Role of Regular Physical Activity in Neuroprotection against Acute Ischemia
:1. Methodology of Literature Search
1.1. Data Sources and Search
1.2. Data Analysis
2. Introduction
3. Neuroprotective Effects of Regular Physical Activity
3.1. Enhancement of Antioxidant Activity
3.2. Anti-Inflammatory Activity
3.3. Improved Neuronal Plasticity
4. Immuno-Inflammatory Activation during and after the Acute Phase of an Ischemic Stroke
5. Anti-Ischemic Effects of Physical Activity
6. Is There Any Role for Myokines and Neurotrophins?
- (1)
- If it is true that both in animal models and in human experiments it has been demonstrated that after PA there is an increase in the concentration of different neurotrophins within different structures of the nervous system, is it possible to definitely identify the cells that produce and release them?
- (2)
- Are the cells that produce and release neurotrophins located within the nervous system or is there evidence that the muscle itself during contraction or after contraction produces and releases neurotrophins into circulation that would then reach their site of action through the bloodstream?
- (3)
- The increased concentration of neurotrophins in the nervous system after exercise can be actually related to their protective role for a good neurological function, thus demonstrating that regular PA through myokines and/or neurotrophins acts in protecting the central nervous system?
6.1. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
6.2. Insulin Growth Factor (IGF)-1
6.3. Irisin
6.4. Other Neurotrophic Factors
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AT | Aerobic Training |
BBB | Blood-Brain Barrier |
BDNF | Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor |
CAMs | Cell Adhesion Molecules |
CRP | C-Reactive Protein |
IGF-1 | Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 |
NMDA-R | N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor |
PA | Physical Activity |
ROS | Reactive Oxygen Species |
RT | Resistance Training |
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Di Raimondo, D.; Rizzo, G.; Musiari, G.; Tuttolomondo, A.; Pinto, A. Role of Regular Physical Activity in Neuroprotection against Acute Ischemia. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 9086.
Di Raimondo D, Rizzo G, Musiari G, Tuttolomondo A, Pinto A. Role of Regular Physical Activity in Neuroprotection against Acute Ischemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(23):9086.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDi Raimondo, Domenico, Giuliana Rizzo, Gaia Musiari, Antonino Tuttolomondo, and Antonio Pinto. 2020. "Role of Regular Physical Activity in Neuroprotection against Acute Ischemia" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, no. 23: 9086.
APA StyleDi Raimondo, D., Rizzo, G., Musiari, G., Tuttolomondo, A., & Pinto, A. (2020). Role of Regular Physical Activity in Neuroprotection against Acute Ischemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(23), 9086.