Machine Learning Based Toxicity Prediction: From Chemical Structural Description to Transcriptome Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Machine Learning
2.1. Shallow Architectures
2.2. Deep Learning
3. Chemical Structure Descriptors
3.1. Traditional Chemical Descriptors
3.2. Deep-Minded Chemical Descriptor
3.3. Chemical Properties
3.4. Examples of Chemical Structural Description
4. Chemical Structure Based Toxicity Prediction by Machine Learning
4.1. Data Collection
4.2. Performance
5. Acute (Immediate) Toxicity Prediction
6. Chronic (Delayed) Toxicity Prediction
6.1. Prediction Based on Chemical Structure
6.2. Prediction with Cellular Transcriptome Information
7. An in Silico Platform of Deep Learning Based Toxicity Prediction
7.1. Collection of Gene Expression Data
7.2. Representation of Gene Expression Data
7.3. Toxicity Prediction
8. Summary
Conflicts of Interest
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Descriptor Type | Descriptor Name | Description |
Fingerprint-based | ECFP4 | atom type, extended connectivity fingerprint, maximum distance = 4 |
FCFP4 | functional-class-based, extended connectivity fingerprint, maximum distance = 4 | |
MACCS | 166 predefined MDL keys (public set) | |
Connectivity-matrix-based | BCUT | atomic charges, polarizabilities, H-bond donor and acceptor abilities, and H-bonding modes of intermolecular interaction |
Shape-based | rapid overlay of chemical structures (ROCS), combo Tanimoto (shape and electrostatic score) | shape-based molecular similarity method; molecules are described by smooth Gaussian function and pharmacophore points |
PMI | normalized principal moment-of-inertia ratios | |
Pharmacophore-based | GpiDAPH3 | graph-based 3-point pharmacophore, eight atom types computed from three atom properties (in pi system, donor, acceptor) |
TGD | typed graph distances, atom typing (donor, acceptor, polar, anion, cation, hydrophobe) | |
TAD | typed atom distances, atom typing (donor, acceptor, polar, anion, cation, hydrophobe) | |
Bioactivity-based | Bayes affinity fingerprints | bioactivity model based on multicategory Bayes classifier trained on data from ChEMBL v. 14 |
Physicochemical-property-based | prop2D | physicochemical properties (such as molecular weight, atom counts, partial charges, hydrophobicity etc.) |
Database | Database Description | Online Websites | Reference |
TOXNET | A collection of toxicity databases. | | [97] |
ToxCast | High-throughput toxicity data on thousands of chemicals. | | [98] |
Tox21 |
| | [99,100] |
PubChem |
| | [94] |
DrugBank | Detailed drug data and corresponding drug target information. | | [101] |
ToxBank Data Warehouse | Data for systemic toxicity. | | [102] |
ECOTOX | Single chemical environmental toxicity data on aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife. | | [103] |
SuperToxic | Toxic compound data from literature and web sources. | | [104] |
Molecular Descriptor | Model | AUC | Reference | |
Shallow architectures | Dragon descriptors (2489 descriptors) | RF | 0.81 | [119] |
Pubchem keys | SVM | 0.948 | [83] | |
MACCS fingerprints | RF | 0.947 | [83] | |
Deep learning | Molecular fragments learned by CNN | DNN | 0.837 | [88] |
Unidirectional graph learned by CNN | Graph CNN | 0.867 | [120] | |
LSTM graph | One-shot learning | 0.84 | [84] |
Database | Description | Websites | References |
GEO database | Gene expression data of drug-treated samples in subsets. | | [141,142] |
Connectivity Map (CMap) |
| | [140] |
DSigDB |
| | [143] |
LINCS Canvas Browser (LCB) |
| | [144] |
Therapeutic target database (TTD) |
| | [145] |
Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) |
| | [146] |
Drug-Path | Drug-induced pathways. | | [147] |
CancerDR |
| | [148] |
| | [149] |
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Wu, Y.; Wang, G. Machine Learning Based Toxicity Prediction: From Chemical Structural Description to Transcriptome Analysis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 2358.
Wu Y, Wang G. Machine Learning Based Toxicity Prediction: From Chemical Structural Description to Transcriptome Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018; 19(8):2358.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Yunyi, and Guanyu Wang. 2018. "Machine Learning Based Toxicity Prediction: From Chemical Structural Description to Transcriptome Analysis" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19, no. 8: 2358.
APA StyleWu, Y., & Wang, G. (2018). Machine Learning Based Toxicity Prediction: From Chemical Structural Description to Transcriptome Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(8), 2358.