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Hydrazine Radiolysis by Gamma-Ray in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 System

Department of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimri-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, Korea
Decommissioning Technology Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daedeok-daero 989-111, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34057, Korea
Quantum Energy Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Gajeong-ro 217, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34113, Korea
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(14), 7376;
Submission received: 28 May 2021 / Revised: 24 June 2021 / Accepted: 30 June 2021 / Published: 9 July 2021
(This article belongs to the Section Molecular Biophysics)


Radiolysis of chemical agents occurs during the decontamination of nuclear power plants. The γ-ray irradiation tests of the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution, a decontamination agent, were performed to investigate the effect of Cu+ ion and HNO3 on N2H4 decomposition using a Co-60 high-dose irradiator. After the irradiation, the residues of N2H4 decomposition were analyzed by Ultraviolet-visible (UV) spectroscopy. NH4+ ions generated from N2H4 radiolysis were analyzed by ion chromatography. Based on the results, the decomposition mechanism of N2H4 in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution under γ-ray irradiation condition was derived. Cu+ ions form Cu+N2H4 complexes with N2H4, and then N2H4 is decomposed into intermediates. H+ ions and H radicals generated from the reaction between H+ ion and eaq increased the N2H4 decomposition reaction. NO3 ions promoted the N2H4 decomposition by providing additional reaction paths: (1) the reaction between NO3 ions and N2H4●+, and (2) the reaction between NO radical, which is the radiolysis product of NO3 ion, and N2H5+. Finally, the radiolytic decomposition mechanism of N2H4 obtained in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 was schematically suggested.

1. Introduction

Hydrazine (N2H4) is commercially used to produce plastics, medicines, and textile dyes and to reduce the corrosion of a boiler in a thermal power plant [1,2]. In the nuclear field, N2H4 is added to the primary feed water to maintain the hydrogen concentration and to remove dissolved oxygen [3]. In addition, N2H4 can be applied as a chemical decontamination solution to remove radioactive nuclides in an oxide layer of a primary system in the nuclear power plant [4]. The decontamination solution containing N2H4 is developed to reduce the damage of the base metal and the secondary radioactive wastes compared with the decontamination using organic acid [5,6]. They are composed of N2H4 and inorganic acids such as HNO3 and H2SO4 [5,6,7]. Furthermore, the metal ions can be added into the decontamination solution containing N2H4 for improving the decontamination performance [8]. For this reason, a N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 decontamination solution was suggested as the effective chemical decontamination solution [7]. The decontamination solution, however, can be decomposed under the high radiation field [9]. The radiolysis of the decontamination solution occurs by radionuclides in the primary system, such as Co-60 and Co-58, during the application. The decomposition of major compositions of the decontamination solution affects the decontamination performance. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the radiolysis of N2H4, which is the major component of the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 decontamination solution, during irradiation.
In this regard, a number of research studies concerning decomposition of N2H4 solution have been carried out. It is known that the decomposition of N2H4 under irradiation conditions can occur through a reaction with radiolysis products of water. Various radicals and products, such as eaq, OH, and H3O+, are generated by the radiolysis of water [10]. The radiolysis products of water as represented in Equation (1) [11].
H 2 O γ radiation 0.27 e a q ,   0.06   H ,   0.26 O H ,   0.045 H 2 ,   0.08   H 2 O 2 ,   0.27 H 3 O +
The decomposition reaction mechanism of N2H4 in the aqueous solution by γ-ray irradiation can be found in the study of Buxton et al. [12]. They reported that radicals such as N2H4●+, NH2 and N2H3, generated from N2H4, are decomposed into N2 and NH3. It is also shown that the NH4+ ion was produced by a reaction between H radical and N2H5+. Garaix et al. studied the decay mechanism of the NO3 radical generated by the radiolysis of NO3 ions in the N2H4 solution using an electron beam [13]. They concluded that N2H4 exists mainly as N2H5+ or N2H62+ in the acidic solution, both of which cause rapid consumption of NO3 radicals. Motooka et al. also reported that the deoxygenation reaction with radiolysis of N2H4 can be suppressed by salt in the water in the γ-radiation field [14]. In this way, the molecular structure of N2H4 after radiolysis and the decomposition mechanism of the N2H4 depend on the composition of the solution. However, there are few research studies about the N2H4 decomposition reaction in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution. Therefore, it is necessary to study the decomposition reaction mechanism of the N2H4 in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution during γ-ray irradiation to simulate the decontamination condition.
In this study, we evaluated the effects of Cu+ ions and HNO3 on N2H4 decomposition under the γ-radiation field. The study was performed by analyzing the concentration of remaining N2H4 and the concentration of the products in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution after the irradiation. The decomposition mechanism of N2H4 in the solution containing Cu+ ions and HNO3 was also suggested.

2. Theoretical Background

2.1. Radiolysis of Hydrazine in Acidic Solution

Hydrazine generally exists in the form of N2H5+ by its reaction with H+ ions in an acidic solution, as given in Equation (2) [13,15,16]. At pH 1, N2H62+ coexists with N2H5+ through the reaction shown in Equation (3) [13,15,17]. Therefore, N2H4 exists in the forms of N2H5+ and N2H62+ in the N2H4–HNO3 system before irradiation.
N2H4 + H+ 2194 N2H5+, pK ≈ 7.9
N2H5+ + H+ ↔ N2H62+, pK ≈ −1
In an acidic solution, the same as the condition of this study, eaq, H, OH, and H2O2 are generated as products after water radiolysis. It is possible that eaq reacts with H+ ions in the acidic solution and generates H as in the following Equation (4) [18]. The reactions between the water radiolysis products and the chemical species of N2H4 lead to the decomposition of N2H4.
eaq + H+ → H, k = 2.2 × 1010 M−1s−1
The principal decomposition reactions and rate constants of the chemical species of N2H4 in the irradiation condition are listed in Equations (5)–(23). As shown in Equation (5), N2H62+ reacts with OH and produces N2, the end product of N2H4 decomposition at pH 1 [19].
N2H62+ + 4OH → N2 + 4H2O + 2H+
In addition, N2H5+ is the main species form of N2H4 in the acidic solution. N2H5+ reacts with the radiolysis products of water such as eaq, H, or OH as shown in Equations (6)–(9) [12,20]. NH4+ ion, one of the end products of N2H4 decomposition, is produced by the reaction between N2H5+ and H, as indicated in Equation (7). The intermediates of N2H5+ decomposition, N2H4, NH2, and N2H4●+, are generated by the reactions in Equations (6), (8) and (9). These intermediates cause the consecutive decomposition reactions of N2H4. In particular, N2H4 can also be hydrolyzed into N2H5+ and N2H62+ as shown in Equations (2) and (3).
The consecutive decomposition reactions of N2H4 with OH, N2H4●+, and H2O2 are listed in Equations (10)–(12) [12,20,21]. N4H8+ is formed by the reaction between N2H4 and N2H4●+, as indicated in Equation (10). N2H3 is generated by the reaction between N2H4 and OH, as shown in Equation (11). The intermediates, N4H8+ and N2H3, participate in the other consecutive decomposition reactions of N2H4. However, N2 is produced as the end product by the reaction between N2H4 and H2O2 (Equation (12)).
NH2 generated by the reaction in Equation (7) causes the reactions with N2H5+ or N2H4, as represented in Equations (13) and (14) [12]. N2H4●+, N2H3, and NH3 are formed after the reactions shown in Equations (13) and (14). Among these products, N2H4●+ and N2H3 cause the consecutive reactions because they are the reactive intermediates.
N2H4●+ produced by Equations (8), (9) and (13) participate in the consecutive reactions represented in Equations (15) and (16) [12]. As shown in Equation (15), N4H9●2+ is generated after the reaction of N2H4●+ with N2H5+. As indicated in Equation (16), N4H9●2+ reacts with N2H4●+, and the reaction products are N4H82+ and N2H5+. The N4H82+ is directly decomposed into N2 and NH3 in the ratio of 1 to 2. On the other hand, N2H5+ is repeatedly decomposed into other forms, as represented in Equations (6)–(9), (13) and (15).
N2H3 generated by Equations (11) and (14) is decomposed into various forms, as listed in Equations (17)–(22) [12]. The main end products of N2H3 decomposition are N2 and NH3, as represented in Equations (19) and (20). The main intermediates, N2H4 and N2H2, are also generated from the decomposition reaction of N2H3, as shown in Equations (17)–(22). N2H4 is hydrolyzed into N2H5+ and N2H62+ in the acidic solution or causes consecutive decomposition reactions. N2H2 reacts with H, and N2H3 is produced as shown in Equation (23).
As mentioned above, it is expected that various intermediates are generated during the decomposition of the chemical species of N2H4. Therefore, the intermediates can affect the reaction with Cu+ ions or NO3 ions in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system.
N2H5+ + eaq → H + N2H4, k = 1.6 × 108 M−1s−1
N2H5+ + H → NH2 + NH4+, k = 1.0 × 104 M−1s−1
N2H5+ + H → H2 + N2H4●+, k = 1.3 × 105 M−1s−1
N2H5+ + OH → N2H4●+ + H2O, k = 8.2 × 107 M−1s−1
N2H4 + N2H4●+ ↔ N4H8●+, kf = 6.0 × 107 M−1s−1, kb = 4.0 × 105 M−1s−1
N2H4 + OHN2H3 + H2O, k = 5.4 × 109 M−1s−1
N2H4 + 2H2O2 → N2 + 4H2O, k = 2.4 × 108 M−1s−1
NH2 + N2H5+ → N2H4●+ + NH3, k = 1.0 × 106 M−1s−1
NH2 + N2H4N2H3 + NH3, k = 1.0 × 107 M−1s−1
N2H4●+ + N2H5+ ↔ N4H9●2+, kf = 6.0 × 107 M−1s−1, kb = 4.0 × 105 M−1s−1
N2H4●+ + N4H9●2+ → N4H82+ + N2H5+ (N4H82+ → N2 + 2NH3),
k = 4.0 × 108 M−1s−1
N2H3 + eaq + H2O → N2H4 + OH, k = 7.0 × 109 M−1s−1
N2H3 + H → N2H4, k = 7.0 × 109 M−1s−1
N2H3 + N4H8●+ → N2H4 + N4H7+ (N4H7+ → N2 + 2NH3),
k = 1.0 × 109 M−1s−1
N2H3 + N4H9●2+ → N2H4 + N4H82+ (N4H82+ → N2 + 2NH3),
k = 1.0 × 109 M−1s−1
N2H3 + N2H4●+ → N2H2 + N2H5+, k = 7.0 × 108 M−1s−1
N2H3 + N2H3 → N2H2 + N2H4, k = 6.0 × 108 M−1s−1
N2H2 + HN2H3, k = 3.0 × 109 M−1s−1

2.2. Change of Copper Species during Irradiation

Copper ions in the solution would cause the decomposition of N2H4 during the irradiation. The redox reactions mainly occur between copper ions and radiolysis products of water such as eaq, H, and OH, as listed in Equations (24)–(28) [22,23,24,25]. The equations show that copper ions coexist in the forms of Cu0, Cu+ ions and Cu2+ ions regardless of initial chemical species. In addition, Fenton reaction occurs in an acidic condition, as represented in Equation (29) [26,27]. The above reactions can affect the decomposition of N2H4 in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system.
Cu+ + eaq → Cu0
Cu+ + H → Cu0 + H+, k = 5 × 109 M−1s−1
Cu+ + OH → Cu2+ + OH, k = (2±1) × 1010 M−1s−1
Cu2+ + eaq → Cu+, k = 3.5 × 1010 M−1s−1
Cu2+ + H → Cu+ + H+, k < 1.0 × 106 M−1s−1
H2O2 + Cu+ + H+ → OH + H2O + Cu2+

2.3. Radiolysis of Nitrate Ion

The principal reactions of NO3 ions during the irradiation are listed in Equations (30)–(38) [13,28,29,30,31,32,33]. The reactions can be classified by direct and indirect decomposition reactions. As shown in Equation (30), the NO3 ion is directly changed into NO3 and electron due to the γ-ray irradiation [13,28]. The NO3 ion is also changed into NO32− ion or NO2 through the reactions with eaq or H, as can be seen in Equations (31) and (32) [29,30]. The NO32−● reduces into NO2 in the water, as represented in Equation (33) [29,31]. During irradiation, NO2 reacts with the radiolysis products of water such as eaq, H, and OH, and H+, NO2 ion, and NO3 ions are produced as listed in Equations (34)–(36) [32]. On the other hand, NO2 reacts with water and generates NO2 and NO3 ions, as shown in Equation (37) [13,33]. As represented in Equation (38), NO2 ions generated from the reaction in Equations (34), (35) and (37) are changed into NO3 ions and NO2 through the reaction with NO3 [13,33]. The generated NO2 ions are directly consumed, and NO2 and NO3 ions are regenerated by the reaction indicated in Equation (38). As mentioned above, NO3 ions and their radicals generated from the radiolysis of NO3 can also participate in the decomposition reaction of N2H4 in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system.
N O 3 radiation N O 3 * N O 3 + e
NO3 + eaq → NO32−●, k = 9.7 × 109 M−1s−1
NO3 + H → NO2 + OH, k = 1.0 × 107 M−1s−1
NO32−● + H2O → NO2 + 2OH, k = 1.0 × 103 M−1s−1
NO2 + eaq → NO2, k = 1.0 × 1010 M−1s−1
NO2 + H → H+ + NO2, k = 1.0 × 109 M−1s−1
NO2 + OH → H+ + NO3, k = 1.0 × 1010 M−1s−1
2NO2 + H2O → NO2 + NO3 + 2H+, k = 4.5 × 108 M−1s−1
NO3 + NO2 → NO2 + NO3, k = 4.4 × 109 M−1s−1

3. Results

3.1. Effect of Copper Ions on Hydrazine Decomposition

In order to investigate the effect of copper ions on the N2H4 decomposition, γ-ray was irradiated to the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution and N2H4–HNO3 solution at pH 3. The absorbed dose was varied from 0 to 20 kGy, and the [N2H4]0 in the solutions was equal to 50 × [N2H4]0 in the solutions was equal to 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 3using HNO3. Figure 1 shows the change in the concentration of N2H4 as a result of the γ-irradiation. The decomposed portion of N2H4 increased with the increase in the absorbed dose regardless of the presence of the Cu+ ions. This result indicates that the amount of radiolysis products of water participating in the N2H4 decomposition was enhanced when the absorbed dose was increased. At the same absorbed dose, the decomposed portion of N2H4 was higher when the copper ions existed than that when the copper ions were absent, as indicated in Figure 1. In particular, 12.48 × 10−3 mol dm−3 of N2H4 in the solution containing Cu+ ions was decomposed after the 20 kGy of γ-irradiation. When the Cu+ ions were absent in the solution, 9.05 × 10−3 mol dm−3 of N2H4 was decomposed. Moreover, the G-values for the N2H4 decomposition were calculated for 20 kGy of absorbed dose and listed in Table 1. G(–N2H4), for the solution containing Cu+ ions, was higher than that of the solution not containing Cu+ ions.
There are several explanations for the effect of copper ions on the decomposition of N2H4: (1) a catalyzed reaction of H2O2 occurs [34], (2) copper ions lower the energy barrier of N-H bonds cleavage in the gas phase [35], and (3) the formation of Cu+N2H4 occurs [36,37]. The experimental condition of Zhong and Lim is similar to that of this study [36,37]. They suggested that Cu+N2H4 complex acts as a scavenger and it increases the decomposition reaction of N2H4. The predicted mechanism is given in Equations (39)–(41). N2H4 reacts with Cu+ ion and forms the Cu+N2H4 complex, as shown in Equation (39). This complex can react with H2O2 and produces N2H2, as indicated in Equation (40). The reaction between the Cu+N2H4 complex and N2H2 causes the generation of Cu(N2H3)2 that decomposes into Cu+ ion and N2H3, as represented in Equation (41).
Cu+ + N2H4 ↔ Cu+N2H4
Cu+N2H4 + H2O2 → Cu+ + N2H2 + 2H2O, (slow)
Cu+N2H4 + N2H2 ↔ Cu+(N2H3)2, cage → Cu+ + 2N2H3, (slow)
N2H4 was considered to be reproduced as the intermediate during radiolysis in this study; however, the hydrazine was hydrolyzed into N2H5+ or N2H62+ in acidic conditions. The N2H4 could form the Cu+N2H4 complex with the Cu+ ion through the reaction, as indicated in Equation (39). As can be seen in Equations (40) and (41), it was possible that the Cu+N2H4 complex was separated into Cu+ ion, N2H2, and water after reacting with H2O2 generated from the radiolysis of water. The N2H2 could react with H and generate N2H3 according to the Equation (23). Moreover, N2H2 could also cause a reaction with the Cu+N2H4 complex and form Cu+(N2H3)2. Cu+(N2H3)2 was directly decomposed into N2H3 and Cu+ ion following the reaction in Equation (41). N2H3 was decomposed into N2 or NH3 during the γ-ray irradiation, as listed in Equations (19) and (20). The Cu+ ion regenerated from the reactions shown in Equations (40) and (41) repeatedly formed the Cu+N2H4 complex and caused the decomposition reaction of N2H4 again. Therefore, these two reactions offered new decomposition reaction paths of N2H4 where the Cu+ ion acted as the catalyst.
The electrochemical characterization, under the same conditions as this experiment, was also performed by Yang et al. [38]. Figure 2 shows the cyclic voltammograms using an ITO (Indium-Tin Oxide) electrode in solutions of 3 mM N2H4, 0.3 mM Cu(NO3)2, 0.1 M NaNO3, and 3 mM N2H4 + 0.3 mM Cu(NO3)2. All the test solutions were adjusted to pH 3 using HNO3. The oxidation peak of the N2H4 near 0.3 V increased significantly with the addition of Cu(NO3)2. The peak is quite different from that of N2H4 alone or Cu(NO3)2 alone. This result implies that Cu+ ions make coordination compounds with N2H4, as listed in reaction Equation (39). Therefore, it is inferred that Cu+ ions affect the N2H4 decomposition by formation of the Cu+N2H4 complex in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system.

3.2. Effect of HNO3 on Hydrazine Decomposition

HNO3 affects the decomposition of N2H4 in two ways: (1) the effect of H+ ions and (2) the effect of NO3 ions. In order to investigate the effect of H+ ions and NO3 ions on N2H4 decomposition, the concentration of the chemical species of N2H4 was analyzed according to the pH change under the radiation field. The pH of each solution was adjusted to 1, 3, and 5 by adding HNO3, respectively. Every sample solution included 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 of N2H4 and 0.5 × 10−3 mol dm−3 of Cu+ ions. As a result, the concentration of chemical species of N2H4 decreased with a decreasing pH at the same absorbed dose, as shown in Figure 3. The concentrations of decomposed N2H4 were 29.96 × 10−3 mol dm−3 (pH = 1), 15.92 × 10−3 mol dm−3 (pH = 3), and 13.42 × 10−3 mol dm−3 (pH = 5) at 40 kGy, respectively. The decomposed portion of N2H4 significantly increased as the solution’s pH decreased from 3 to 1. At the same time, the G(–N2H4) at pH 1 was 7.49 × 10−7 mol J−1 for 40 kGy of absorbed dose, as shown in Table 2. The G(–N2H4) at pH 3 and 5 were 3.98 × 10−7 mol J−1 and 3.35 × 10−7 mol J−1 for 40 kGy of absorbed dose, respectively. Based on this result, it was confirmed that the G-values for the decomposition of N2H4 increased with the decreasing of the pH.
Firstly, the above results can be explained by the effect of the H+ ion on N2H4 decomposition. As mentioned above, the reaction between the H+ ion and eaq caused the generation of H, as represented in Equation (4). The increase in H promoted the reaction between H and the intermediates of N2H4 decomposition, such as N2H5+, N2H3, and N2H2, listed in Equations (7), (8), (18) and (23). When the reactions shown in Equations (7), (8) and (23) occurred, NH4+ ions or the intermediates such as NH2, N2H4●+, and N2H3 were produced. As represented in Equation (18), N2H4 is recovered through the reaction between N2H3 and H. This N2H4 could be decomposed after hydrolysis into N2H5+ or be decomposed directly through the reactions listed in Equations (10)–(12). On the other hand, it was possible to form the Cu+N2H4 complex with copper ions and cause a decomposition reaction of N2H4 using Equations (40) and (41). In particular, N2H4 and N2H3 generated from the reactions shown in Equations (18) and (23) have a high reaction rate, which are 7.0 × 109 M−1s−1 and 3.0 × 109 M−1s−1, among the reactions concerned H. The N2H4 and N2H3 are mostly decomposed into N2 and NH3, as mentioned above.
Secondly, the increase in the decomposition reaction of N2H4 with the lowering of the pH of the N2H4–Cu–HNO3 solution could also be explained by the effect of the NO3 ion. When the NO3 ion reacts with NH4●+, which is the chemical species of N2H4, N2H2 and NO2 are produced due to the reaction, as represented in Equation (42) [39]. As listed in Equation (23), the N2H2 reacts with H, and N2H3 is generated. As mentioned above, N2H3 normally decomposes into N2 and NH3, leading to N2H4 decomposition. NO2 participates in the reaction with radiolysis products of water, and finally NO3 is formed by the reaction shown in Equations (34)–(38). On the other hand, NO3 generated during the radiolysis of NO3 ions also affects N2H4 decomposition. When NO3 reacts with N2H5+, N2H4●+ and HNO3 are produced, as shown in Equation (43) [13,39]. N2H4●+ is consecutively decomposed not only by the reaction listed in Equations (15) and (16) but also by the reaction shown in Equation (42). NO3 ions recovered from the reaction shown in Equation (43) participate in the decomposition reaction of the chemical species of N2H4. Therefore, the increase in HNO3 in the N2H4–Cu+ solution accelerated the decomposition of N2H4 by increasing the occurrence of reaction concerned with H and adding new decomposition reaction paths, including that of the NO3 ion.
N2H4●+ + NO3 → N2H2 + H2O + NO2, k = 2.5 × 107 M−1s−1
N2H5+ + NO3 → N2H4●+ + NO3 + H+, k = 1.3 × 109 M−1s−1
Moreover, the decomposed portion of N2H4 increased rapidly at pH 1 compared to at pH 3 and 5, when the absorbed doses increased at the rates shown in Figure 3. This was caused by H and NO3 being generated by irradiation. Since the amount of HNO3 added at pH 1 was larger than at pH 3 and 5, the amount of H and NO3 produced was larger at pH 1 than at pH 3 and 5. The increase in H and NO3 promoted the decomposition of N2H4 through the reactions, as mentioned above.
In order to investigate the anionic effect, the remaining concentration of N2H4 in the NO3 ion system was compared with that of the SO42− ion system at pH 3. Quantities of 10, 20, and 40 kGy of the absorbed doses were irradiated to each solution. The initial concentration of N2H4 in each solution was 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3. As shown in Figure 4, the decomposed concentration of N2H4 increased when the absorbed dose increased regardless of the type of acid added. At the same absorbed dose, three times higher concentrations of N2H4 in the NO3 ion system were decomposed as compared to the SO42− ion system. As indicated in Table 3, the G-value for the decomposition of N2H4 at 40 kGy was 3.98 × 10−7 mol J−1 when the acid added in the solution was HNO3. G(–N2H4) was 1.25 × 10−7 mol J−1 when the acid injected in the solution was H2SO4. From these results, we found that the NO3 ions facilitated the decomposition of N2H4 in the solution.

3.3. Decomposition Mechanism of Hydrazine in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 System

The decomposition reactions of the N2H4 in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system are schematically shown in Figure 5. N2H4 in the acidic solution is hydrolyzed and coexists as N2H5+ or N2H62+. These species are decomposed into intermediates such as N2H4●+, N2H3, and NH2 under irradiation conditions. N2H4 can decompose into NH4+ ion, N2, or NH3. However, it was verified that the end products were mainly formed with N2 or NH3. In addition, N2H4 decomposition was promoted by the influence of the Cu+ ion, H+ ion, and NO3 ion in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system, as explained in Section 3.1 and Section 3.2. As represented in green line in Figure 5, Cu+ ions form the Cu+N2H4 complex with N2H4. The Cu+N2H4 complex participates in the reactions, as shown in Equations (40) and (41). The complex decomposes into N2H3 and further decomposes into the end products through the consecutive reactions, as listed in Equations (17)–(22). The recovered Cu+ ion from the complex repeatedly forms an N2H4 complex that acts as a catalyst to accelerate the decomposition of N2H4. H was produced through the reaction between the H+ ion and eaq. Therefore, the decomposition reaction of N2H4 by H was promoted as the concentration of the H+ ion increased. As shown in the orange line in Figure 5, NO3 ions or NO3 radicals accelerate the N2H4 decomposition by providing the additional reaction paths to change N2H5+ into N2H4●+. They also cause N2H4●+ to decompose into N2H2. NO3 ion and NO3 were regenerated by the radiolysis of NO2 and NO3, as shown in Equations (34)–(38), and they participated in the N2H4 radiolysis reaction again. Consequently, N2H4 decomposition was promoted in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system through the mechanism shown in Figure 5.
In order to verify the effect of Cu+ ions on the decomposition mechanism of N2H4 in the N2H4–HNO3 solution, the fraction of N2H4 and end products were analyzed after irradiation with 20 kGy of the absorbed dose. The initial concentrations of N2H4 in the solution were 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3, and the pH of the solution was adjusted to 3. The results were compared with and without Cu+ ions in the solution, as represented in Figure 6. Through the above reactions, it was verified that N2H4 in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution was finally decomposed into N2, NH3, and NH4+ ion under an irradiation condition by the reactions with radiolysis products of water or consecutive decomposition reactions. For this reason, the fraction of N2 and NH3 in the solution after γ-ray irradiation was calculated by subtracting the amount of remaining chemical species of N2H4 and NH4+ ions produced after irradiation from the initial amount of N2H4.
As shown in Figure 6, N2H4 decomposed into N2, NH3, and NH4+ ion. It is well known that most of NH3 reacts with H+ ions in the acidic solution and exists in the form of NH4+ [40]. Therefore, it was considered that most of the remaining gas phase end product was composed of N2 after irradiation in this study. It was judged that the NH3 was converted into NH4+ ion after the irradiation. When the Cu+ ion is present in the N2H4–HNO3 solution, N2H3 is generated, as indicated in Figure 5 and Equation (41). N2H3 participated in the reaction, generating N2 or NH3, as shown in Equations (19) and (20). Therefore, it was confirmed that the fraction of N2 and NH4+, the form of NH3 in the acidic condition, increased when the Cu+ ions were present in the N2H4–HNO3 solution, as represented in Figure 6.
To confirm the effect of HNO3 on the decomposition mechanism of N2H4 in the N2H4–Cu+ solution, the fraction of remaining N2H4 and end products in each sample after 40 kGy of absorbed dose irradiation at pH 1, 3, and 5 was analyzed. The initial concentrations of N2H4 in the solutions were 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3. The result is represented in Figure 7. As mentioned above, NH3 is converted into NH4+ ion in the solution because of the acidic condition. As shown in Figure 7, NH4+ ions were not generated after 40 kGy of absorbed dose irradiation at pH 1. Therefore, it was considered that most of N2H4 was decomposed into N2. The obtained result at pH 1 can be explained as follows. At pH 1, N2H4 exists in the form of N2H62+ as a result of hydrolysis, as shown in Equation (3). The N2H62+ ion generated N2 through the decomposition reaction, as indicated in Equation (5).
In addition, the amount of end products of N2H4 decomposition were decreased with increasing pH. This was the case because the large amount of H produced by the reaction between H+ ions and eaq affected the N2H4 decomposition, as shown in Figure 5. For this reason, the decrease in the concentration of end products of N2H4 decomposition following an increase in the pH was caused by a decrease in the N2H4 decomposition reaction.
However, the concentration of NH4+ ions generated after irradiation increased with increasing pH. This was the case because the N2H4 exists as a form of the N2H5+ ion rather than the N2H62+ ion as the pH increases. As indicated in Equations (6)–(23), the end products of the reactions with a high reaction rate, among the consecutive reactions of N2H5+ ion decomposition in which H participated, were mainly N2 and NH3. The NH3 reacted with the H+ ion in an acidic condition and existed in the form of NH4+ ions, as mentioned above. NO3 ions were also related to the generation of N2 and NH3. The reaction between the N2H5+ ion and NO3 shown in Equation (43) might affect the generation of N2H4●+, NO3 ion and H+ ion. As shown in Equations (15) and (16), the end products generated by the reactions of N2H4●+ were mostly N2 and NH3. Otherwise, the N2H2 is produced when the N2H4●+ reacts with NO3 ions, as shown in Equation (42). N2H2 is the intermediate of N2H4 decomposition and it generates N2H3 after the reaction with H, as represented in Equation (23). The end reaction products involving N2H3 are also N2 and NH3, as represented in Equations (17)–(22). The NH3 generated by the reaction between N2H5+ and NO3 also existed in the form of NH4+ ion in the acidic condition. Therefore, it is concluded that HNO3 can affect the decomposition of N2H4 through the mechanisms listed in Equations (5)–(23) and Equations (42) and (43) by investigating the end product of the expected decomposition paths.

4. Materials and Methods

4.1. Chemicals and Sample Preparation

Hydrazine monohydrate (Junsei, Tokyo, Japan, 98.0%), nitric acid (EMSure, Darmstadt, Germany, 65.0%) and copper (I) chloride (SIGMA-ALDRICH, St. Louis, MO, USA, 97.0%) were used to prepare N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution in this study. The conditions of each sample is listed in Table 4. All the solutions contain 50.0 mM of N2H4. In order to investigate the effects of Cu+ ions on N2H4 decomposition, the solutions were prepared according to the presence of 0.5 mM of copper ions. Each sample was adjusted to pH 3 by adding nitric acid. To analyze the effects of HNO3 on N2H4 decomposition, each solution was adjusted to pH 1, 3, and 5 by adding 144.7 mM, 50.8 mM, and 49.9 mM of nitric acid, respectively. All the sample solutions included 0.5 mM of copper ions. The 30 mL of sample solutions were stored in the 50 mL vials. After storing the solution in the vial, the nitrogen purging was conducted for 10 min. during the γ-ray irradiation.

4.2. γ-rradiation

A high-dose γ-ray irradiator (Co-60 source) at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute was used for irradiation on the solutions. Quantities of 0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 kGy of absorbed doses were given to each sample to compare the dose effects on the decomposition of N2H4. All irradiation experiments were carried out with a dose rate of 10 kGy/hr at room temperature.

4.3. Analysis

The concentration of chemical species of N2H4 in the solutions was measured using a UV Spectrometer (DR 5000, Hach Co., Ames, IA, USA). The p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde method was applied to detect the chemical species of N2H4.

5. Conclusions

The radiolysis of N2H4 in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solution during γ-ray irradiation was verified through the irradiation experiment and the analysis of a chemical species of N2H4 concentration. When copper ions were present in the N2H4–HNO3 solution, the N2H4 decomposition, via the decomposition of the Cu+N2H4, complex was promoted by the catalytic reaction of Cu+ ions. HNO3 also accelerated the N2H4 decomposition in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system through the influence of the H+ ion and NO3 ion. This is because H produced by the reaction between H+ ion and eaq participated in the N2H4 decomposition reaction. Owing to the H+ ion effect, the N2H4 decomposition during irradiation was raised when the pH was decreased. NO3 ion and NO3 led to an increase in the N2H4 decomposition through the reaction with N2H4●+ or the reaction with N2H5+. These additional paths, due to the existence of the Cu+ and NO3 ions, improved the N2H4 decomposition under irradiation condition. These findings can be applied, in accordance with the characteristics of radiolysis, to define the conditions of N2H4 concentration during chemical decontamination processes.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, N.C., H.W. and Y.K.; methodology, N.C., H.W. and H.E.; formal analysis, N.C.; investigation, N.C., H.W. and S.P.; resources, S.K. and B.S.; writing—original draft preparation, N.C.; writing—review and editing, N.C. and H.W.; project administration, S.K. and B.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was carried out under the Nuclear R&D program (NRF-2017M2A8A5015144) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) of Korea.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Dependence of N2H4 decomposition on Cu+ ions after γ-irradiation on the solution of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 103 mol dm3 at pH 3.
Figure 1. Dependence of N2H4 decomposition on Cu+ ions after γ-irradiation on the solution of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 103 mol dm3 at pH 3.
Ijms 22 07376 g001
Figure 2. Cyclic voltammograms of 3 mM N2H4, 0.3 mM Cu(NO3)2, 0.1 M NaNO3, and 3 mM N2H4 + 0.3 mM Cu(NO3)2 solutions at scan rate of 20 mV/s. Adapted with permission from [38] Haesik Yang.
Figure 2. Cyclic voltammograms of 3 mM N2H4, 0.3 mM Cu(NO3)2, 0.1 M NaNO3, and 3 mM N2H4 + 0.3 mM Cu(NO3)2 solutions at scan rate of 20 mV/s. Adapted with permission from [38] Haesik Yang.
Ijms 22 07376 g002
Figure 3. Concentration change of chemical species of N2H4 according to the absorbed dose under various pHs condition.
Figure 3. Concentration change of chemical species of N2H4 according to the absorbed dose under various pHs condition.
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Figure 4. Concentration change of chemical species of N2H4 according to the absorbed dose under different acid conditions.
Figure 4. Concentration change of chemical species of N2H4 according to the absorbed dose under different acid conditions.
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Figure 5. Schematic diagram of radiolysis of N2H4 in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system.
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of radiolysis of N2H4 in N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 system.
Ijms 22 07376 g005
Figure 6. Fraction of radiolysis products and chemical species of N2H4 in the solution without and with Cu+ ions after 20 kGy of γ-ray irradiation.
Figure 6. Fraction of radiolysis products and chemical species of N2H4 in the solution without and with Cu+ ions after 20 kGy of γ-ray irradiation.
Ijms 22 07376 g006
Figure 7. Fraction of radiolysis products and chemical species of N2H4 at different pH after 40 kGy of γ-ray irradiation.
Figure 7. Fraction of radiolysis products and chemical species of N2H4 at different pH after 40 kGy of γ-ray irradiation.
Ijms 22 07376 g007
Table 1. G(–N2H4) values in the N2H4–HNO3 and N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solutions of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 at 20 kGy of absorbed dose.
Table 1. G(–N2H4) values in the N2H4–HNO3 and N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solutions of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 at 20 kGy of absorbed dose.
Total Dose (kGy)G(–N2H4) Value (10−7 mol/J)
w/o Cu+ Ionsw/Cu+ Ions
Table 2. G(–N2H4) values in the different pH of N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solutions of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 at 40 kGy of absorbed dose.
Table 2. G(–N2H4) values in the different pH of N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 solutions of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 at 40 kGy of absorbed dose.
Total Dose (kGy)G(–N2H4) Value (10−7 mol/J)
pH 1pH 3pH 5
Table 3. G(–N2H4) values of N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 and N2H4–Cu+–H2SO4 solutions of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 at 40 kGy of absorbed dose.
Table 3. G(–N2H4) values of N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 and N2H4–Cu+–H2SO4 solutions of which [N2H4]0 = 50 × 10−3 mol dm−3 at 40 kGy of absorbed dose.
Total Dose (kGy)G(–N2H4) Value (10−7 mol/J)
Containing HNO3Containing H2SO4
Table 4. Sample preparation.
Table 4. Sample preparation.
Sample SolutionConcentration (mM)
N2H4Cu+ IonsHNO3
pH 1500.5144.7
pH 3 (without Cu+ ion)50-50.8
pH 3 (with Cu+ ion)500.550.8
pH 5500.549.9
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MDPI and ACS Style

Chang, N.; Won, H.; Park, S.; Eun, H.; Kim, S.; Seo, B.; Kim, Y. Hydrazine Radiolysis by Gamma-Ray in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 System. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 7376.

AMA Style

Chang N, Won H, Park S, Eun H, Kim S, Seo B, Kim Y. Hydrazine Radiolysis by Gamma-Ray in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 System. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(14):7376.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Chang, Naon, Huijun Won, Sangyoon Park, Heechul Eun, Seonbyeong Kim, Bumkyung Seo, and Yongsoo Kim. 2021. "Hydrazine Radiolysis by Gamma-Ray in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 System" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, no. 14: 7376.

APA Style

Chang, N., Won, H., Park, S., Eun, H., Kim, S., Seo, B., & Kim, Y. (2021). Hydrazine Radiolysis by Gamma-Ray in the N2H4–Cu+–HNO3 System. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(14), 7376.

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