2.1. Biofeedback
Biofeedback refers to the ability to self-regulate the biological or physiological functions of a person by gaining a greater awareness of them using instruments [
5] that may provide information about those same systems (see
Section 1).
Several sensors connected to the body are normally required in order to acquire vital signals such as those produced by sweat glands (GSR), heart rate (ECG), muscles (EMG), brain activity (EEG) and body temperature. The information obtained using these sensors is shown to the person in audio or computer graph form, or any other type of feedback.
Biofeedback systems normally have multiple processes that correlate information from different sensors and interpret the resulting values in such a way that a response to the user can be processed. Depending on the system’s purpose, the algorithms used need to be adapted to their specifications [
7], thus requiring a combination of different skills, meaning that developing a Biofeedback system is a complex task.
Under normal conditions, the person ignores how the parameters that measure many of their physiological constants behave. When using this technique, the patient may modify their own physiological states and control their normal functioning [
8]. The aim is for the individual to achieve voluntary control of their own physiological states [
9] without the use of instruments.
Some of the pathologies in which good results have been noted are as follows: anxiety [
10], mild depression, epilepsy [
11], headache [
12], to improve concentration when learning, to achieve a state of inner calm, muscle tension, neuromuscular re-education, chronic pain [
13], high blood pressure, asthma, circulatory problems and disorder owing to lack of attention in children [
There is growing acceptance of biofeedback as a first-class treatment method in view of its proven clinical effectiveness [
15]. Apart from its practical application in hospitals and clinics all over the world, thousands of studies into different applications vouch for its success. Previous projects have been developed using interactive platforms in the biofeedback environment, generally in games.
In the case of one of them, this technique was used for muscular rehabilitation [
16] by applying both relaxation and contraction therapy. The “Space Invaders” game was played, with the shooting control being activated every time the contraction level exceeded a threshold marked in the calibration. In contrast, if the system was configured in relaxation mode, then the shooting command was activated when the EMG sensor level was below the threshold.
As the study’s conclusion indicates, use of the Biofeedback system helped to improve muscular strength and range of movement, where the experimental group exceeded the group that was not taking part in it by 136%, meaning this could be considered a promising method for future research.
Another project [
17] featured five game mechanics by introducing biofeedback data into the game. The physiological sensors used as direct control were breathing, temperature and an EMG on the leg. As for indirectly-controlled sensors, a sphygmomanometer and an ECG were used. These game mechanics involved the size of the lens (GSR and RSP), the speed and height of the jump (ECG and EMG), the length of the flamethrower (GSR and RESP) and in the final scene, the time and the difficulty of the enemy (TEMP and ECG).
A special function was also used which, when using an eye tracker, showed a red circle on the screen corresponding to the place where the user was looking, thus enabling the player to momentarily freeze their opponents.
The results proved highly satisfactory: when asked whether they preferred to play with or without sensors, nine out of 10 players preferred to use the control via physiological sensors. In terms of sensor preference, the most voted one was the Eye Tracker, followed by the respirometer. These results indicate that the players preferred direct control over indirect control, owing to the visible response this provided.
Another study [
18] involved comparing the use of different types of biofeedback—implicit and explicit—in which the implicit type was associated with the indirect biofeedback referred to previously and the explicit type with the direct form.
The biofeedback system was implemented in a first-person action game and with breathing (RESP) and electrodermal activity (EDA) sensors used as data entry to the system. When the user became nervy (the EDA level rose), the character shook with greater intensity, and moved and shot faster and with greater recoil. In contrast, when the player was relaxed (low EDA level), the character moved more slowly and shot with greater accuracy.
In terms of RESP data entry, when the player inhaled, the character became slower and more accurate, whereas when they exhaled, the character became faster but pointed with greater difficulty.
The experiment consisted of two phases, the first of which involved the players being unaware of the fact that the game was being controlled by their physiological constants—This being the implicit part. The explicit condition manifested itself in the second phase, in which the players were aware of how the system worked and won.
As a result of the experiment, the RESP source experienced no incidents in the implicit part, whereas some interesting factors were displayed in the explicit part, which showed that several players enjoyed playing with this part of the system, as they achieved a greater level of immersion.
Lastly, another study [
19] only focused on indirect biofeedback in a first-person action game. The sensors used in this system were a GSR system and a heart rate. The information received from these sensors affected several game functions such as the speed of movement, audio volume, stealth mode, weapon damage, difficulty of the enemy and a variety of effects in the user interface.
Individuals played in two different modes—A standard one and another one using biometric sensors. The results obtained showed that the audio effects had a significant effect on participants’ physiological information and reactions. Participants were more involved in developing the game in the mode that included biometric sensors, especially when there were sound effects.
2.2. Sensors
A biofeedback system needs to obtain and process information about the user’s physiological reactions. To do so, a variety of sensors are needed, each of which is responsible for measuring each of the physiological signals.
Below are listed the different sensors involved in the project. Both direct and indirect Biofeedback sensors will be used. In this study, we could also divide the sensors into two types: sensors used only for biofeedback and sensors that the subject only uses to play without any interaction with the biofeedback. Sensors that can be used to play are as follows:
One of the ways in which the Eye Tracker [
20] is used is to help people with physical disabilities and to improve their quality of life, as well as that of their family. Thanks to these, the computer can be controlled using the eyes to write, surf the Internet, play and, even more importantly, communicate with the outside world. The possibility of using the eyes like a computer mouse is now being studied, whereby if a person is able to move their eyes and blink, then they will have a new form of communication [
Kinect [
22] is a device created by Microsoft that was originally designed for the Xbox 360 video game console in order for players to be able to interact naturally and intuitively with the console, so as to ensure that playability would be far more agile and games would require hardly any learning by users in order to gain a command of them. This device comprises three different parts: a depth detection system based on an infrared beam sensor, an RGB video camera and a four-microphone array for voice recognition.
The depth sensor consists of a projector with infrared beams that are invisible to the human eye and do not affect usability of the device, together with a monochrome CMOS sensor which picks up the beams that bounce within the environment, thus forming a 3D scene for the space taken up by the device [
The innovations that have continued to be made are as follows:
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Facial recognition [
24]: Enables different parts of the face to be recognised and positioned, monitoring in a similar way to what was already being done with the skeleton.
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Seated mode: Recognises people who are sitting down by recognising their skeleton and monitoring 10 articulations.
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Monitoring of the skeleton is supported in the closest mode. The player was hitherto only recognised but there was no monitoring of each of their articulations.
The sensors used for biofeedback are as follows:
A pulsometer [
25] is an electronic device that is mainly used to measure the heart rate both graphically and digitally (heartbeats per minute). Pulsometers are also known as heart rate monitors. They constitute a simple way of keeping the number of heartbeats within advised limits. For people with heart problems or irregular heartbeats, or who have had a heart attack and started to walk every day, carrying a pulsometer can help them to keep within the number of beats recommended by their doctor [
26]. Pulsometers are becoming increasingly complex, accurate, safe and reliable.
The breathing sensor [
25] comprises a belt that is fastened around the area of the thorax or abdomen and is used to measure the user’s breathing. As far as its application in biofeedback systems is concerned, it can be used as both a direct and indirect type owing to the fact that it is a function about which the user is generally unaware, but which they can easily end up controlling once they are aware of it [
Skin conductance, also known as GSR [
28], is a method used to measure electrical conductance of the skin, which varies according to its moisture level. The sweat glands are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, whereby moments of strong emotion change the electrical resistance of the skin. Skin conductance is used as an indication of psychological or physiological excitation.
There are various medical applications based on skin conductance such as control of epilepsy [
29], as sweaty hands may be a sign that an epileptic attack is imminent. It can also be used to detect whether there is some sudomotor malfunction, which can help diagnose diabetes, although this sensor is most used in recognising emotions [
30]. A study can be created to recognise emotions based on this GSR sensor together with other different devices. Many biofeedback therapy devices use skin conductance to measure and present an individual’s stress response in order to help the user control their anxiety [
28] is a technique used to assess and record electrical activity produced by the skeletal muscles. EMG is recorded using a medical instrument known as an electromyograph, which detects the action potential that activates the muscle cells. When these are either neurally or electrically activated, the resulting signals can be analysed in order to detect any abnormalities and the activation level, or the biomechanics of a human’s or an animal’s movement can be analysed.
An electromyogram measures the electrical activity of the muscles when they are relaxed and being contracted. EMG signals are used in many clinical and biomedical applications [
32]. EMG is used as a diagnostic tool to identify neuromuscular diseases [
33] and assess lumbar pain, kinesiology and motor control disorders.
The muscles can be used to control any type of operation (motor, servo, light, etc.) or for the muscles themselves to interact with the environment.