2.1. Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity in Goji Berry Water Extract
In traditional Chinese medicine, goji berries are commonly consumed in the form of mild Yin tonics, soups, and tea [
19]. In Europe, goji berries have gained popularity as an ingredient of functional foods and are ungrudgingly consumed with muesli, milkshakes, and tea or water infusions. Homemade water–herbal extracts are usually prepared with hot water at the temperature of 70–98 °C [
20]. Polyphenols express different temperature sensitivity but the degradation rates of some compounds may not vary substantially at 60 °C and 80 °C [
21]. Thus, in the research we used an aqueous extract of dried berries after extraction at 70 °C for 72 h. Moreover, the extraction parameters were previously optimized to maximize the health-beneficial properties of the extract according to the total phenolic contents and the antioxidant activity (data not published).
The extract under the study was characterized by a total phenolic content (TPC) of 63.63 mg g
−1 (
Table 1).
The composition of plant extracts depends on many factors, including the type of solvent. Since literature data on aqueous goji berry extracts study are scarce, hydroalcoholic extracts were used for comparison. Hydromethanolic extracts of dried
L. barbarum berries grown in Europe were characterized by a total phenolic content equal to 71.4 mg Trolox g
−1 [
22], while scientists studying fresh fruit determined the TEAC level at 85.8 mg Trolox per 100 g [
23]. Literature data on the phenolic content of goji berries extracts differ significantly not only due to differences in research methodology, but above all due to the origin of the plant material, harvest time, and drying method. According to the literature, the content of phenols in dried fruit extracts falls in the range of 1.32–106.8 mg GAE g
−1 dry extract [
31]. Studies on the influence of the type of solvent used for extraction indicate a significant dispersion of the polyphenol level, from 14.13 to 109.72 mg GAE g
−1 dry extract. The concentration of polyphenols was even eight times higher in the ethyl acetate extract compared to one with water used as the solvent [
1]. The team of Skenderidis et al. [
32] assessed the phenol content in goji berries grown in Europe and Asia. According to their findings, berries harvested in Greece were characterized by an average of 17% lower phenolic content than samples originated from China, where the TPC was estimated as 299.62 mg GAE g
−1 extract from dried fruit.
Phenolic compounds identified in goji–water extract are presented in
Table 1. Within the group of flavan-3-oles, catechin and procyanidin B2 were predominant and found in amounts of 376.474 and 372.751 µg g
−1, respectively. The tested water–goji extract was also rich in quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, known as rutin (102.191 µg g
−1), belonging to flavanols. Considering the identified phenolic acids, the highest content of 3-hydroxybenzoic acid (1425.604 µg g
p-coumaric acid (128.666 µg g
−1), and gallic acid (792.925 µg g
−1) was noted.
The catechin content of the tested goji berries extract was about 3.5 times lower than that recorded for dried goji berry by Protti et al. [
33] and 27 times lower compared to the results of Pires et al. [
22] for dried berries. The level of rutin in our extract, although the highest among the identified flavonols, was 11–162 times lower than that recorded in dried berries [
33]. The quercetin-3-
O-rhamnoside content in the water extract was only twice lower than reported for dried goji berry by Protti et al. [
33]; however, the only traces of this compound were found in dried berries in other research [
22]. The level of gallic acid in the extract was five times higher compared to fresh goji berries originating from Italy [
34]. The high content of 3-hydroxybenzoic acid, also found in other fruits e.g., pineapples, bilberry, citrus can be attributed to its good solubility in water [
35]. The content of phenolic compounds in water extract is determined not only by the level of individual compounds in dried goji berries, but above all by their solubility. In search of phenolic compounds in goji berries, mixtures of organic solvents and water are usually used, e.g., methanol/water acidified with HCl [
34] or methanol/water [
33]. Although the use of only water as a solvent significantly reduces the amount of phenolic compounds, it should be remembered that in the practice of home nutrition, aqueous extracts of dried goji berries are routinely prepared for direct consumption.
The goji berries–water extract shown the degree of radical inhibition at the level of 64.93% (
Table 1). Strong antioxidant activity in goji berry extracts is usually associated with a high level of total phenolic content. Literature data on the antioxidant activity of goji berries vary due to different methods of determination and the way in which the results are presented. The antioxidant activity of Greek dried goji berries extract in 40% ethanol was presented as a Trolox equivalent and equal to 1831.9 mg TE L
−1 [
36]. Another study on three brands of dried goji berries expressed as Vitamin C equivalents showed their antioxidant activity from 54 to 61 µmol VCE g
−1 [
33]. Two samples of Chinese dried red goji berries originating from the NingXia region were characterized by antioxidant activity levels of 64.38 and 55.87 mg TE g
−1 in the ABTS
•+ radical scavenging assay [
37]. Methanolic dried goji berries extracts, examined to scavenge DPPH radicals, expressed 81.38-83.7% of antioxidant activity [
2.2. Prediction of Soft Drinks with Goji Berries Stability
B. subtilis is a common plant pathogen also associated with roots that promote plant growth via nitrogen fixation. The role of
B. subtilis in the postharvest processing and flavor development of spontaneously fermented food is also known. Its resistance to desiccation and temperature treatments enable this bacteria to develop in low processed food products sourced from plant material. However, this species is regarded as a food-spoiling bacterium rather than a pathogen in reported incidences of food-associated illnesses caused by
B. subtilis [
39]. According to our previous research, the dried goji berries used in this experiment were not contaminated by strict pathogens. Since the only contaminants isolated were aerobic spore-forming bacteria
B. subtilis (data not presented), this species was chosen for the presented model study. Models were developed of
B. subtilis growth in dried goji berries–water extract and milkshakes with delayed refrigeration during their storage, applying the predictive microbiology platform ComBase
® [
18]. Two different incubation profiles were constructed to simulate scenarios of temperature abuse in homemade preparations of goji berries. Profile I starts with incubation of samples at 9 °C for 48 h, followed by a 10 h incubation period at 23 °C, simulating the preparation of goji berry products, which are immediately refrigerated, taken out of the fridge after 48 h, and consumed after the following 10 h. Profile II begins with incubation at 22.5 °C for 10 h, followed by incubation at 9 °C for 38 h, and ending with a 10 h incubation period at 23 °C. This profile simulates goji berry products refrigerated after 10 h from preparation, stored in the fridge for 38 h, and consumed after 10 h from that point. Both profiles are shown in
Figure 1.
It was found through a pairwise
t-test that profile I, where goji berry soft drinks were refrigerated immediately, does not significantly promote the growth of
B. subtilis (
Table A1,
Table A2,
Table A3 and
Table A4). On the other hand, there is a significant difference (
p ≤ 0.012) between the observed maximum growth rate (μ
max) for goji berry extract in profile I (
Table A4) and the observed μ
max for extract in profile II (
Table A5). The profile of delayed refrigeration (profile II) showed a trend of faster bacterial growth than the profile of samples of goji berry soft drinks that were immediately refrigerated (profile I). The trend can be explained by the lag phase that will be prolonged if incubation starts with refrigeration as in profile I. Even though a temperature rise occurred at the end of the refrigeration period, the growth of
B. subtilis was slow and stable throughout the incubation. On the other hand, with the refrigeration delayed by 10 h, the lag phase was short or rapid growth occurred immediately after inoculation, and was further slowed down by refrigeration. In that profile,
B. subtilis grew with a maximum growth rate µ
max 0.021 h
−1 for the milkshake and µ
max 0.019 h
−1 for the extract until its growth was slowed down by refrigeration.
Significant discrepancies between predicted and observed bacterial growth should be noted. The growth curve of the bacteria introduced into the goji berry extract shows the inhibition of bacterial growth within 10 h of incubation at 22.5 °C, unlike the model, which predicts an increase in bacterial level of about 1.5 logarithmic units (
Figure 2). This phenomenon can be attributed to the antimicrobial effect of biologically active compounds of goji berry extract. The increase in the rate of bacterial growth during the cooling phase can be associated with the psychrophylic nature of the bacterial strain and its ability to degrade phenolic substances, including polyphenols [
41]. Faster multiplication of
B. subtilis in goji berry milkshakes in the first phase of profile II compared to the predicted one indicates the use of readily available carbon and nitrogen sources from milk and the low impact of biologically active substances introduced with goji berries. During refrigeration and its interruption by incubation at 23 °C, a decrease in the number of bacteria by almost 1 logarithmic unit was observed. As a result, the discrepancy between the actual bacterial level and the predicted one reached 2 logarithmic units (
Figure 3). The decrease in bacterial viability may be due to the extraction of biologically active compounds from the mass of goji berries, rich not only in polyphenols, but also containing other biologically active substances [
22] or their synergistic effect with milk compounds.
The best performing models were constructed for goji berry extract and milkshakes in profile II, which simulates delayed refrigeration, as shown in
Figure 2 and
Figure 3. Validation factors for all models are included in
Table A6. The model’s precision was assessed by Bias (
Bf) and Accuracy (
Af) factors regarded as quantitative measures of the model’s performance [
42]. The Bias factor is a measure of overprediction (
Bf > 1) or underprediction (
Bf < 1) of the model [
43]. Values in the range of 0.87–1.43 describe acceptable models. A range between 0.95 and 1.11 designates good predictions. The accuracy factor is a measure of precision and indicates how approximate predictions are in comparison to observed growth [
44]. The validation of the model of goji berry extract storage (
Figure 2,
Table A6) showed
Bf equal to 1.33 and an
Af of 3.43. The corresponding factors in the model of the goji berry milkshake storage (
Figure 3,
Table A6) were as follows:
Bf 1.29 and
Af 1.65. Both of the models present acceptable Bias factors, which result in the models’ validation.
Predictive models in temperature-shift profiles can serve as an aid in managing the risk of spoilage or growth of pathogens throughout the food supply chain. Antolinos et al. [
45] studied the growth kinetics of
Bacillus weihenstephanensis in carrot soup and diluted cream pasta with temperature shifts 12 °C, 84 h–10 °C, 84 h–15 °C, 72 h. A bacterial growth pattern similar to the effect studied here of delayed refrigeration was observed for the predicting model.
B. weihenstephanensis grew steadily up to 7 log CFU g
−1 over the first 84 h, and in the next 84 h in lower temperature the growth was slowed down, followed by a final increase up to 15 °C in the last 72 h. On the other hand, the growth of
B. weihenstephanensis was rapidly promoted by the rise in temperature. This trend is contrary to the pattern observed in our study, where an increase in temperature after an incubation period at 10 °C for 48 h had no significant effect on promoting the growth of
B. subtilis both in goji berries extract and milkshakes with goji berries. This may be due to differences in physical states between model microorganisms, growth kinetics, or available nutrients in tested food preparations. Valero et al. [
46] similarly studied the effect of temperature (8 °C, 12 °C, and 16 °C) changes and acidification on the growth of
B. cereus in vegetable preparations. The specific bacterial growth rate increase was recorded as the temperature of incubation was increasing, opposite to our findings. Slowing down the growth of
B. subtilis in the presence of
L. barbarum derivatives may be attributed to the antimicrobial effect of polyphenols, expressing the ability to form complexes with external proteins, resulting in disturbances in the structure of cell walls [
13] and cytoplasmic membranes [
Dried goji berries and their water extract were proven to be valuable compounds of soft drinks both due to the polyphenol contents, antioxidative activity, and antibacterial effects. Goji berry derivatives may contribute to preserving the microbiological stability of soft drinks subjected to temperature shifts during storage. In the food industry, standard shelf-life tests do not provide for the microbiological stability monitoring of products under interrupted cold chains. The proposed models can be used by food manufacturers to assess the products’ microbiological safety in the development of low-processed or unpreserved soft drinks with goji berry derivatives. Despite the positive validation of the presented models for goji berry milkshakes and the extract, they are limited to these specific matrices and temperature profile. The predicted growth of contaminating microorganisms in the prognostic microbiology models is usually higher than is experimentally observed [
17], which is in agreement with our research. Extending the models to other storage conditions and extracts requires experimental testing. Moreover, given the still vivid trend of preparing homemade functional food, our research can be useful as information and educational materials aimed at individual consumers.