Computational NMR of Carbohydrates: Theoretical Background, Applications, and Perspectives
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Levels of Theory
2.1.1. Non-Empirical Level
2.1.2. DFT Level
- Pople’s 6-31G and 6-311G family of functionals with or without diffuse functions and different sets of polarization functions;
- Dunning’s cc-pVnZ (n = D, T, Q, 5) correlation-consistent basis sets and their augmented (diffuse) versions (aug-cc-pVnZ);
- Dunning’s cc-pCVnZ (n = D, T, Q, 5) correlation-consistent core-valence basis sets and their augmented versions (aug-cc-pCVnZ);
- Sauer’s augmented correlation-consistent basis sets aug-cc-pVTZ-J;
- Sauer’s correlation-consistent 6-31G-J and 6-311G-J basis sets;
- Jensen’s polarized-consistent basis sets (pc-n, n = 0−4) and their augmented versions (aug-pc-n);
- Jensen’s pc-n-based basis sets (pcS-n and pcJ-n) and their augmented versions (aug-pcS-n and aug-pcJ-n) used accordingly for the calculations of NMR chemical shifts and, on the other hand, spin-spin coupling constants;
- Jensen’s segment contracted pcS-n basis sets (pcSseg-n, n = 0, 4) and their augmented versions (aug-pcSseg-n) used for the calculations of NMR chemical shifts;
- Four different groups of “relativistic” Dyall’s basis sets of double-, triple- and quadruple-zeta quality, namely, valence (dyall.vXz), core-valence (dyall.cvXz), diffuse valence (dyall.avXz) and diffuse core-valence (dyall.acvXz), X = 2, 3 and 4.
2.1.3. DP4 Analysis
2.1.4. Locally Dense Basis Set Scheme
2.1.5. Solvent Effects
2.1.6. Vibrational Corrections
2.1.7. Relativistic Effects
3. Monosaccharides
4. Di- and Polysaccharides
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Sample Availability
AM1 | Austin Model 1 |
B3 | Three-parameter hybrid functional of Becke |
BH | Becke’s “half and half” HF/DFT hybrid exchange functional |
CBS | Complete Basis Set |
CC3 | Coupled Cluster Iterative Triples (model) |
CCSD | Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles |
CCSD(T) | Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles with Perturbative Triples Corrections |
CCSDT | Coupled Cluster Single-Double and Triple corrections |
CMAE | Corrected Mean Absolute Error |
CPCM | Conductor-like Polarizable Continuum Model |
CP/MAS | Cross-Polarization/Magic-Angle Spinning |
DFT | Density Functional Theory |
EFG | Electic Field Gradient |
Fuc | Fucose |
Gal | Galactose |
GlcNAc | N-acetyl glucosime |
GIAO | Gauge including atomic orbitals |
GIPAW | Gauge Including Projector Augmented Waves |
HRPA(D) | Highest Random Phase Approximation Doubles (model) |
IEF-PCM: | Integral Equation Formalism Polarizable Continuum Model |
KT2 | Generalized gradient exchange-correlation functional of Keal and Tozer |
KT3 | Generalized gradient exchange-correlation functional of Keal and Tozer with the gradient-corected exchange and correlation terms |
LDBS | Locally Dense Basis Set |
LYP | Lee, Yang, and Parr (correlation functional) |
MAD | Mean Absolute Deviations |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MAS | Magic-Angle Spinning |
MD | Molecular Dynamics |
MM | Molecular Mechanics |
MP2 | Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (second-order) |
Neu5Ac | N-acetyl neuramic acid |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
OLYP | Handy and Cohen’s hybrid functional in combination with Lee, Yang and Parr’s correlation functional |
OPBE | Handy and Cohen’s hybrid functional in combination with the generalized gradient functional of Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof |
OPTX | Handy and Cohen’s hybrid functional |
OPW91 | Handy and Cohen’s hybrid functional in combination with the generalized gradient functional of Perdew and Wang |
PBE0 | the generalized gradient functional of Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof with a predetermined amount of exact exchange |
PBEc | Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof correlation functional |
PW91 | Generalized gradient functional of Perdew and Wang |
QM/MM | Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (approach) |
RPA | Random Phase Approximation |
RPA(D) | Random Phase Approximation Doubles (model) |
RHF | Restricted Hartree-Fock |
SOPPA(CC2) | Second-Order Polarization Propagator Approach in combination with the second-order approximate Coupled Cluster to second order |
SOPPA(CCSD) | Second-Order Polarization Propagator Approach in combination with Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles |
SOPPA(MP2) | Second-Order Polarization Propagator Approach within the second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory |
SSM | Supermolecular Solvation Model |
ZPVC | Zero-Point Vibrational Correction |
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NMR Parameter | α-D-Glucopyranose | β-D-Glucopyranose | ||
Calc. | Exp. | Calc. | Exp. | |
H-1 | 5.301 | 5.214 | 4.586 | 4.627 |
H-2 | 3.273 | 3.516 | 3.152 | 3.226 |
H-3 | 3.653 | 3.696 | 3.478 | 3.469 |
H-4 | 3.589 | 3.393 | 3.614 | 3.385 |
H-5 | 3.907 | 3.817 | 3.422 | 3.447 |
H-6a | 3.913 | 3.823 | 3.966 | 3.879 |
H-6b | 3.768 | 3.745 | 3.753 | 3.704 |
MAD | 0.110 | 0.073 | ||
C-1 | 104.74 | 92.77 | 108.59 | 96.59 |
C-2 | 82.14 | 72.15 | 85.01 | 74.81 |
C-3 | 83.96 | 73.43 | 86.00 | 76.43 |
C-4 | 79.55 | 70.32 | 79.23 | 70.27 |
C-5 | 81.89 | 72.10 | 86.58 | 76.61 |
C-6 | 70.10 | 61.27 | 70.18 | 61.42 |
MAD | 10.06 | 9.91 | ||
3J(H-1,H-2) | 4.59 | 3.80 | 7.75 | 7.97 |
4J(H-1,H-3) | −0.45 | −0.39 | 0.00 | |
4J(H-1,H-5) | -0.80 | −0.53 | −0.01 | |
3J(H-2,H-3) | 9.83 | 9.84 | 9.58 | 9.46 |
3J(H-3,H-4) | 9.26 | 9.17 | 9.11 | 9.17 |
3J(H-4,H-5) | 10.06 | 9.99 | 9.74 | 9.92 |
3J(H-5,H-6a) | 4.00 | 2.31 | 3.84 | 2.27 |
3J(H-5,H-6b) | 6.23 | 5.40 | 7.49 | 5.95 |
3J(H-6a,H-6b) | −13.01 | −12.37 | −12.99 | −12.30 |
MAD | 0.49 | 0.62 |
Atom | PBE | KT3 | Exp. | ||
Model A | Model B | Model A | Model B | ||
C-1 | 95.0 | 96.5 | 94.5 | 96.1 | 92.4 |
C-2 | 70.3 | 69.2 | 69.9 | 68.9 | 70.4 |
C-3 | 70.0 | 69.5 | 69.9 | 69.2 | 70.6 |
C-4 | 70.4 | 70.0 | 71.2 | 71.0 | 70.1 |
C-5 | 68.8 | 68.9 | 68.1 | 69.0 | 68.8 |
C-6 | 57.6 | 56.9 | 57.7 | 57.0 | 58.8 |
MAE | 0.9 | 1.4 | 1.0 | 1.6 |
Cmpd. | Orientation of OH at C1 and C2 | 1J(C-1,C-2) | Cmpd. | Orientation of OH at C1 and C2 | 1J(C-1,C-2) |
α-D-allo-4C1 | ae | 44.8 (45.4) | α-D-gulo-4C1 | ae | 47.7 (45.9) |
α-D-allo-1C4 | ea | 43.4 | α-D-gulo-1C4 | ea | 43.8 |
β-D-allo-4C1 | ee | 47.9 (47.3) | β-D-gulo-4C1 | ee | 47.6 (47.7) |
β-D-allo-1C4 | aa | 46.2 | β-D-gulo-1C4 | aa | 46.6 |
α-D-altro-4C1 | ae | 45.2 (46.2) | α-D-ido-4C1 | ae | 48.7 (46.2) |
α-D-altro-1C4 | ea | 45.9 (46.2) | α-D-ido-1C4 | ea | 45.8 (46.2) |
β-D-altro-4C1 | ee | 45.3 (43.9) | β-D-ido-4C1 | ee | 45.9 (43.8) |
β-D-altro-1C4 | aa | 45.8 | β-D-ido-1C4 | aa | 45.6 |
α-D-gluco-4C1 | ae | 45.8 (46.2) | α-D-galacto-4C1 | ae | 46.0 (46.0) |
α-D-gluco-1C4 | ea | 44.4 | α-D-galacto-1C4 | ea | 44.0 |
β-D-gluco-4C1 | ee | 46.2 (46.0) | β-D-galacto-4C1 | ee | 46.1 (45.9) |
β-D-gluco-1C4 | aa | 47.5 | β-D-galacto-1C4 | aa | 48.2 |
α-D-manno-4C1 | ae | 46.9 (46.7) | α-D-talo-4C1 | ae | 47.5 (46.5) |
α-D-manno-1C4 | ea | 47.2 | α-D-talo-1C4 | ea | 47.5 |
β-D-manno-4C1 | ee | 44.2 (42.7) | β-D-talo-4C1 | ee | 44.8 (42.3) |
β-D-manno-1C4 | aa | 46.6 | β-D-talo-1C4 | aa | 44.7 |
Residue (a) | Coupled Nuclei | Calculated 3JHH (Conformationally Averaged) | Exp. |
GlcNS,6SNR | H-1,H-2 | 3.9 | 3.5 |
H-2,H-3 | 10.0 | 10.3 | |
H-3,H-4 | 9.1 | 9.7 | |
H-4,H-5 | 9.9 | 9.7 | |
IdoA2SNR | H-1,H-2 | 2.1 | 2.9 |
H-2,H-3 | 3.2 | 5.4 | |
H-3,H-4 | 3.0 | 3.8 | |
H-4,H-5 | 2.8 | 2.7 | |
GlcNS,6SR | H-1,H-2 | 3.1 | 3.5 |
H-2,H-3 | 10.9 | 10.3 | |
H-3,H-4 | 9.9 | 9.2 | |
H-4,H-5 | 9.5 | 9.2 | |
IdoA2SR | H-1,H-2 | 3.0 | 2.9 |
H-2,H-3 | 5.3 | 5.3 | |
H-3,H-4 | 3.5 | 3.9 | |
H-4,H-5 | 3.0 | 2.7 |
Residue (a) | Conformation | Coupled Nuclei | Calculated 3JHH (Conformationally Averaged) | Exp. |
GlcN,6SNR | 4C1 | H-1,H-2 | 3.2 | 3.8 |
H-2,H-3 | 10.0 | 10.3 | ||
H-3,H-4 | 8.3 | 9.6 | ||
H-4,H-5 | 9.7 | 10.1 | ||
GlcA | 4C1 | H-1,H-2 | 8.0 | 7.99.5 |
H-2,H-3 | 10.9 | |||
H-3,H-4 | 8.1 | |||
H-4,H-5 | 9.3 | |||
GlcN,3,6S | 4C1 | H-1,H-2 | 4.6 | 3.5 |
H-2,H-3 | 11.5 | 10.7 | ||
H-3,H-4 | 10.4 | 9.3 | ||
H-4,H-5 | 9.9 | 9.9 | ||
IdoA2S | 1C4/2S0 | H-1,H-2 | 3.2 | 3.8 |
H-2,H-3 | 7.1 | 7.2 | ||
H-3,H-4 | 1.3 | 2.4 | ||
H-4,H-5 | 4.7 | 3.1 | ||
GlcN,6SR | 4C1 | H-1,H-2 | 4.6 | 3.6 |
H-2,H-3 | 10.7 | 10.4 | ||
H-3,H-4 | 9.6 | 8.5 | ||
H-4,H-5 | 9.5 | 10.0 |
Method | Basis Set | Slope | Intercept | RMSD |
RHF | cc-pVDZ | −0.956 | 205.2 | 4.14 |
cc-pVTZ | −0.966 | 196.0 | 3.73 | |
HF+Becke | cc-pVDZ | −1.091 | 192.5 | 5.02 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.150 | 183.7 | 5.08 | |
HF+Slater | cc-pVDZ | −1.144 | 200.1 | 5.38 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.203 | 189.7 | 5.49 | |
BLYP | cc-pVDZ | −1.108 | 194.0 | 5.05 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.171 | 185.0 | 5.03 | |
B3LYP | cc-pVDZ | −1.085 | 197.6 | 4.70 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.133 | 188.2 | 4.60 | |
B3P86 | cc-pVDZ | −1.091 | 201.1 | 4.51 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.130 | 192.0 | 4.31 | |
BVWn | cc-pVDZ | −1.099 | 193.0 | 4.81 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.156 | 184.0 | 4.76 | |
SVWN | cc-pVDZ | −1.155 | 201.1 | 4.98 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.211 | 190.4 | 4.99 | |
mPW1PW91 | cc-pVDZ | −1.081 | 201.8 | 4.42 |
cc-pVTZ | −1.112 | 193.8 | 5.58 |
Oligosaccharide | φ | ψ | C-1 | C-1′ (C-4′) |
Trehalose | −49.0 (−51.9) | −49.0 (−51.9) | 93.4 (93.0) | 93.4 (93.0) |
Cellobiose | 40.6 (41.2) | −16.4 (−12.9) | 104.8 (104.6) | 85.3 (85.0) |
Cellotetraose | 25.8 (27.3) | −28.9 (−25.5) | 107.2 (107.4) | 88.7 (89.7) |
Cellohexaose | 31.3 | −35.0 | 106.2 (107.1) | 87.9 (89.3) |
Cellulose II | 31.3 (21.9) | −35.0 (−29.0) | 106.2 (107.1) | 87.9 (88.9) |
Amilose V6 | −7.4 (−9.6) | −22.2 (−9.0) | 102.3 (103.8) | 82.0 (82.4) |
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Krivdin, L.B. Computational NMR of Carbohydrates: Theoretical Background, Applications, and Perspectives. Molecules 2021, 26, 2450.
Krivdin LB. Computational NMR of Carbohydrates: Theoretical Background, Applications, and Perspectives. Molecules. 2021; 26(9):2450.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKrivdin, Leonid B. 2021. "Computational NMR of Carbohydrates: Theoretical Background, Applications, and Perspectives" Molecules 26, no. 9: 2450.
APA StyleKrivdin, L. B. (2021). Computational NMR of Carbohydrates: Theoretical Background, Applications, and Perspectives. Molecules, 26(9), 2450.