1. Introduction
Maize kernel processing evaluation is an important step in determining the quality of silage harvested from a forage harvester. Maize silage is used as fodder for cattle in dairy production and high quality silage though correct processing has an effect on milk yield [
1] and suboptimal setting of the machinery can also lead to the quality being affected by up to 25% [
2]. Kernels must be sufficiently cracked for efficient starch intake by lowering the requirement for chewing during eating and ruminating [
3]. Kernels are processing by two mill rolls which compress and shear the plant. The gap known as the Processor Gap (PG) is often between 1 and 4 mm with 0.1 mm increments. This work focuses on the evaluation of kernel processing for silage quality efficiently through deep learning computer vision based methods via Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Currently, the particle size distribution of kernel processing is evaluated through means which can be time consuming, cumbersome to conduct, and prone to error. An example of this is the Corn Silage Processing Score (CSPS) [
3] and is one of the major standards in kernel processing evaluation. CSPS gives an analytical measurement of the kernel processing though laboratory equipment situated offsite typically returning a measurement after a number of days. In CSPS the user places a 160 g dried sample of harvested silage on a Ro-Tap sieving system which oscillates to allow processed kernels to pass through a number of differently sized sieve screens. The materials that pass through a 4.75 mm sieve can be measured for starch content and the percentage of this that passes is the CSPS. Particles larger than this size may result in a slow starch digestion in cattle and increase chewing requirement. The CSPS can be interpreted according to [
3] as greater than 70% is optimal processing, between 50% and 70% is adequate processing and less than 50% is considered inadequate processing. An additional finer sieve screen of 1.18 mm can be used to determine the number of over-processed kernels. The starch content in such fragments can simply pass through the cow’s rumen, leading to wasted plant.
Another commonly used method for assessing kernel processing is the Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS) [
4]. PSPS is similar to CSPS, however, does not require off-site laboratory equipment such as the Ro-Tap system or drying of the silage before starting the measurement process. Therefore, PSPS is able to give a farmer a much quicker indication of the kernel processing from the forage harvester. In PSPS three or four stacked trays with varying gaps are used to separate the kernel particles. The sample is placed in the top tray and the stack is shook a total of 40 times at a rate of one shake per second. After this, the weight of each tray is measured and is used to determine the distribution of kernel processing in the sample. Despite PSPS being more flexible than CSPS, the method is sensitive to the rate of shaking and moisture content, potentially giving a less accurate measurement.
The water separation method [
5] can also be an effective method for a farmer to conduct a quick assessment of the kernel processing. Here, the total number of whole kernels in a 1-quart (946 mL) sample is evaluated. If more than one whole kernel per quart is found, the kernel processing is deemed not optimal. The method begins by placing the sample in a container filled with water. Then the sample is stirred gently until the stover, such as leaves and stalks, float and the kernels sink. Afterwards the stover and water is removed from which the number of whole kernels can be counted.
As mentioned, the aforementioned current kernel processing assessment methods are relatively time-consuming and can require potentially error-some manual steps. There has been minimal work done in automating this process and to our knowledge only one such exists. In this work computer vision is used to calculate the kernel particle size distribution [
6]. In the method, first kernels must be separated from the stover using a method such as water separation. After this, the kernels are placed without touching any other samples on a dark background together with a common coin whose size is known, such as a penny. The coin can then be used as a reference later on in the system to calculate the kernel sizes. An image is captured and the contours of the kernel particles are found via image processing. Then the maximum inscribed circle is found for each particle in pixels which is converted to a kernel particle size distribution in millimetres. Metrics such as the percentage of particles smaller than 4.75 mm or average area give an indication to the user of kernel processing quality.
Looking into the broader domain, there is a large amount of research into measuring the quality of other crops. Firstly, the grades of product are determined by calculating rice kernel shape and size features and training a support vector machine [
8]. Additionally, in [
9] rice colour features and Fourier descriptors for shape and size are extracted from which the quality grade is determined through multivariate statistical analysis. A number of methods identify whole or broken fragments in grains. In [
10], the size, color and brightness values are used in combination with a flatbed scanning device. In [
11], rice is segmented based on color, and shape features indicate the grade of the crop. Classification of the grains in the image can be necessary when different grain types are mixed. Artificial neural networks have been used to classify types based upon extracted handcrafted features. In [
12] color and texture features, in [
13] size, color, and shape features, and in [
14] color and morphological features were used to train networks respectively. K-Nearest Neighbor classifiers were trained on size and texture features in [
16], with a number of color models being used in the latter. The quality of maize seeds was evaluated in [
17] using hyperspectral imaging where data was reduced through t-distributed stochastic neighbourhood embedding and Fischer’s discriminant analysis for quality classification.
The works mentioned so far all follow that traditional computer vision approach of extracting hand-crafted features followed by using a classifier to make a decision on the task at hand. However, since 2012 when AlexNet [
18] won the ImageNet classification challenge by a significant margin, deep learning with CNNs has dominated the field. Object recognition in images is a challenging task due to potential variations in objects, such as the colour, texture, shape, and size, and variations in images, such as the lighting, viewpoint, and occlusion. CNNs have been shown to learn complex patterns in data through a hierarchy of layers. Typically earlier CNN layers capture simple patterns such as the edges, while later layers learn more complex representations such as the shape of specific objects. This hierarchy has the potential to learn a powerful model given high quality data. There are numerous examples of machine vision with deep learning in agriculture that show good results and in many cases a significant improvement over using hand-crafted features. Examples include [
19], where fully convolutional neural networks were trained to predict a semantic segmentation map of clover, grass, and weeds in RGB images containing clover-grass mixtures to estimate the distribution of the classes in the field. Here, they account for the potentially large amount of training data required for CNNs, as it was observed the annotation could take up to 3.5 h for 10 images. New images were simulated by combining augmented objects from those already annotated on top of captured background images. A deep learning approach to detect tomato plant diseases and pests was done in [
20], where a number of popular models was evaluated for the task. In [
21] a CNN and random forest classifier was trained to classify 32 different species of leaves. Plant disease detection of 14 different crop species including 26 diseases was done in [
22] using CNNs and a number of different feature extractors such as AlexNet [
18]. Crop and weed detection using CNNs was done in [
23] on a combination of RGB and near-infrared data.
The aim of this work is to create a system to localise kernels fragments in RGB images for kernel processing assessment without the requirement separation of stover and kernels such as in [
6]. Such a system will allow the farmer to gain an insight into the quality of the kernel processing without the need to perform a time-consuming and cumbersome process. We propose to train CNNs in both a bounding-box detector and instance segmentation form to automatically detect and localise kernel fragments in the challenging images. Examples of the images used in this work are shown in the following section in Figure 3. The methodology in training the aforementioned networks will be covered in
Section 2 and the achieved results in
Section 3.
An example of the difference between separated kernel/stover images such as those typically used in [
6] and non-separated used in this work can be seen in
Figure 1. Additional white outlines in
Figure 1b represent the outline of kernel fragments.
4. Discussion
The potential to train CNN models for kernel fragment recognition in RGB images of silage is promising. This appears to be the case even without conducting the time-consuming step of separating kernels and stover before evaluation, as in all current popular kernel fragmentation evaluation methods [
The four models trained in both R-FCN bounding-box and MNC instance segmentation performed well and two major tendencies appeared. Firstly and possibly unsurprisingly, a larger training dataset, such as that of 151617, led to models that performed well across all metrics on all test sets. Deep learning methods are known to have a high requirement on the amount of data and the roughly 10× larger 151617 training set in comparison to the 2015 and 2016 sets seemed to show this effect. However, a total of 1393 images with 6907 annotated kernel instances is not on the same level as considerably larger object recognition benchmarks such as PASCAL VOC [
27] or MS COCO [
28] consisting of over 10,000 and 165,000 images for training respectively. The trained R-FCN and MNC models of course take advantage of transfer learning from a pre-trained models on ImageNet datasets. With this aid, roughly 1400 annotated training images in 151617 set gave consistent results across test images from three different harvest years. Additionally, the second finding was of the at times significant improvement when adding only a small amount of data to a larger dataset. This was seen for the models trained on the 151617 dataset for test sets 2015 and 2016, where despite the additional data being in the minority during training in contrast to images from 2017, they had a large increase in performance compared to models that did not combine all of the data.
With respect to the viability of using a CNN-based model for KPS measurement, both methods can be deemed to have potential. A strong positive correlation was found between annotation KPS and model KPS, with the strongest existing for the 151617 R-FCN model. A criticism of the correlation analysis is naturally that this was against annotation KPS and not a truer laboratory measurement than in [
6]. However, as the training and testing splits were kept separate, the correlation results still give a good indication for the approaches.
In comparison to [
6] who show KPS measurement given manually separated kernels in a controlled camera setting, the error measurement across sequences is similar to our work. KPS based on image analysis from wet samples from the field from [
6] show an average absolute error of 5.6% in comparison to our range of 2.7% to 7.2% dependent on the model and test set. Of course, care should be taken comparing the two works given the differences in ground truth measurement, location of harvesting, the machine, and so forth. A key improvement in this work is the time required to obtain a KPS measurement. In [
6] the time was improved to hours instead of days as in [
3], however, due to removing the requirement of kernel/stover separation, this work allows KPS calculation to be done in minutes.
Future work is to evaluate against a laboratory measured KPS as mentioned earlier. Furthermore, research into applying newer object recognition methods from the fast-moving field may also be viable, potentially improving challenges such as recognition of small objects. Finally, such CNN-based methods could be used to measure other silage-quality aspects, such as the cutting length of the forage harvester.