“For Asia Market Only”: A Green Tattoo Ink between Safety and Regulations
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
Extraction Procedures
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. IR and Raman
3.2. Elemental Content by XRF
3.3. GC-Mass Spectrometry
3.4. Analysis of the Extracts
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Metal | EGC | AGC | [29] * | [24] | [26] | [32] * | [31] * | [30] | EU limits * |
Chromium | <0.1 | <0.1 | 0.22 | <DL | 6.1 ± 7.7 | 170 | AA | 0.5 | |
Cobalt | <0.1 | <0.1 | ND | 1.7 ± 4.6 | OA | 0.5 | |||
Nickel | 12.0 | 11.7 | 0.14 | <DL | 5 ± 8.7 | 6.8 | 3/59 | 5 | |
Copper | 38610 | 33440 | 3882 | 4400 ± 200 | 1840 ± 5040 | 63 | 1 | 250 | |
Zinc | 9.9 | <0.1 | 0.98 | 8.7 ± 23.6 | 5.23 | <RC | 2000 | ||
Arsenic | 2.4 | 2.3 | ND | 2.7 ± 6 | OA | 0.5 | |||
Selenium | <0.1 | <0.1 | 1.66 | 2 | |||||
Cadmium | 0.5 | 0.7 | 0.06 | <DL | 0.6 ± 1.9 | 0.83 | 1.617 | <RC | 0.5 |
Antimony | 1.9 | 2.6 | ND | 1.6 ± 4.5 | <RC | 0.5 | |||
Barium | 19.3 | 12.2 | 18.1 | 9.8 ± 18.8 | 500 | ||||
Mercury | <0.2 | <0.2 | 0.06 | <DL | 0.0027 ± 0.0034 | AF | 0.5 | ||
Lead | <0.8 | <0.8 | 0.17 | 0.80 ± 0.04 | 1.6 ± 5.2 | 6.3 | 2.27 | AF | 0.7 |
RT min | Compound | Hazards | EGC | AGC |
Extraction in H20 | ||||
3.87 | Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) | H361f(2) | | |
4.90 | 2-methyl-1-propanol | H302(4) H332(4) H350(1B) | | |
Extraction in Acetone | ||||
2.09 | 1,4-dioxane | H319(2) H335(3)H351(2) | | |
3.37 | Styrene | H315(2) H319 (2) H332(4) H372(1) H361d (2) | | |
3.83 | Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) | H361f (2) | | |
8.40 | 3,3,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one | H302(4) H312(4) H319(2) H335(3) H351(2) | | |
9.56 | Naphthalene | H302(4)H351 (2) | | |
11.67 | 1-methylnaphthalene | H302(4) H319(2) H335(3) H336/ H373(2) | | |
11.80 | 1,3-dioxolane | H319(2) H360(1B) | | |
19.17 | Pentachloro aniline | H301(3) H311(3) H331(3) 373(2) | | |
19.27 | 12-crown-4 | H330(1) | | |
21.27 | 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-1,3-isobenzofuranedione | H317(1) H318(1) H334(1) H350(1A) H373(2) | | |
Extraction in CH2Cl2 | ||||
3.90 | Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) | H361f(2) | | |
18.65 | Dibutyl phthalate | H360 DF (1B) | | |
19.22 | Pentachloro aniline | H301(3) H311(3) H331(3) H373(2) | | |
24.87 | Diisoocyl phthalate | H360 DF (1B) | |
RT Min | Compound | Hazards | EGC | AGC | EGC/AGC Ratio |
3.07 | Tetrachloroethene | H315(2) H319(2) H317(1)H336(3) H351(2) | | | |
3.55 | 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane | H330(2) H310(1) | | | |
4.14 | Pentachloroethane | H351(2) H372(1) | | | 14.86 |
5.88 | Hexachloroethane | H319(2)H351(2) | | | 0.93 |
8.29 | 4-ethyl benzaldehyde | NDAS | | ||
9.01 | 1-isocyanato-2-methoxy benzene | NA | | ||
9.06 | 1,3-di-tert-butyl benzene | NDAS | | ||
9.29 | Terbuthylazine | H302(4) H373(2) | | | |
9.43 | 1,4-dichloro-2-ethenyl benzene | NA | | | |
10.32 | 3,4,6-trichloro-2-methyl phenol | NA | | | 1.55 |
10.33 | 1-(dichloromethyl)-3-methyl benzene * | NA | | ||
10.57 | 2-chloro-4-(chloromethyl)-1-methylbenzene | NA | | ||
10.70 | 1,2-dichloro-4-(1-chloroethyl) benzene | NA | | | |
11.86 | Tetradecamethyl cycloheptasiloxane (D7) | H319(2) | | | |
11.93 | 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4,6-trimethyl benzene | H315(2) H319(2) H335(3) | | | |
12.40 | 3,4-dichlorophenyl thiocyanate | NA | | | |
12.87 | 2,6-di-t-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone | H315(2) H319(2) H335(3) | | ||
13.19 | 3-chlorobenzamide | H302(4) H312(4) H315(2) H319(2)H332(4) H335(3) | | ||
13.21 | 2,5-di-t-butylphenol | H315(2)H319(2) H335(3) | | ||
13.44 | 3,3-dimethyl-1-(3H)-isobenzofuranone | H315(2)H319(2) H335(3) | | ||
13.46 | Hexamethyl benzene | NDAS | | ||
13.93 | Hexadecamethyl cyclooctasiloxane (D8) | H319(1) | | | |
14.03 | Pentachlorobenzene | H302(4) | | | 0.57 |
14.04 | 3,4-dichloro benzamine | H301(3) H311(3) H317(1)H318(1)H331(3) | | ||
14.65 | Diethyl phthalate | NDAS | | | 2.33 |
15.81 | 2,3-diphenyl-2-butene | NA | | ||
15.99 | 2,4-dichloro-1,1′-biphenyl | H373(2) | | ||
16.48 | Hexachlorobenzene | H350(1B) H372(1) | | | 0.13 |
16.78 | 2,6-dibromo-4-chloroaniline | H315(2) H319(2) H335(3) | | ||
17.04 | 1,4-dimethyl anthracene | NA | | ||
17.53 | Anthracene D10 | Internal standard | |||
17.63 | Butyl tridecyl phthalate | NA | | | |
17.65 | Pentachlorobenzonitrile | H315(2)H319(2) H335(3) | | | |
17.80 | 1,1-(4,4′-diethyl)diphenylethane | NA | | ||
18.01 | 4,5-dichlorophthalimide | H315(2)H319(2) H335(3) | | ||
18.11 | Pentachloroaniline | H301(3) H311(3)H331(3) H373(2) | | | 0.12 |
18.24 | 7,9-Di-tert-butyl-1-oxaspiro[4,5]deca-6,9-diene-2,8-dione | H315(2) H319(2A) H335(3) | | | 0.56 |
18.28 | Trichlorobenzenamide | NA | | | 6.00 |
18.63 | 2,3,4,5-tetrachloro aniline | H302(4) H315(2) H317(1) H318(1) H335(3) | | ||
18.68 | Butyl 2-pentyl phthalate | NA | | | 1.60 |
18.71 | 2,3,4,5,6-pentachloro-N-(dichloromethylene)-benzenamine | NA | | ||
18.96 | Pentachlorophenol | H301(3) H311(3) H315(2)H319(2)H330(2) H335(3) H351(2) | | | 0.77 |
19.93 | Tetrachlorobenzamide | NA | | | 1.46 |
22.04 | Pentachlorobenzamide | H302(4) H312(4) H315(2) H319(2) H332(4) H335(3) | | | 1.05 |
22.61 | 3,4,5,6-tetrachloro phthalimide | H315(2)H319(2) H335(3) | | | 0.46 |
23.79 | Diisoctyl phthalate | H360(1B) | | | |
27.75 | Perylene D12 | Internal standard |
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Share and Cite
Bauer, E.M.; Cecchetti, D.; Guerriero, E.; Quaranta, S.; Ripanti, F.; Postorino, P.; Tagliatesta, P.; Carbone, M. “For Asia Market Only”: A Green Tattoo Ink between Safety and Regulations. Molecules 2022, 27, 3491. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27113491
Bauer EM, Cecchetti D, Guerriero E, Quaranta S, Ripanti F, Postorino P, Tagliatesta P, Carbone M. “For Asia Market Only”: A Green Tattoo Ink between Safety and Regulations. Molecules. 2022; 27(11):3491. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27113491
Chicago/Turabian StyleBauer, Elvira M., Daniele Cecchetti, Ettore Guerriero, Simone Quaranta, Francesca Ripanti, Paolo Postorino, Pietro Tagliatesta, and Marilena Carbone. 2022. "“For Asia Market Only”: A Green Tattoo Ink between Safety and Regulations" Molecules 27, no. 11: 3491. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27113491
APA StyleBauer, E. M., Cecchetti, D., Guerriero, E., Quaranta, S., Ripanti, F., Postorino, P., Tagliatesta, P., & Carbone, M. (2022). “For Asia Market Only”: A Green Tattoo Ink between Safety and Regulations. Molecules, 27(11), 3491. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27113491