Ecotoxicology: The Challenges for the 21st Century
:1. Introduction: A Short History of Ecological Risk Assessment and Environmental Protection
2. The Development of Ecotoxicological Approaches
- the standard conditions of laboratory tests may not reproduce the variability of physical, chemical and biological parameters of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems;
- the sensitivity of a few selected test species may not be representative of the distribution of sensitivity among the species of complex biological communities;
- the possible interactions among various stress factors of different origin that may affect the ecosystem are not accounted for;
- single species tests cannot account for the interactions and indirect effects that regulate the functioning of biological communities.
- How is the fraction of affected species distributed within trophic levels?
- Are all the levels of the food chain adequately protected?
- Is the biodiversity within the different trophic levels adequately protected?
- Are “keystone” species included within PAF?
- Does the loss of the species included within PAF substantially damage the structure and function of the ecosystem?
- Can the levels of primary and secondary productivity be adequately maintained?
- improving the methodological standardization for a better comparison and reproducibility of the results;
- improving the capability to extrapolate from specific test conditions to the variability of the characteristics of natural ecosystems;
- improving the transparency of the procedures to estimate a safe concentration from mesocosm results.
3. Assessing Exposure
4. Characterizing Risk
- Is the natural homeostatic capability of the ecosystem sufficient to counteract the effect of stress factors?
- How relevant are indirect ecological effects (competition, predation, etc.) for enhancing or reducing the effect of a stressor?
- How much time is required for a complete recovery of the community (resilience) if the stress factor is not continuous?
5. The Need for More Ecologically-Based Approaches
- What is the probability of the loss of a population?
- How much will the biodiversity change?
- Is the structure of the food-web protected?
- How much will productivity decrease?
- The complexity of biological communities: the characteristics of a community are not just the sum of the characteristics of individual populations; the structure and function of the community is regulated by emergent properties that are not easy to be described and predicted at lower hierarchical levels;
- The complexity of stress factors: toxic agents are only a component of the potential stress factors that may alter the behavior of natural populations and communities; the combination of multiple stress factors (anthropogenic and natural, such as temperature, oxygen depletion in water, water shortage in soil, etc.) needs to be taken into account for explaining environmental changes.
- the reproductive strategy and the potential growth rate ® that allows for, for “r” strategist populations, a more rapid re-colonization if the stress pressure ends or an easier genetic adaptation if the stress pressure continues;
- the presence of less sensitive resting larval stages;
- the dispersal capability.
6. The Activity of the European Commission
- to develop tools that go beyond the classical concept of PEC and that are capable of describing more realistic exposure patterns for single chemicals and mixtures;
- to increase the ecological realism of effects assessment by improving the use of higher tier and field or semi-field data and of methods that can predict or assess ecological processes;
- to define good practices for ecological modeling and agree on scenarios and ecological endpoints, so that models can be used to assess ecological risks for a wide range of species, regions and environmental conditions;
- to improve the development of site-specific assessments, taking into account the characteristics of exposed ecosystems;
- to account for the complexity of real ecosystems, considering the effects of biotic and abiotic interactions at community and ecosystem levels.
6.1. Challenges in Exposure Assessment
6.1.1. Better Use of Monitoring Data and Databases
6.1.2. Improvement of Modeling Approaches
- modeling the fate of polar and ionized chemicals, as well as nanomaterials;
- developing models capable of predicting time and space variability for a realistic exposure assessment;
- developing ecologically realistic scenarios accounting for the variability of environmental characteristics;
- developing models capable of describing the food web path of chemicals and also determining specific organism parameters to extend the applicability of bioaccumulation models;
- assessing the role of vegetation uptake in regulating the input to the food chain and the organic carbon cycle.
6.1.3. Sorption and Bioavailability
6.2. Challenges in Effect Assessment
6.2.1. Issues to Be Accounted for Effect Assessment for Complex Exposure Patterns Effect Assessment at Low Hierarchical Level Ecosystem Vulnerability Endocrine Disrupting Effects Indirect Ecological Effects Assessing Effects of Mixtures of Chemicals and Stressors
6.2.2. Tools to Be Better Developed or Improved Higher Tier Effect Assessment Trait-Based Risk Assessment Ecological Modeling
6.3. Ecologically-Based Risk Characterization
7. Conclusions: Toward a New Paradigm in ERA
Conflicts of Interest
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Vighi, M.; Villa, S. Ecotoxicology: The Challenges for the 21st Century. Toxics 2013, 1, 18-35.
Vighi M, Villa S. Ecotoxicology: The Challenges for the 21st Century. Toxics. 2013; 1(1):18-35.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVighi, Marco, and Sara Villa. 2013. "Ecotoxicology: The Challenges for the 21st Century" Toxics 1, no. 1: 18-35.
APA StyleVighi, M., & Villa, S. (2013). Ecotoxicology: The Challenges for the 21st Century. Toxics, 1(1), 18-35.