Imaging Live Cells at the Nanometer-Scale with Single-Molecule Microscopy: Obstacles and Achievements in Experiment Optimization for Microbiology
:1. Introduction
1.1. Conventional Limits: The Diffraction Limit of Light
1.2. Super-Resolution Microscopy
Method | Full Name | Reference |
FIONA | Fluorescence Imaging with One-Nanometer Accuracy | [16] |
SHRImP | Single-molecule High-Resolution Imaging with Photobleaching | [20] |
NALMS | Nanometer-Localized Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy | [21] |
SHREC | Single-molecule High-Resolution Colocalization | [22] |
ICA | Superresolution by Localization of Quantum Dots Using Blinking Statistics | [23] |
PALM | Photoactivated Localization Microscopy | [12] |
STORM | Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy | [14] |
FPALM | Fluorescence Photoactivation Localization Microscopy | [13] |
PAINT | Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography | [24] |
PALMIRA | PALM with Independently Running Acquisition | [25] |
dSTORM | Direct STORM | [26] |
uPAINT | Universal PAINT | [27] |
CALM | Complementation Activated Localization Microscopy | [28] |
BALM | Binding-Activated Localization Microscopy | [29] |
SPRAIPAINT | Superresolution by Power-Dependent Active Intermittency PAINT | [30] |
BaLM | Bleaching/blinking assisted Localization Microscopy | [31] |
SMACM | Single-Molecule Active-Control Microscopy | [32] |
TALM | Tracking and Localization Microscopy | [33] |
FRET | Förster Resonance Energy Transfer | [7] |
FCS | Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy | [34] |
FRAP | Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching | [35] |
STED | Stimulated Emission Depletion | [17] |
(S)SIM | Saturated Structured-Illumination Microscopy | [18] |
1.3. Bacteria Beyond the Diffraction Limit
1.4. Case Study: Membrane-bound Transcription Regulation in the Human Pathogen V. cholerae
Species | Proteins | References |
Vibrio cholerae | ToxR | [48] |
TcpP | [49] | |
CadC | [50] | |
TfoS | [51] | |
Vibrio fischeri | LuxR | [52] |
ToxR | [53] | |
Vibrio parahaemolyticus | ToxR | [54] |
Escherichia coli | CadC | [55] |
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron | SusR | [56] |
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis | PsaE | [57] |
Photobacterium spp. | ToxR | [58] |
Salmonella typhimurium | MarT | [59] |
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius | ArnR | [60] |
2. Fluorescent Labels
2.1. General Considerations
2.2. Fluorescent Proteins
2.3. Small-Molecule Dyes
2.4. Other Labeling Schemes
3. Sample Considerations
3.1. Achieving Single-Molecule Levels of Fluorescence
3.2. Minimizing Cell Stress
3.3. Drift
3.4. Sources of Background
3.5. Balancing Speed with Precision
4. Analysis Methods
4.1. Localization
4.2. Single-Particle Tracking
4.3. Mean Squared Displacement Analysis
4.4. Cumulative Probability Distribution Analysis
4.5. Curvature Challenges
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Haas, B.L.; Matson, J.S.; DiRita, V.J.; Biteen, J.S. Imaging Live Cells at the Nanometer-Scale with Single-Molecule Microscopy: Obstacles and Achievements in Experiment Optimization for Microbiology. Molecules 2014, 19, 12116-12149.
Haas BL, Matson JS, DiRita VJ, Biteen JS. Imaging Live Cells at the Nanometer-Scale with Single-Molecule Microscopy: Obstacles and Achievements in Experiment Optimization for Microbiology. Molecules. 2014; 19(8):12116-12149.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHaas, Beth L., Jyl S. Matson, Victor J. DiRita, and Julie S. Biteen. 2014. "Imaging Live Cells at the Nanometer-Scale with Single-Molecule Microscopy: Obstacles and Achievements in Experiment Optimization for Microbiology" Molecules 19, no. 8: 12116-12149.
APA StyleHaas, B. L., Matson, J. S., DiRita, V. J., & Biteen, J. S. (2014). Imaging Live Cells at the Nanometer-Scale with Single-Molecule Microscopy: Obstacles and Achievements in Experiment Optimization for Microbiology. Molecules, 19(8), 12116-12149.