30 October 2014
Viruses Editor-in-Chief Eric O. Freed featured in NY Times News Story on Ebola

The Editor-in-Chief of our journal Viruses, Dr. Eric O. Freed, was recently featured in a news story of The New York Times highlighting virologists' research effort to better understand the host-pathogen relation of Ebola and other viruses. Find the full news story at the following link.

Since its inception in 2009 Viruses contributed a vast number of open access research articles regarding Ebola and filoviruses in general. Given the current dramatic evolution of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa, Viruses Editorial Board Member Dr. Jens H. Kuhn compiled a selection of resources related to the Ebola virus and other filoviruses that were published in the journal Viruses and are hence freely available. Moreover, the 'Advances in Ebolavirus, Marburgvirus, and Cuevavirus Research 2014-2015' special issue is currently open for submissions. For more information click here.

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