Development and Applications of Superfolder and Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems in Biology
:1. Superfolder Fluorescent Proteins: Progenitor of Split Fluorescent Protein (FP) Systems
1.1. Improving the Folding of avGFP
1.2. Superfolder Color Variants and Applications
2. Split-Fluorescent Proteins
2.1. Self-Associating Split-FP Systems
2.1.1. Engineering of the Bipartite GFP1–10/GFP11 System
2.1.2. Applications of the Bipartite Split-GFP System to Monitor Protein Solubility In Vivo and In Vitro
2.1.3. Adapting the GFP1–10/GFP11 System for Protein Labelling in Mammalian Cells
2.1.4. Applications in Cell Biology
Neuronal Cell Communication
Protein Topology and Subcellular Localization
Host–Pathogen Interactions
2.2. Protein–Protein Interactions
2.2.1. Engineering of a Tripartite Split-GFP System
2.2.2. Known Examples of Tripartite Split-GFP Applications in Cell Biology
Screening of Novel Inhibitors
Monitoring Direct Associations
Monitoring Indirect Associations
Biosensor Design
3. What’s Next in the Split-FP Development?
3.1. Extending the Spectra of Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems
3.2. Improving the Maturation Rate of the Chromophore After Complementation
3.2.1. Engineering of Detection Fragments for Improved Conformational Homogeneity
3.2.2. Prematuration of the Chromophore for In Vitro Assays
3.2.3. Use of Scaffolds Binders to Increase the Stability of the Chromophore
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ASAP1 | Accelerated Sensor of Action Potentials |
AvGFP | Aequorea victoria Green Fluorescent Protein |
BiFC | Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation |
CALM | Complementation-Activated Light Microscopy |
CRISPR | Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats |
ER | Endoplasmic Reticulum |
FKBP | FK506 Binding Protein |
FP | Fluorescent Protein |
FRAP | Fluorescent Recovery After Photobleaching |
FRB | FKBP-Rapamycin Binding domain |
FRET | Förster Resonance Energy Transfer |
GBD | GTPase Binding Domain |
GEF | Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factor |
ORF | Open Reading Frame |
PCA | Protein Complementation Assay |
POI | Protein Of Interest |
PPI | Protein-Protein Interaction |
RAGE | Receptor for Advanced Glycation End product |
RAP | Rapamycin |
RBD | RHO Binding Domain |
SPR | Surface Plasmon Resonance |
SRTA | Sortase A |
TetFC | Tetramolecular Fluorescence Complementation |
TFIIH | Transcription Factor II H |
TTDA | TrichoThioDystrophy-A |
Tth | Thermus thermophiles |
TriFC | Trimolecular Fluorescence Complementation |
Y2H | Yeast-two-hybrid |
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Pedelacq, J.-D.; Cabantous, S. Development and Applications of Superfolder and Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems in Biology. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 3479.
Pedelacq J-D, Cabantous S. Development and Applications of Superfolder and Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems in Biology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019; 20(14):3479.
Chicago/Turabian StylePedelacq, Jean-Denis, and Stéphanie Cabantous. 2019. "Development and Applications of Superfolder and Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems in Biology" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, no. 14: 3479.
APA StylePedelacq, J.-D., & Cabantous, S. (2019). Development and Applications of Superfolder and Split Fluorescent Protein Detection Systems in Biology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(14), 3479.