Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Agronomy reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: water erosion; soil compaction; soil conservation; soil erosion control; agroforestry systems; mountain farming systems
Interests: computational biology; metabolic networks; signalling networks; multiomics/integratomic; bioinformatics
Interests: plant genetics; plant genotype; QTL mapping; biometry; regression; statistic; quantitative genetics
Interests: soil management; land use; soil degradation; soil tillage; soil physics; soil compaction; soil erosion; land degradation
Interests: green roof; precision irrigation; landscape irrigation; blue-green infrastructure; sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS); rain garden; sprinkle and trickle irrigation; natural water retention measures
Interests: microbial molecular biology; bacteriology; molecular biology; microbiology; antibiotic resistance; molecular microbiology; antimicrobials; applied microbiology; environmental microbiology
Interests: postharvest; fresh fruit; vegetabl; plant physiology; plant biochemistry
Interests: fertilization; nitrogen; phosphorus; potassium; magnesium; calcium; sulphur; macroelement; macronutrient; trace elements; heavy metals; plant; quality; yield; soil; chemical composition; properties; fertilizer
Interests: weed physiology; herbicide resistance; integrated weed management; weed genomics; weed genetics; mechanisms of herbicide resistance; weed ecology
Interests: vase life; flower; quality; postharvest longevit; post harvest technology; postharvest physiology
Interests: plant pathology; metagenomics; molecular plant pathology; transcriptomics; comparative genomics; genome sequencing
Interests: energy conversion; agriculture; sustainability; soil fertility; geographic information system; environmental science
Interests: environmental impact assessment; biogeochemistry; pollution; environment protection; water analysis; environment analysis
Interests: renewable energy; greenhouses; photovoltaic; agrivoltaic; greenhouses design; shadowing
Interests: barley; rice; nutrient management; soil water quality; sustainable intensification
Interests: seed production; transgenics; seedling; plant breeding; crop improvement; crop science
Interests: IoT; ontologies; sensor networks; data integration; e-agriculture; precision agriculture
Interests: plant nutrition; foliar nutrients; nutrient iptake; fertilization; sustainable agriculture; oliveculture; horticulture; organic fertilizers; inorganic fertilizers; soil amendments; soil fertility
Interests: agronomy; agroecology; sustainable agriculture; integrated weed management; weed ecology; herbicide resistance; allelopathy; parasitic weeds
Interests: LCA; soil acidification; soil fertility; fertilization; crop nutrient; carbon footprint; nutrient cycling; crop yield
Interests: robotics; automation and robotics; control theory; intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment; machine learning; new energy vehicle
Interests: combined stress; transcriptomics; meta-transcriptomics; molecular ecology; arbuscular mycorrhiza; genomics; functional genomics
Interests: fatsoils; cnicin; oilseeds composition; Cnicus benedictus; Lallemantia iberica
Interests: accounting; explaining and reducing resource-efficiency gaps; yield gaps; awater-productivity gaps across ago-hydrological scales (field, irrigation, river basin)
Interests: biology of plant; plant anatomy; biologically active chemical compounds; ultrastructure of plant cells; structure of nectaries; secretory structures; pollen grains; nutrients; antioxidant activity; heavy metal; phytotherapy; natural ingredients in cosmetic
Interests: agricultural and biological; sciences environmental science; weed; biology and ecology
Interests: salt stress; plant resilience; abiotic stresses; plant nutrition; halophytes
Interests: statistical-economic analysis of microeconomic data; FADN data analysis; agri-food economics; European Union agricultural policy (common agricultural policies, rural development policies—impact assessment at farm level); sustainability (organic farming, agri-environmental climate change impact on the agri-food system)
Interests: precision agriculture; viticulture, sensors; remote sensing; proximal sensing; climate change; extreme weather events; grapevine; vineyards; plants abiotic stress; sentinel; drones
Interests: precision agriculture; Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for agricultural machines; geo-referenced measurement and mapping of soil compaction; renewable energy in agriculture