Signaling Mechanisms and Pharmacological Modulators Governing Diverse Aquaporin Functions in Human Health and Disease
:1. Aquaporin Structure, Function, and Localization
1.1. Distribution and Classification of AQPs in the Human Body
1.2. Structural Biology of the AQP Family
1.3. AQP Permeabilities: An Expanding Repertoire
2. AQPs in Fluid Homeostasis and Secretion
2.1. Water Transport in the Kidneys
2.2. CSF Production by the Choroid Plexus
2.3. Surface Hydration in the Lungs
2.4. Secretion of Gastrointestinal Fluids in the Digestive System
2.5. Glandular Secretions
3. AQPs in Signal Transduction and Sensory Function
3.1. Neural Crest Cell Types
3.2. Structure and Function in the Eye
3.3. Hearing and Balance in the Inner Ear
3.4. Cardiac Hypertrophy and Edema
3.5. Skeletal Muscle Viability
4. AQPs in Defense, Protection, and Support
4.1. Blood–Brain Barrier
4.2. Skin Hydration and Wound Healing
4.3. Vascular Endothelial Function and Angiogenesis
4.4. Inflammatory and Immune Responses
4.5. Physical Membrane Compliance
4.6. Transport of Nutrients
4.7. Detoxification
5. AQPs in Cell Motility and Cancer
5.1. Mechanisms of Cell Migration
5.2. Cancer Invasion and Metastasis
5.3. Tumor Angiogenesis
6. Physiological and Pharmacological Modulation of AQP Channel Activity
6.1. Intracellular Signals Regulate AQP Expression and Function
6.2. Control of AQP Trafficking and Subcellular Localization
6.3. Properties of Mammalian AQP Ion Channels
6.4. Overview of Pharmacological Tools
7. Future Directions for AQP Research
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ANLS | Astrocyte-to-neuron lactate shuttle |
AQP | Aquaporin |
ar/R | Aromatic/arginine |
BBB | Blood–brain barrier |
CaM | Calmodulin |
cAMP | Cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
cGMP | Cyclic guanosine monophosphate |
CHIP28 | Channel-forming integral protein 28 |
CNS | Central nervous system |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
DAPC | Dystrophin-associated protein complex |
DCs | Dendritic cells |
DmBIB | Drosophila melanogaster big brain water channel |
DRG | Dorsal root ganglia |
ECM | Extracellular matrix |
EMT | Epithelial–mesenchymal transition |
eNOS | Endothelial nitric oxide synthase |
ER | Endoplasmic reticulum |
Epo | Erythropoietin |
GIT | Gastrointestinal tract |
HIF-1α | Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha |
ICP | Intra-cranial pressure |
IRE | Insulin response element |
ISF | Interstitial fluid |
KLF2 | Krüppel-like factor 2 |
LPS | Lipopolysaccharide |
MIP | Major intrinsic protein |
MMPs | Matrix metalloproteinases |
NDI | Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
NO | Nitric oxide |
OAP | Orthogonal array of particles |
PIP2;1 | Plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2;1 |
PKA | Protein kinase A |
RGCs | Retinal ganglion cells |
ROS | Reactive oxygen species |
SC | Stratum corneum |
TAC | Transverse aortic constriction |
TAG | Triacylglycerol |
TBI | Traumatic brain injury |
TEA | Tetraethylammonium |
TM | Transmembrane domain |
TNF | Tumor necrosis factor |
V2 | Vasopressin type 2 receptor |
VEGF | Vascular endothelial growth factor |
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Aquaporin | Chromosome | Water Permeability (Pf) [×10−14 cm3 s−1] | Permeability to Molecules Other Than Water | Main Expression Sites |
Orthodox (classical) AQPs | ||||
AQP0 | 12q13 | 0.25 | Ions [19,20] | Eye lens |
AQP1 | 7p14 | 6.0 | Monovalent cations [24,36,42], nitric oxide [70], H2O2 [49,55], and glycerol * [71] | Central nervous system (CNS), inner ear, eye, kidney, endothelium, lung, skeletal muscle, cartilage, and erythrocytes |
AQP2 | 12q13 | 3.3 | None known | Kidney, inner ear, and reproductive tract |
AQP4 | 18q22 | 24 | Nitric oxide [72] | CNS, inner ear, retina, kidney, gastrointestinal tract (GIT), lung, and skeletal muscle |
AQP5 | 12q13 | 5.0 | H2O2 [51] | Secretory glands, inner ear, eye, kidney, GIT, and lung |
AQP6 | 12q13 | Low; no quantitative data | Ammonia [73], glycerol, urea [74], nitrate [75], and anions (NO3−, Cl−) [76] | Inner ear, kidney |
AQP8 | 16p12 | No quantitative data | Urea, ammonia, and H2O2 [77] | Liver, kidney, adipose tissue, pancreas, GIT, and reproductive tract |
Aquaglyceroporins | ||||
AQP3 | 9p13 | 2.1 | Glycerol [78], H2O2 [9], urea * [78], and ammonia [79] | Skin, inner ear, eye, adipose tissue, kidney, GIT, heart, lung, reproductive tract, and cartilage |
AQP7 | 9p13 | No quantitative data | Arsenite [80], glyerol and urea [81], and ammonia [82] | Adipose tissue, pancreas, liver, kidney, inner ear, GIT, heart, reproductive tract |
AQP9 | 15q22 | No quantitative data | Arsenite [80], carbamides, polyols, purines, pyrimidines [83], ketone bodies [84], lactate [85], ammonia [86], glycerol, urea [83,87,88], and H2O2 [54] | Liver, adipose tissue, CNS (unclear for humans), inner ear, and reproductive tract |
AQP10 | 1q21 | No quantitative data | Glycerol [89] | Adipose tissue and reproductive tract |
Unorthodox AQPs/S-aquaporins | ||||
AQP11 | 11q13 | ~2 | Glycerol [29,90,91] | Retina, kidney, GIT, and reproductive tract |
AQP12 | 2q37 | No quantitative data | Unknown | Pancreas |
Agent | Structure | Evidence for AQP Inhibition | Pharmacological Value |
Tetraethyl-ammonium (TEA) | | hAQP1/2/4 (O, M) [559,560,561] | Low potency; no AQP selectivity; and TEA inhibition is not reproducible in all assay systems |
Bumetanide(anti-diuretic) AqB013 | | h/rAQP1/4 (O) r/mAQP4 (I) [430,564,565] | Reproducible effects in other systems remain to be verified |
Furosemide(anti-diuretic) AqF026 | | Increased hAQP1 activity [O, I] [566] | AQP1 specificity; reproducible effects in other systems remain to be verified |
Sulfonamideacetazolamide | | rAQP1/4 (O, M, and P) [563,567,568,569] | Controversial |
TGN-020 | | hAQP4/1 (S, O) [570,571] rAQP4 (I) [572,573] | Controversial |
Anti-epileptic topiramate | | hAQP4 (O, S) [571] | Reproducible effects in other systems remain to be verified |
Medical herb compound bacopaside II | | hAQP1 (O, M) [222] mAQP1 (I) [49] | AQP1 selectivity, possible application in H2O2 flux blockage in treatment of cardiac diseases |
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Wagner, K.; Unger, L.; Salman, M.M.; Kitchen, P.; Bill, R.M.; Yool, A.J. Signaling Mechanisms and Pharmacological Modulators Governing Diverse Aquaporin Functions in Human Health and Disease. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 1388.
Wagner K, Unger L, Salman MM, Kitchen P, Bill RM, Yool AJ. Signaling Mechanisms and Pharmacological Modulators Governing Diverse Aquaporin Functions in Human Health and Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(3):1388.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWagner, Kim, Lucas Unger, Mootaz M. Salman, Philip Kitchen, Roslyn M. Bill, and Andrea J. Yool. 2022. "Signaling Mechanisms and Pharmacological Modulators Governing Diverse Aquaporin Functions in Human Health and Disease" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 3: 1388.
APA StyleWagner, K., Unger, L., Salman, M. M., Kitchen, P., Bill, R. M., & Yool, A. J. (2022). Signaling Mechanisms and Pharmacological Modulators Governing Diverse Aquaporin Functions in Human Health and Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(3), 1388.