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Biomechanics, Volume 4, Issue 2 (June 2024) – 15 articles

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13 pages, 2724 KiB  
Biomechanics of Bruxism Potentially Determine the Sites of Severe TMJ Osteoarthritis
by Jessica Immonen, David Patterson, Nathan Kent, Samantha Pipkin, Alyssa Luu, Linh M Nguyen, Jason Ciccotelli and Jeremy James
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 369-381; - 5 Jun 2024
Viewed by 1326
The objective of this study was to assess the osteoarthritis (OA) disease severity in 47 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) using a validated scale for gross signs of OA while noting the specific sites for profound disease on the donor condyle and fossa. A disease [...] Read more.
The objective of this study was to assess the osteoarthritis (OA) disease severity in 47 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) using a validated scale for gross signs of OA while noting the specific sites for profound disease on the donor condyle and fossa. A disease severity score of Grade 0–4, representing absent to severe disease, was awarded to each specimen’s condyle and fossa by two blinded investigators who have demonstrated interrater reliability. The mandibular fossa was more pathological compared to the mandibular condyle (* p = 0.001). When the deepest focal lesions were qualitatively assessed, it was demonstrated that the mandibular fossa was more severely degenerated than the articular eminence in 58% of donors. In this subpopulation, 74% of the severe mandibular fossa pathology was seen on the deep articular surface. When the articular eminence was the most severely degenerated region of the fossa, it was equivalently likely to see severe focal lesions on the lateral eminence (35%) or equally distributed across the entire eminence (35%). The greatest disease severity was discovered in sites of overloading, which may be associated with paranormal mandibular movements and potentially bruxism. Patients with bruxism produce significant translational movements (grinding) in the upper joint compartment and heavy vertical loading (clenching). Theoretically, this amplifies pressure and inflammation on the lateral articular surfaces and in the deep fossa. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Injury Biomechanics and Rehabilitation)
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12 pages, 5196 KiB  
Investigating Kinematics and Electromyography Changes in Manual Handling Tasks with an Active Lumbar Exoskeleton
by Mélissa Moulart, Maxime Acien, Audrey Leonard, Mathilde Loir, Nicolas Olivier and Frédéric Marin
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 357-368; - 4 Jun 2024
Viewed by 1046
Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the health of their employees and are now integrating exoskeleton solutions for both prevention and job maintenance. However, the effect of using exoskeletons is still an open question. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of [...] Read more.
Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the health of their employees and are now integrating exoskeleton solutions for both prevention and job maintenance. However, the effect of using exoskeletons is still an open question. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of an active lumbar exoskeleton and its passive belt on trunk kinematics and muscle activity using instrumented motion analysis. Twenty-three healthy subjects volunteered to perform three handlings of a 5 kg load (free lifting, squat lifting, and load transfer) under three different experimental conditions. The “Control” condition was when the subject did not wear any device, the “Belt” condition was when the subject wore only the passive part of the exoskeleton, and the “Exo” condition was when the subject wore the active exoskeleton. Based on the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment scale, the exoskeleton reduced the time spent in angles that were considered dangerous for the back, according to ergonomic evaluations. Furthermore, for the handling sessions, it was observed that the exoskeleton did not modify muscle activity in the abdominal–lumbar region. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Tissue and Vascular Biomechanics)
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11 pages, 1646 KiB  
Mimicking an Asymmetrically Walking Visual Cue Alters Gait Symmetry in Healthy Adults
by Krista G. Clark, Louisa D. Raisbeck, Scott E. Ross and Christopher K. Rhea
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 346-356; - 3 Jun 2024
Viewed by 1370
Gait asymmetries are a common problem in clinical populations, such as those with a history of stroke or Parkinson’s disease. The use of a split-belt treadmill is one way to enhance gait symmetry but relies on specialty (and typically expensive) equipment. Alternatively, visual [...] Read more.
Gait asymmetries are a common problem in clinical populations, such as those with a history of stroke or Parkinson’s disease. The use of a split-belt treadmill is one way to enhance gait symmetry but relies on specialty (and typically expensive) equipment. Alternatively, visual cues have been shown as a method to alter gait mechanics, but their utility in altering gait symmetry has been relatively understudied. Before deploying this method to clinical populations, a proof-of-concept study is needed to explore using visual cues to alter gait symmetry in healthy adults. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which healthy adults could synchronize to an asymmetric visual cue with a small or large gait asymmetry using wearable sensors to measure gait asymmetries. Seventy-two healthy adults (ages: 23.89 ± 6.08 years) walked on the treadmill for two conditions: with and without the visual cue. Each walking condition lasted 10 min at the participant’s preferred walking speed. Inertial sensors were used to measure gait asymmetries. Some participants did not respond to the visual cue, and groups were separated into responders and non-responders. Participants in the small and large asymmetry-responder groups exhibited statistically significant increased asymmetries in single limb support % (p < 0.01) and step duration (s) (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, respectively). Only the large asymmetry-responder group showed statistically significant (p < 0.01) increased asymmetries in stride length. Overall, asymmetrical walking visual cues can alter gait asymmetries, and inertial sensors were sensitive enough to detect small changes in gait asymmetries. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Inertial Sensor Assessment of Human Movement)
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13 pages, 1246 KiB  
Evaluating the Repeatability of Musculoskeletal Modelling Force Outcomes in Gait among Chronic Stroke Survivors: Implications for Contemporary Clinical Practice
by Georgios Giarmatzis, Styliani Fotiadou, Erasmia Giannakou, Evangelos Karakasis, Konstantinos Vadikolias and Nikolaos Aggelousis
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 333-345; - 1 Jun 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1236
This study aims to evaluate the consistency of musculoskeletal modelling outcomes during walking in chronic post-stroke patients, focusing on both affected and unaffected sides. Understanding the specific muscle forces involved is crucial for designing targeted rehabilitation strategies to improve balance and mobility after [...] Read more.
This study aims to evaluate the consistency of musculoskeletal modelling outcomes during walking in chronic post-stroke patients, focusing on both affected and unaffected sides. Understanding the specific muscle forces involved is crucial for designing targeted rehabilitation strategies to improve balance and mobility after a stroke. Musculoskeletal modelling provides valuable insights into muscle and joint loading, aiding clinicians in analysing essential biomarkers and enhancing patients’ functional outcomes. However, the repeatability of these modelling outcomes in stroke gait has not been thoroughly explored until now. Twelve post-stroke, hemiparetic survivors were included in the study, which consisted of a gait analysis protocol to capture kinematic and kinetic variables. Two generic full body MSK models—Hamner (Ham) and Rajagopal (Raj)—were used to compute joint angles and muscle forces during walking, with combinations of two muscle force estimation algorithms (Static Optimisation (SO) and Computed Muscle Control (CMC)) and different joint degrees-of-freedoms (DOF). The multiple correlation coefficient (MCCoef) was used to compute repeatability for all forces, grouped based on anatomical function. Regardless of models and DOFs, the mean minimum (0.75) and maximum (0.94) MCCoefs denote moderate-to-excellent repeatability for all muscle groups. The combination of the Ham model and SO provided the most repeatable muscle force estimations of all the muscle groups except for the hip flexors, adductors and internal rotators. DOF configuration did not generally affect muscle force repeatability in the Ham–SO case, although the 311 seemed to relate to the highest values. Lastly, the DOF setting had a significant effect on some muscle groups’ force output, with the highest magnitudes reported for the 321 and 322 of non-paretic and paretic hip adductors and extensors, knee flexors and ankle dorsiflexors and paretic knee flexors. The primary findings of our study can assist users in selecting the most suitable modelling workflow and encourage the widespread adoption of MSK modelling in clinical practice. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Effect of Neuromuscular Deficit on Gait)
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10 pages, 757 KiB  
Intentionally Lengthening Nonparetic Step Length Inhibits the Paretic-Side Swing-Phase Ankle Motion More than Knee Motion
by Yuichi Tsushima, Kazuki Fujita, Koji Hayashi, Hiroichi Miaki and Katsuhiro Hayashi
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 323-332; - 29 May 2024
Viewed by 1028
Gait training to intentionally lengthen the nonparetic step length can increase the propulsive force of the paretic leg but may also induce overactivity of the knee extensor muscles that might limit knee flexion during the swing phase. Herein, we investigated the effects of [...] Read more.
Gait training to intentionally lengthen the nonparetic step length can increase the propulsive force of the paretic leg but may also induce overactivity of the knee extensor muscles that might limit knee flexion during the swing phase. Herein, we investigated the effects of lengthening the nonparetic step length during gait on the joint motion and muscle activity of the paretic lower limb. Fifteen chronic stroke patients (stroke group) and 15 healthy participants (control group) were evaluated for lower limb joint movements, electromyography, and spatiotemporal gait parameters during walking. Walking conditions were Normal (comfortable walking) and NP-Long/Contralateral-Long (walking with a lengthened step length of the nonmeasured limb). The trailing limb angle, a surrogate for propulsive forces, was increased in both groups by changing the step length, with no significant change in the peak knee flexion angle during the swing phase. However, the stroke group did not increase ankle plantar flexor activity in the stance phase or ankle dorsiflexion angle in the swing phase. Intentionally lengthening the nonparetic step length did not limit knee flexion. However, the effect of increased propulsive force during the stance phase was insufficient, with the possibility of decreased foot clearance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gait and Posture Biomechanics)
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4 pages, 210 KiB  
Biomechanics Is Marching Forward to Become a Trustworthy and Indexed Journal
by Tibor Hortobágyi
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 319-322; - 27 May 2024
Viewed by 1525
Biomechanics (ISSN 2673-7078) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering all aspects of biomechanics, which can be described as the application of principles and methods of mechanics to the quantitative study of biological systems [...] Full article
10 pages, 2776 KiB  
Effects of Different Target Distances on the Kinematics of Hip, Knee, and Ankle Joints in the Fencing Lunge
by Kenta Chida, Takayuki Inami, Shota Yamaguchi, Yasumasa Yoshida and Naohiko Kohtake
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 309-318; - 20 May 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1349
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different target distances on various leg joints in the fencing lunge (lunge). Fifteen fencers performed the lunges from three different target distances (normal, short, and long). Joint angle data in the sagittal plane of the [...] Read more.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different target distances on various leg joints in the fencing lunge (lunge). Fifteen fencers performed the lunges from three different target distances (normal, short, and long). Joint angle data in the sagittal plane of the hip, knee, and ankle of the front and rear legs were measured using a 3D motion analysis system (Miqus M3). Joint angle variables were compared between each distance using a one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance and Friedman tests (p < 0.05). The results showed significant differences in various extensions, ranges of motion, and flexion angles in the measured joints for all distances. As the distances increased, there was greater flexion of the rear knee joint early during the lunge, followed by greater extension of the rear hip and knee joints, greater plantar flexion of the rear ankle joint, and higher peak velocity of the body center of mass. Furthermore, target distance extension was suggested to significantly affect front hip and knee joint flexion during the braking phase of the lunge. This study provides insight and information valuable to coaches and fencers operating in actual competition settings. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Sports Biomechanics)
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13 pages, 1202 KiB  
Comparing the Effects of an Off-Ice Sprint-Change of Direction Task on Trunk Kinematics and Gait Laterality in Collegiate Ice Hockey Players
by Stuart Evans and Sam Gleadhill
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 296-308; - 19 May 2024
Viewed by 4154
Laterality preferences are intrinsic in most physical activities, and ice hockey is one domain wherein these preferences might influence performance. Biomechanical laterality between dominant and nondominant (or preferred and nonpreferred) limbs is believed to be an advantageous attribute that is linked with skilled [...] Read more.
Laterality preferences are intrinsic in most physical activities, and ice hockey is one domain wherein these preferences might influence performance. Biomechanical laterality between dominant and nondominant (or preferred and nonpreferred) limbs is believed to be an advantageous attribute that is linked with skilled performance. Yet little is known about the implications of motor asymmetries for skilled performers in dynamic, time-constrained, team-based activities in an off-ice environment. This can be extended to when player position is considered, notably for those playing in a defensive or an offensive position. In this study, fourteen semi-professional collegiate male ice hockey players (age: 21.87 ± 2.98 years; BMI: 25.26 ± 3.21 kg/m) performed a randomized repeated 15 m sprint-change of direction task. Assessments of lower limb laterality were carried out as participants commenced the 15 m sprint change of direction task in both a right and left foot rear setback position. Biomechanical laterality between right and left rear foot setback positions was inferred by an ActiGraph GTx3 triaxial accelerometer that was located on the participants’ spinous process, representing the trunk centre of mass (CoM). Overall, ANOVA results indicated significant differences across all sprint split times between the right and left foot rear setback positions, with times significantly quicker when players commenced in a right rear foot setback position (p < 0.001). ANOVA revealed significant differences in trunk CoM acceleration between in a right and left rear setback position, specifically during the initial 0–10 m sprint split, with offensive players observed to have lesser trunk anteroposterior and vertical CoM acceleration (p = 0.05) and during the final 5 m sprint split (p = 0.002, d = 0.7), despite overall smaller effect sizes seen in the left foot rear setback position. It appears that starting with the foot in a right rear setback position results in quicker 15 m performance times and concurrent lower magnitudes of trunk CoM acceleration. Although we demonstrated that offensive players were quicker and displayed less trunk CoM acceleration, we recommend that future studies use a greater number of participants for inter-limb symmetry in these movement tests. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Biomechanics in Sport, Exercise and Performance)
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2 pages, 381 KiB  
Correction: Kramer et al. A Simple, Efficient Method for an Automatic Adjustment of the Lumbar Curvature Alignment in an MBS Model of the Spine. Biomechanics 2023, 3, 166–180
by Ivanna Kramer, Sabine Bauer and Valentin Keppler
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 294-295; - 17 May 2024
Viewed by 613
In Section 2 [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gait and Posture Biomechanics)
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12 pages, 1470 KiB  
Females Present Different Single-Leg Squat Kinematics and Muscle Activation Strategies than Males Even after Hip Abductor Fatigue
by Pablo Gaviraghi, Francesca Chaida Sonda, Michele Fernandes Frigotto, Talita Molinari, Luiza Pizarro Chaffe, José Luis Flor, Rodrigo Rabello and Rodrigo Rodrigues
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 282-293; - 9 May 2024
Viewed by 1523
Background: Despite the potential connection between hip and knee muscle control, there is limited research on the effects of hip abductor fatigue on the hip and knee neuromuscular responses in both males and females. This study aimed to investigate the influence of sex [...] Read more.
Background: Despite the potential connection between hip and knee muscle control, there is limited research on the effects of hip abductor fatigue on the hip and knee neuromuscular responses in both males and females. This study aimed to investigate the influence of sex on the hip and knee frontal plane kinematics and the EMG responses of the hip abductors and knee extensor muscles during the single-leg squat before and after hip abductor fatigue. Methods: A total of 30 participants (males, n = 15; females, n = 15) performed single-leg squats before and immediately after a hip abductor fatigue protocol (10° hip abduction position while bearing a 20% load of their estimated 1RM until exhaustion). The frontal plane kinematics (hip adduction and knee frontal plane projection angle) and EMG parameters (amplitude and median frequency) of the gluteus medius (GMed), tensor fascia latae (TFL), vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) were measured during the single-leg squat. Results: We did not find any effects of hip abductor fatigue or interaction between fatigue and sex on the evaluated parameters (p > 0.05). However, compared to males, females had greater values for the hip and knee frontal plane kinematics (p = 0.030), GMed EMG amplitude (+10.2%, p = 0.012) and median frequency (+10.3%; p = 0.042) and lower VL median frequency (−9.80%; p = 0.007). Conclusions: These findings establish sex-related differences in the kinematics and hip and knee EMG parameters during the single-leg squat, which were not influenced by the hip abductor fatigue protocol. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gait and Posture Biomechanics)
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14 pages, 2488 KiB  
Muscle Activation Frequency Relationship with Cost of Transport at Increasing Walking Speed in Preliminary Study Reveals Interplay of Both Active and Passive Dynamics
by Grace Van Namen, David Adair, Dean J Calsbeek and Rajat Emanuel Singh
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 269-281; - 1 May 2024
Viewed by 1272
Metabolic cost plays a critical role in gait biomechanics, particularly in rehabilitation. Several factors influence metabolic cost during walking. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the relationship between metabolic cost and muscle activity, focusing on the frequency of EMG signals during walking. We [...] Read more.
Metabolic cost plays a critical role in gait biomechanics, particularly in rehabilitation. Several factors influence metabolic cost during walking. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the relationship between metabolic cost and muscle activity, focusing on the frequency of EMG signals during walking. We recruited nine participants (five male and four female, age range 20–48 years) who walked for four minutes at six different speeds (ranging from 1.8 to 5.9 mph). EMG data were collected from the dominant lower leg muscles, specifically the lateral gastrocnemius (GAS-L) and the anterior tibialis (AT). Oxygen respiration was measured using open-circuit spirometry. Energy expenditure was estimated as the cost of transport (COT). The EMG data were analyzed using frequency domain features, such as the area under the curve of power spectral density (PSD-AUC) and the maximal distance between two points before and after the peak of the power spectral density curve (MDPSD). The results indicated that PSD-AUC is a better measure than MDPSD for understanding the relationship between activation frequency and COT. PSD-AUC demonstrated an increasing curvilinear trend (R2 = 0.93 and 0.77, second order polynomial fit), but the AT displayed higher variability. MDPSD exhibited more nonlinearity (R2 = 0.17–28, second order polynomial fit), but MDPSD demonstrated statistically significant differences (p < 0.05, t-test independent) in frequency between the GAS-L (64–237 Hz) and AT (114–287 Hz) during slow walking. Additionally, the relationship between COT and PSD-AUC revealed a U-shaped curve, suggesting that high COT is a function of both active and passive dynamics during walking. These findings will be valuable in rehabilitating individuals who suffer from gait-related disorders, especially those related to muscle inefficiency. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gait and Posture Biomechanics)
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10 pages, 1301 KiB  
Test–Retest Reliability of a Motorized Resistance Device for Measuring Throwing Performance in Volleyball Athletes
by Eleftherios Paraskevopoulos, Anna Christakou, George Plakoutsis, George M. Pamboris and Maria Papandreou
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 259-268; - 28 Apr 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1148
Throwing performance is a critical aspect of sports, particularly in overhead activities, necessitating reliable assessment methods. This study explores the test–retest reliability of throwing performance metrics measured by the 1080 Sprint, a robotic device integrating linear position technology and an electric motor. Specifically [...] Read more.
Throwing performance is a critical aspect of sports, particularly in overhead activities, necessitating reliable assessment methods. This study explores the test–retest reliability of throwing performance metrics measured by the 1080 Sprint, a robotic device integrating linear position technology and an electric motor. Specifically focusing on professional volleyball athletes with scapular dyskinesis, the study draws data from a previously published investigation on the impact of mirror cross exercise. Thirty-nine athletes were recruited, aged 21.9 ± 3.6 years, height 1.79 ± 0.3 m weight 68.5 ± 19.8 kg, and body mass index 21.3 ± 3.2 kg/m2, meeting stringent inclusion criteria. One-sample t-tests indicated no statistically significant differences between test–retest trials. The study revealed excellent reliability of the 1080 Sprint, with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values exceeding 0.99 for all metrics, including speed, force, and power. The standard error of measurement (SEM) calculation revealed that the Sprint 1080 motorized resistance device demonstrates high precision in measuring throwing performance. Bland and Altman plots indicated minimal systematic bias across all metrics, encompassing speed, force, and power. The provision of the minimum detectable change (MDC) for each variable of the Sprint 1080 motorized resistance device offers coaches a valuable tool to identify performance improvements in volleyball athletes. In conclusion, the present study shows that the 1080 Sprint is valid and reliable for measuring throwing performance in volleyball athletes for monitoring purposes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Sports Biomechanics)
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13 pages, 3945 KiB  
Lower Extremity Joint Kinetics during Walk-to-Run and Run-to-Walk Transitions
by Li Jin and Michael E. Hahn
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 246-258; - 23 Apr 2024
Viewed by 1228
Lower extremity joint kinetic factors are thought to modulate walk-to-run transition (WRT) and run-to-walk transition (RWT). This study aimed to investigate joint stiffness and energetic patterns during the WRT and RWT processes and identify whether gait transitions occur within a single step or [...] Read more.
Lower extremity joint kinetic factors are thought to modulate walk-to-run transition (WRT) and run-to-walk transition (RWT). This study aimed to investigate joint stiffness and energetic patterns during the WRT and RWT processes and identify whether gait transitions occur within a single step or not. Ten healthy subjects participated in treadmill WRT (1.8–2.4 m/s) and RWT (2.4–1.8 m/s) tests. We investigated two steps before transition (S–2, S–1), two steps after transition (S1, S2) and the transition step (S0). We found significant differences between S2 and S–2 for ankle joint stiffness during WRT and RWT (p < 0.001); for hip joint stiffness, we found significant differences between S1 and S–1 during WRT and RWT (p ≤ 0.001). Additionally, stance phase mechanical energy generation was observed to transfer from proximal to distal joints at S0 during WRT, and from distal to proximal at S0 during RWT. Transition step ankle kinematic and kinetic patterns were similar to the target locomotion task gait format in both WRT and RWT. Moreover, RWT required longer adaptation time compared with WRT. These findings indicate that WRT and RWT were modulated before and after the actual transitions, not within a single step. Redistribution of joint mechanical work generation was related to gait transition triggers, which modulate the WRT and RWT processes. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gait and Posture Biomechanics)
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11 pages, 936 KiB  
Impact of Obesity on Foot Kinematics: Greater Arch Compression and Metatarsophalangeal Joint Dorsiflexion despite Similar Joint Coupling Ratios
by Freddy Sichting, Alexandra Zenner, Lutz Mirow, Robert Luck, Lydia Globig and Nico Nitzsche
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 235-245; - 16 Apr 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1529
This study investigates the sagittal plane dynamics of the foot, particularly the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and medial longitudinal arch (MLA) movements, in relation to obesity and foot health. The kinematics of the MTP and arch joints were measured in 17 individuals with class [...] Read more.
This study investigates the sagittal plane dynamics of the foot, particularly the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint and medial longitudinal arch (MLA) movements, in relation to obesity and foot health. The kinematics of the MTP and arch joints were measured in 17 individuals with class 2–3 obesity (BMI > 35 kg/m²) and 10 normal-weight individuals (BMI ≤ 24.9 kg/m²) using marker-based tracking. Analysis was conducted during heel lifting while seated and during walking at self-selected speeds. The results indicated that obese participants exhibited 20.92% greater MTP joint dorsiflexion at the end of the push-off phase and 19.84% greater MLA compression during the stance phase compared to normal-weight controls. However, no significant differences were found in the kinematic joint coupling ratio. While these findings reveal the different biomechanical behaviors of the MTP joint and MLA in obese compared to normal-weight individuals, it is important to interpret the implications of these differences with caution. This study identifies specific biomechanical variations that could be further explored to understand their potential impact on foot health in obese populations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Personalized Biomechanics and Orthopedics of the Lower Extremity)
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16 pages, 787 KiB  
Wheelchair Badminton: A Narrative Review of Its Specificities
by Ilona Alberca, Bruno Watier, Félix Chénier, Florian Brassart and Arnaud Faupin
Biomechanics 2024, 4(2), 219-234; - 2 Apr 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1732
This narrative review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature on wheelchair badminton and its distinctive aspects, encompassing abilities and disabilities, propulsion technique, and the use of a racket. The relatively young history of wheelchair badminton is reflected in the [...] Read more.
This narrative review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature on wheelchair badminton and its distinctive aspects, encompassing abilities and disabilities, propulsion technique, and the use of a racket. The relatively young history of wheelchair badminton is reflected in the scarcity of scientific studies within this domain, highlighting the need for further investigation. The review systematically covers existing articles on wheelchair badminton, offering a nearly exhaustive compilation of knowledge in this area. Findings suggest that athletes with abdominal capacities engage in more intense matches with a higher frequency of offensive shots compared to athletes with little or no abdominal capacities. Moreover, backward propulsion induces higher cardiorespiratory responses, overall intensity of effort, physiological stress, metabolic load, and rating of perceived exertion, particularly at high imposed rolling resistance or speeds, and makes it difficult to generate sufficient forces on the handrim, requiring adjustments in the kinematics of propulsion techniques, particularly at high rolling resistances or speeds, potentially leading to performance decrements. The use of a badminton racket further increases generated forces while decreasing the efficiency of propulsion and modifying the propulsion technique with shorter and quicker pushes, potentially impacting performance. Further research is imperative to explore additional perspectives, address existing gaps, and expand the scope of study within the wheelchair badminton domain. This narrative review serves as a foundation for future investigations, emphasizing the necessity of continued research to enhance our understanding of wheelchair badminton. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Locomotion Biomechanics and Motor Control)
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