Designing and Planning of Studies of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings Using Whole-Vehicle Simulators
:1. Introduction
2. Principles of Simulator Testing
3. Simulator Sickness
4. Planning and Design of Studies of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings Using Simulators
4.1. Defining the Research Context and Assumptions
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- Analysis of the impact of the type of pedestrian crossing;
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- Analysis of the impact of the method (system) of warning;
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- Analysis of the impact of surrounding infrastructure conditions;
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- Analysis of the impacts of driving speed and weather conditions (including time of day);
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- Analysis of the impact of the behavior of vulnerable traffic participants (pedestrian and cyclist);
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- Analysis of the impacts of internal and external distractors on attention.
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- Elimination of the effect of driver fatigue during the study (short testing time);
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- Elimination of the effect of additional medical conditions on driving ability;
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- Eliminating the impact of driving experience;
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- Eliminating the impact of road infrastructure lighting and driver glare;
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- Eliminating the impact of additional vehicle safety systems (including “assistances” and obstacle detection sensors).
4.2. Selection of the Type of the Driving Simulator
4.3. Research Planning
4.4. Defining the Research Scenario
4.5. Configuration of the Set of Recorded Data
4.6. Research Ethics
4.7. Participant Training
4.8. Research Context Implementation—Attentional Distractors
5. Final Simulation Research Method of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings
5.1. Validation of Final Research Method of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings
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- Urban infrastructure;
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- Suburban infrastructure;
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- An area with sparse infrastructure;
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- Forest area;
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- An area without infrastructure.
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- Variant 1: sign D-6 “pedestrian crossing”;
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- Variant 2: sign D-6 “pedestrian crossing” and horizontal sign “airport” in the form of a permanent light signal;
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- Variant 3: sign D-6 “pedestrian crossing” and horizontal sign “airport” in the form of a flashing light signal;
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- Variant 4: sign D-6 “pedestrian crossing” and variable message sign (VMS) “STOP” in the form of a solid light signal;
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- Variant 5: sign D-6 “pedestrian crossing” and variable message sign (VMS) “STOP” in the form of a flashing light signal;
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- Variant 6: sign D-6 “pedestrian crossing” and variable content sign (VMS) “pictogram” in the form of a solid light signal;
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- Variant 7: a D-6 “pedestrian crossing” sign and a variable content sign (VMS) “pictogram” in the form of a flashing light signal.
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- A pedestrian walking normally;
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- A pedestrian who, after entering the crossing, stops and turns around;
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- A pedestrian who, after stepping into the crosswalk, stops for a moment and continues walking;
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- A pedestrian running across a crosswalk;
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- A pedestrian in an inebriated state (varying speed and angle of movement);
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- A cyclist crossing a bicycle crossing.
5.2. Alternative Markings for Pedestrian Crossings without Traffic Lights
5.3. Additional Surveyed Questions
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- In your opinion, was the pictogram or the STOP sign more legible during the study?
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- Which of the pictograms and text signs presented is the most understandable to you?
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- Were there any elements along the route that were confusing to you in some way during the ride? If “yes”, please specify which ones, if “no” please skip the question.
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- In your opinion, did the signs that appeared guarantee sufficient time to react in a situation where a pedestrian appeared at a pedestrian crossing? If “no” please justify why, if “yes” please skip the question.
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- In your opinion, what did the light signs built into the roadway mean?
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- Is the sensation of driving in the simulator in your case comparable to driving a conventional vehicle in normal traffic?
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- In your opinion, is the placement of variable message signs (pictograms and text signs) on the screen on the right side of the road optimal and does not cause discomfort when reading the intent of the sign? If “no” please justify why, if “yes” please skip the question.
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- Which of the signs was visually “better” for you to perceive?
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- Which of the signs was more difficult for you to understand and required more attention?
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- Which of the signs shown do you think could be used in front of a pedestrian crossing? (you can mark more than one answer)
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- Were any of the behaviors of pedestrians or cyclists surprising to you? If “yes” please justify which ones, if “no” please skip the question.
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- How long have you held your driver’s license?
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- How many kilometers on average do you drive per year as a driver?
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- Are you a professional driver?
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- Have you been fined for speeding in the last 5 years?
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- Do you have a visual impairment?
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Operation | Time Duration |
1—Defining the research context and assumptions | 1 week |
2—Selection of simulator | 3 days |
3—Definition of the research group (number and age, etc.) | 1 day |
4—Recruitment of study participants (verification of health contraindications) | 3 weeks |
5—Selection of context (e.g., types of pedestrian crossings) | 1 week |
6—Selection of driving conditions (e.g., speed and location) | 1 day |
7—Selection of weather conditions | 1 day |
8—Selection of times of day and night of research | 1 day |
9—Selection of ambient conditions (built environment) | 1 day |
10—Selection of vulnerable traffic participants | 1 day |
11—Final determination of driving scenarios—3 days | 3 days |
12—Estimation of the time of individual driving stages and the total study | 3 days |
13—Development work (design of the study according to the guidelines) | 2 weeks |
14—Configuration of control and measurement equipment (determination of recorded data) | 3 days |
15—Software tests | 3 days |
16—Tests of correctness of simulator operation | 5–7 days |
17—Corrections and improvements—1 week | 1 week |
18—Tests and validation of the study (evaluation of compliance with the assumptions, purpose, and scope of the basis) | 5 days |
19—Core research (according to the accepted scope) | 2–6 weeks |
20—Monitoring the correctness of the research and measurement process (in parallel with 19) | 2–6 weeks |
21—Verification of compliance and correctness of measurement results | 1–2 weeks |
22—Development of the research report | 4–6 weeks |
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Share and Cite
Burdzik, R.; Simiński, D.; Kruszewski, M.; Niedzicka, A.; Gąsiorek, K.; Zabieva, A.B.; Mamala, J.; Dębicka, E. Designing and Planning of Studies of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings Using Whole-Vehicle Simulators. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 4217.
Burdzik R, Simiński D, Kruszewski M, Niedzicka A, Gąsiorek K, Zabieva AB, Mamala J, Dębicka E. Designing and Planning of Studies of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings Using Whole-Vehicle Simulators. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(10):4217.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBurdzik, Rafał, Dawid Simiński, Mikołaj Kruszewski, Anna Niedzicka, Kamila Gąsiorek, Aliya Batyrbekovna Zabieva, Jarosław Mamala, and Ewa Dębicka. 2024. "Designing and Planning of Studies of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings Using Whole-Vehicle Simulators" Applied Sciences 14, no. 10: 4217.
APA StyleBurdzik, R., Simiński, D., Kruszewski, M., Niedzicka, A., Gąsiorek, K., Zabieva, A. B., Mamala, J., & Dębicka, E. (2024). Designing and Planning of Studies of Driver Behavior at Pedestrian Crossings Using Whole-Vehicle Simulators. Applied Sciences, 14(10), 4217.