Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Microorganisms reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Chapman University School of Pharmacy, Irvine, CA 92618, USA
Interests: infectious diseases; antimicrobial stewardship; MRSA; Clostridioides difficile; esbl; Pseudomonas
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Interests: metabolic engineering; synthetic biology; oleochemical; yeast; fermentation; fatty acids; E. coli
Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan
Interests: nanoparticles; natural antimicrobials; bacterial skin infections; biofilm; natural anti-inflammatory substances; molecular biology; bacteriocins
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan
Interests: synthetic biology; carbon fixation; bioreactor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Binghamton University, 4400 Vestal Parkway East, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA
Interests: membrane remodeling; bacterial swarming; extracellular vesicles; active matter; molecular dynamics
Department of Biotechnology, Sangmyung University, 20, Hongjimun 2-Gil, Jongno-Gu, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea
Interests: bioprocess engineering; enzyme technology; applied microbiology; biomass utilization; biodiesel and bioethanol production; lipase; cellulase

College of Nursing, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612, USA
Interests: the human microbiome and metabolic diseases; the human microbiome and immune functions; the human microbiome and cancer; and the role of pro/prebiotics
Division of Drug and Vaccine Research, Guangzhou Laboratory; State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, C8006, 9 XingDaoHuanBei Rd, Guangzhou 510005, Guangdong, China
Interests: vaccine development of new-emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases; Lentivirus/flavivirus/coronavirus/Mycobacteria tuberculosis; virus-host interaction; innate immune control of viral pathogens
College of Biology and the Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
Interests: agriculture; nanotechnology

Department of Biotechnology, Ming-Chuan University, Gui-Shan 33343, Taiwan
Interests: metal toxicity; photochemistry; food biotechnology; membrane kinetics

Department for Veterinary Public Health, Croatian Veterinary Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
Interests: traditional and molecular identification of moulds; genes for mycotoxins production; feed and food microbiology and safety; salmonella spp in food and feed; microscopic and molecular detection of processed animal proteins in feed

Head of Occupational Medicine, Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, Rome, Italy
Interests: biological risk; vaccines; mycobacterium tubercolosis; occupational health; immunitation; infection prevention and control

Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS, Yerevan, Armenia
Interests: animal viruses; African swine fever virus; broad-sepctrum antiviral agents; cell-virus interaction; host-directed antiviral strategies; computational screening

Department of Deciduous Fruit Trees, Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources, Hellenic Agricultural Organization ‘Demeter’, 84401 Naoussa, Greece
Interests: climate change; crop protection; defense genes; genetics and genomics; molecular markers for disease resistance; oomycetes; plant-pathogen interactions

Department of Comparative Biochemistry and Bioanalytics Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Interests: neutrophil; neutrophil extracellular traps; microscopy; cell biology; microbiology; immunology; candida; albicans; Yeast; fluorescence; receptors; host-pathogen interactions
Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 61820, USA
Interests: extremophiles; archaea; archaeal genetics and genomics; archaeal viruses; DNA repair and homologous recombination; metabolic engineering
Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Proteos level 4, Singapore 138673, Singapore
Interests: metabolic engineering; synthetic biology; enzyme engineering; industrial microbiology; fermentation technology and biotechnology; biosynthesis of natural products
Center for Renal Precision Medicine, University of Texas Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA
Interests: metabolomics; ketosis; mastitis; metritis; diabetic complications; mitochondrial biology; bioactive lipid signaling; biomarkers
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Interests: intestinal microbiome; inflammatory bowel disease; microbiology; breast cancer; gut microbiota and host health; epidemiology; molecular detection; vector-borne diseases; Rickettsia; Ehrlichia
Biologist in Lacombe Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe, AB, Canada
Interests: control foodborne pathogens including E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella; improve food safety and quality using green biopreservative strategies; food safety monitoring and surveillance using bioinformatics tools; biofilm formation and control in food processing environment
Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Interests: viral infection in neurodegeneration; multi- microbial interaction; oral infection and immunity
Division of Infectious Diseases, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Interests: listeria monocytogenes; host-pathogen interactions; bacterial pathogenesis; gallbladder; BILE; host defenses against pathogens
Infection and Immunity Program, Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Interests: Polymyxin; gram-negative pathogens; acinetobacter baumannii; multidrug resistance; bioinformatics; computational biology; system pharmacology; genome-scale metabolic modellling; molecular microbiology
Staff Scientist, Takara Bio, 2560 Orchard Pkwy, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
Interests: papillomavirus; cell biology; virology; cancer biology; RNA-Seq; ngs; next generation sequencing; single cell sequencing; cfRNA; cfDNA; biomarker; polyomavirus; bioinformatics; variant calling; SNP
Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, USA
Interests: virology; RNA biology; DNA virus; herpesvirus; virus-host interaction; Innate immune response; rna modification; retrotransposon
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
Interests: human exposure; metabolic toxicity; high-resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomics; environmental chemistry; environmental health
Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Interests: influenza; live attenuated vaccine; humoral immunity; follicular T helper cells; cd4 t cells; children; tonsils
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China
Interests: reproductive ageing; women's health; menopause; Cardiovascular disease; infectious disease
Department of Biology, The Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20064, USA
Interests: bacteriophage; viruses; vaccine; drug delivery; adeno-associated viruses; infectious disease; plague; anthrax; gene delivery; antibiotics; cytoskeleton; COVID vaccine; SARS-COV2

1. Special Pathogens, National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9, Canada
2. Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, Government of Canada, Winnipeg, MB R3E 3R2, Canada
Interests: development of vaccines and therapeutic human monoclonal antibody treatments; mechanisms of the high pathogenicity of ebola and marburg viruses; neurological dysfunction associated with ebola virus disease (EVD)
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