17 August 2018
MDPI Submission System Logs Intercepted and Copied During Backup in August 2016

MDPI’s Manuscript Submission & Editorial System (susy.mdpi.com) log database, comprising 17.5 GB of log data, was accessed and copied by an unknown user in August 2016. This occurred while data was being transferred from our main data center in Switzerland to another location as part of a backup.

The logs contained submission status changes, editorial actions related to article processing, as well as author and reviewer email addresses. No sensitive information (credit card information, personal addresses, passwords, etc.) was contained in the logs.

MDPI has since taken a number of measures to strengthen our server security to avoid any further breaches. The log database has since been secured and regular security audits are performed on these to ensure the highest security standards and user data protection.

Milos Cuculovic
IT Manager

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