
7–9 November 2024, Seattle, WA, USA
ACSP2024 Annual Conference | 7–9 Nov 2024 | Seattle, Washington, USA

The ACSP2024 Annual Conference will be held in Seattle from 7 to 9 November 2024. The main objective of the ACSP2024 Annual Conference is to focus on advancing anti-racism in planning to create inclusive cities.

The central theme of the conference is "Planning for Inclusive and Anti-Racist Cities". This topic emphasizes the importance of addressing and dismantling racism ingrained within planning education, processes, policies, and practices, with the ultimate goal of creating more just, equitable, and inclusive communities through urban planning and development.

For abstract submission and registration, please visit:

Any presenting authors intending to publish their high-quality research works, covering the themes of the symposium as full papers, will be welcomed. An arrangement has already been made with Land, and for more information and submission guidelines, please visit:

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