow cluster, titled “A variety of indices”;
- The Purple cluster, titled “The multifunctionality of agricultural systems”.
3.1.1. Red Cluster: Farmer Inclusion and Policy Interventions
3.1.2. Green Cluster: Potential Adaptations to Climate Change
3.1.3. Blue Cluster: The Resilience of Arid Areas
3.1.4. Yellow Cluster: A Variety of Indices
3.1.5. Purple Cluster: The Multifunctionality of Agricultural Systems
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Policy Implications
7. Limitations and Directions for Future Research
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Journal | Number of Papers |
Climatic Change | 6 |
Sustainability (Switzerland) | 6 |
Nature Communications | 4 |
Agricultural Systems | 3 |
Ecology and Society | 3 |
Environmental Research Letters | 3 |
Land Use Policy | 3 |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | 2 |
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | 2 |
International Journal of Water Resources Development | 2 |
Journal of Ecology | 2 |
Land Degradation and Development | 2 |
Science of the Total Environment | 2 |
Water (Switzerland) | 2 |
Arid Land Research and Management | 1 |
Biogeochemistry | 1 |
Biology Letters | 1 |
Carbon Balance and Management | 1 |
Climate and Development | 1 |
Diversity | 1 |
Ecological Indicators | 1 |
Ecosystems | 1 |
Environmental Management | 1 |
European Journal of Soil Science | 1 |
Field Crops Research | 1 |
Forests | 1 |
Forests Trees and Livelihoods | 1 |
Frontiers in Ecology and The Environment | 1 |
Gcb Bioenergy | 1 |
Geoforum | 1 |
Heliyon | 1 |
Ids Bulletin | 1 |
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | 1 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 1 |
Journal of Applied Ecology | 1 |
Journal of Environmental Management | 1 |
New Phytologist | 1 |
Njas - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences | 1 |
Remote Sensing of Environment | 1 |
Science | 1 |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry | 1 |
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 1 |
Water Sa | 1 |
VOS Label | Authors | Title | Journal | Year | Cluster | Citations | Norm. Citations |
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Antwi-Agyei P. (2015) | Antwi-Agyei P.; Dougill A.J.; Stringer L.C. | Impacts Of Land Tenure Arrangements On The Adaptive Capacity Of Marginalized Groups: The Case Of Ghana’s Ejura Sekyedumase And Bongo Districts | Land Use Policy, 49, 203–212 | 2015 | Red | 41 | 0.7678 |
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Journal | Number of Papers |
Climatic Change | 6 |
Sustainability (Switzerland) | 6 |
Nature Communications | 4 |
Agricultural Systems | 3 |
Ecology and Society | 3 |
Environmental Research Letters | 3 |
Land Use Policy | 3 |
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | 2 |
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | 2 |
International Journal of Water Resources Development | 2 |
Journal of Ecology | 2 |
Land Degradation and Development | 2 |
Science of the Total Environment | 2 |
Water (Switzerland) | 2 |
Number of Papers | Total Citations | Total Normalised Citations | Total Citations/Number of Articles | |
Red Cluster | 21 | 361 | 99.804 | 17.19 |
Green Cluster | 16 | 447 | 168.262 | 27.93 |
Blue Cluster | 16 | 439 | 156.207 | 27.44 |
Yellow Cluster | 9 | 88 | 41.134 | 9.77 |
Purple Cluster | 6 | 178 | 3.321 | 26.67 |
The Adaptation Strategies | ||
Enhancing the Incorporation of Crop Residues into Soil | Careful Selection of the Most Resilient Crops | Flexible Rotations |
Attention to Planting Times | Mixed Crops | Choice of Irrigation Timing and Technology |
Agroforestry | Insurance of Crops | Diversified Livestock Farms |
Risk management tools adoption | Assignment to Institutional Development Programs | Land Lease |
Supplementary Irrigation | Use of Technologies: Sensors And Digital Mapping, Remote Sensing, Meteorological Recording Station | Reduction Of Groundwater Withdrawals. |
Alteration of Plant Population Density | Stubble Retention | Improved Weed Control |
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di Santo, N.; Russo, I.; Sisto, R. Climate Change and Natural Resource Scarcity: A Literature Review on Dry Farming. Land 2022, 11, 2102.
di Santo N, Russo I, Sisto R. Climate Change and Natural Resource Scarcity: A Literature Review on Dry Farming. Land. 2022; 11(12):2102.
Chicago/Turabian Styledi Santo, Naomi, Ilaria Russo, and Roberta Sisto. 2022. "Climate Change and Natural Resource Scarcity: A Literature Review on Dry Farming" Land 11, no. 12: 2102.
APA Styledi Santo, N., Russo, I., & Sisto, R. (2022). Climate Change and Natural Resource Scarcity: A Literature Review on Dry Farming. Land, 11(12), 2102.