Assessing Older Adults’ Daily Mobility: A Comparison of GPS-Derived and Self-Reported Mobility Indicators
:1. Introduction
- We investigate in a sensitivity analysis how the choice of thresholds (Tmin, Dmax, Tmax) affects the indicator agreement between self-reported and GPS-based indicators.
- We explore the convergent validity for both mobility indicators by comparing the self-reported and GPS-derived daily mobility indicators.
- We explore whether self-reported activity characteristics (i.e., the duration or type of an activity) affect a self-reported event, finds a corresponding, temporally overlapping (i.e., matching) GPS event.
2. Self-Reports and GPS Sensors for Assessing Daily Mobility
2.1. Self-Reports
2.2. GPS as a Location Sensor
2.3. GPS Data Processing and Threshold Setting
- Minimum time duration (Tmin): Tmin defines the minimum time spent out of home or in an activity location in order to count as valid TOH or AL event, respectively.
- Maximum distance (Dmax): For TOH, Dmax is a radius defining a buffer around home. All fixes within the buffer count as home, all fixes outside of the buffer count as out of home (OH). For #ALs, Dmax defines the maximum spatial region within which the individual can move (respectively the GPS signal is allowed to wander) in order to be defined as an AL.
- Maximum gap duration (Tmax): For both indicators, Tmax defines the maximum duration of a gap in GPS data over which interpolation is invoked if the remaining conditions are met (i.e., Tmin, Dmax).
2.4. Self-Reported versus GPS-Derived Mobility Indicators
3. Methods
3.1. Study Design and Participant Recruitment
3.2. Data Collection
3.3. Self-Reported Mobility Indicators
3.4. GPS-Based Mobility Indicators
3.5. Sensitivity Analysis for Dmax, Tmin, Tmax
3.6. Inclusion Criteria
3.7. Statistical Analyses
4. Results
4.1. Included Data
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis
- While the count-oriented agreement measure F1 barely reacts to varying Tmax, the duration-oriented IoU steadily increases, with an optimum at 300 min (i.e., 5 h) for both TOH and #ALs. For Tmax between 180 and 360 min (i.e., 3 and 6 h) indicator agreement appears to be stable.
- While Tmin has no major impact on agreement between REP and GPS indicators, it does affect the indicator agreement for #ALs. F1 (the count-based measure more relevant for #ALs) seems to peak between 5 and 8 min (maximum at 6 min) while IoU starts dropping at 8 min.
- For TOH, indicator agreement is increasing until Dmax = 100 m and then remains stable, only starting to slowly drop at 300 m. For #AL, the best indicator agreement is obtained for Dmax = 125 m. After 200 m, both measures of agreement start dropping.
4.3. Agreement between Daily REP and GPS-Based Mobility Indicators
4.4. Event-Centered Agreement between REP and GPS Mobility
4.5. Association between Reported Event Characteristics and Event Detection
5. Discussion
5.1. Sensitivity Analysis: Which Thresholds Maximize Indicator Agreement?
5.2. Agreement between Self-Reported and GPS-Derived Time Out of Home
5.3. Underestimation of Daily Number of Activity Locations in Self-Reports
5.4. Similar Detection Rates for Indoor and Outdoor Activity Locations
5.5. Incomplete Self-Reported and GPS Data
5.6. Limitations and Future Directions
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. F1 Adapted to Data with No Ground Truth [0,1]
- Precision = (TP1)/(FP + TP1) → how many of the self-reported events were identified by GPS-based events.
- Recall = (TP2)/(TP2 + FN) → how many of the detected GPS-based events were actually self-reported.
- F1 = 2 × (Recall × Precision)/(Recall + Precision).
Appendix B. Intersection Over Union (IoU) [0,1]
- Intersection = duration of periods with temporal overlap between REP and GPS events (green periods in Figure A3)
- Union = duration of periods in which we have REP and/or GPS events (green, yellow, blue periods in Figure A3)
- IoU = Intersection/Union
Appendix C. Measures of Agreement between Self-Reported and GPS-Based Mobility Indicators
Measures of Agreement | Description | |
Acronym | Full Name | |
BA | Bland Altman difference | Bland–Altman statistic to compare methods with multiple observations per individual [72]. It plots the mean of daily self-reported (REP) and GPS-based mobility indicator against the difference between the two and computes the average difference as well as the 95% limits of agreement (LOA). |
ICC | Interrater intraclass-correlation coefficient | We used the R package lme4 [79] to compute ICC in order to account for having multiple observations per participant. ICC divides true variance because of participants by total variance. Bootstrapping based on 1000 iterations was used to compute the 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the ICC.We used the following categories to interpret ICC values [80]:
Corr | Spearman correlation | Spearman correlation across all study daysWe used the following convention to interpret the strength of association [81]:
iCorr | Spearman individual correlation | Mean/SD of individual correlations [52] We used the same convention as for Spearman correlation to interpret association strength. |
Appendix D. Confirmation of Optimized Thresholds of GPS-Based Event Detection Algorithm
Appendix E. Spearman Correlation Plots
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Advantages | Disadvantages | |
Self-report (space-time diary) | ||
Location sensor (GPS) |
TOH events | AL events | |
Initial number of events | 324 | 817 |
Outside study period | 18 | 50 |
Duration ≤3 min | 1 | 16 |
Missing start/end time | – | 14 |
Non-stationary/movement | – | 189 |
At home | – | 36 |
False reports | – | 4 |
Number of valid reported events | 305 | 543 |
Invalid study day | 82 | 106 |
Number of valid events of valid days | 223 | 437 |
Variable | Method | Days | Mean | Median | SD | Min. | Max. |
Time out of home (TOH) (min) | REP | 140 | 277.6 | 245 | 207.1 | 0 | 1020 |
GPS | 140 | 270.1 | 216 | 224.6 | 0 | 1371 | |
Number of activity locations (#ALs) | REP | 170 | 2.6 | 2 | 1.8 | 0 | 10 |
GPS | 170 | 3.3 | 3 | 2.8 | 0 | 15 |
Days | Mean | SD | Median | Min. | Max. | SD btw * | Mean SD within ** | |
TOH [min] | 140 | 7.5 | 178.3 | 11 | −876 | 734 | 85.5 | 118.4 |
#ALs [#] | 170 | −0.7 | 2.4 | 0 | −11 | 5 | 1.5 | 1.8 |
Measures of Agreement | TOH | #ALs | ||
Bland-Altman mean differences [95% LOA] | 7.50 | [−342.6; 357.6] (min) | −0.70 | [−5.4; 3.9] (#) |
ICC [95% CI] | 0.66 | [0.54; 0.76] | 0.47 | [0.34; 0.60] |
Correlation Spearman | 0.81 | * | 0.60 | * |
Mean (SD) iCorr Spearman | 0.69 | (0.41) | 0.53 | (0.50) |
Relation | REP TOH | GPS TOH | REP AL | GPS AL | ||||
1:1 | 193 | 87% | 196 | 87% | 260 | 59% | 383 | 68% |
1:n | 12 | 5% | 11 | 5% | 74 | 17% | 42 | 7% |
1:0 | 18 | 8% | 18 | 8% | 103 | 24% | 139 | 25% |
Total no. of events | 223 | 100% | 225 | 100% | 437 | 100% | 564 | 100% |
Event-Centered Measures of Agreement | TOH | #ALs |
Count-based | ||
Precision | 0.92 | 0.76 |
Recall | 0.92 | 0.75 |
F1 | 0.92 | 0.76 |
Duration-based | ||
IoU | 0.72 | 0.50 |
Activity Type | No. Events | No. Events with Match | Median Event Duration (min) | Mean Duration Overlap |
Work | 5 | 100% | 360.0 | 52% |
Recreation | 55 | 93% | 80.0 | 73% |
Personal care | 28 | 82% | 45.0 | 64% |
Social | 32 | 81% | 150.5 | 68% |
Cultural/Religious/Education | 41 | 78% | 124.0 | 63% |
Commercial | 211 | 74% | 30.0 | 54% |
Transportation | 41 | 56% | 10.0 | 40% |
Unassignable | 24 | – | – | – |
Type | No. Events | No. Events With Match | Median Event Duration (min) | Mean Duration Overlap |
Outdoor | 108 | 77% | 32.5 | 49% |
Indoor | 320 | 76% | 45.0 | 61% |
Unassignable | 9 | – | – | – |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Fillekes, M.P.; Kim, E.-K.; Trumpf, R.; Zijlstra, W.; Giannouli, E.; Weibel, R. Assessing Older Adults’ Daily Mobility: A Comparison of GPS-Derived and Self-Reported Mobility Indicators. Sensors 2019, 19, 4551.
Fillekes MP, Kim E-K, Trumpf R, Zijlstra W, Giannouli E, Weibel R. Assessing Older Adults’ Daily Mobility: A Comparison of GPS-Derived and Self-Reported Mobility Indicators. Sensors. 2019; 19(20):4551.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFillekes, Michelle Pasquale, Eun-Kyeong Kim, Rieke Trumpf, Wiebren Zijlstra, Eleftheria Giannouli, and Robert Weibel. 2019. "Assessing Older Adults’ Daily Mobility: A Comparison of GPS-Derived and Self-Reported Mobility Indicators" Sensors 19, no. 20: 4551.
APA StyleFillekes, M. P., Kim, E.-K., Trumpf, R., Zijlstra, W., Giannouli, E., & Weibel, R. (2019). Assessing Older Adults’ Daily Mobility: A Comparison of GPS-Derived and Self-Reported Mobility Indicators. Sensors, 19(20), 4551.