Statistical Distribution Analysis of Navigation Positioning System Errors—Issue of the Empirical Sample Size
:1. Introduction
- The iterative method used to determine coordinates, where the next position is calculated from the previous one.
- Widespread use of Kalman filtering in positioning system receivers for filtering out movement (course and speed) parameters.
- Normally navigation positioning system errors are correlated over time.
- To develop a method for calculating the length of a representative sample of any positioning system, the results of which would be considered to be close to the actual accuracy values of the positioning system.
- To propose a method for assessing the consistency of navigation system position errors with theoretical statistical distributions (normal distribution), based on empirical measurement data, which will ensure high reliability assessment with a high statistical test power.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Normal Distribution in Positioning
- To correctly determine the accuracy of position determination (described by RMS and 2DRMS measures) using the navigation system, can any number of measurements be taken, followed by determination of the standard deviation and the mean values of φ and λ (which are most often assumed to be real), or is there any minimum number of measurements (referred to in statistics as representative sample) that is necessary to ensure that its RMS and mean values of φ and λ are identical or very close to the true accuracy of the positioning system?
- Do the statistical distributions of empirical φ and λ errors of the positioning system conform with the normal distribution for any sample size (100, 1000, or 10′000 measurements, etc.)?
- Are the answers to questions 1 and 2 different depending on the type of positioning system (GPS, GLONASS (GLObal NAvigation Satellite System), DGPS, EGNOS, etc.)?
- Are there any special statistical features of the distributions of navigation system position errors that distinguish them from other, typical studies of empirical distributions in technical or other sciences?
2.2. Statistical Testing of the Empirical Distribution of Position Errors
- Tests based on the chi-square goodness of fit test: Pearson’s chi-squared test [32].
- H0—the empirical distribution of φ or λ errors of the X positioning system fits the normal distribution.
- H1—the empirical distribution of φ or λ errors of the X positioning system does not fit the normal distribution.
2.3. Effect Size as a Function of Measurement Errors
2.4. Power Test and Sample Size
- Actual effect size against the background of random variation in the population.
- Assumed significance level α (usually 0.05).
- Sample size n used in the test.
3. Results
3.1. Position Random Walk Analysis
- How fast (in terms of changes in coordinates between successive measurements) is the PRW process?
- Does the Position Random Walk process depend on the nominal (typical) navigation system position error?
- — calculated from empirical GPS data for the session S number N, for N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Each session consists of 1000 measurements. The session is part of the entire campaign of 168′286 measurements.
- μT(φGPS)—nominal (assumed to be real) value of φ of the measuring receiver typical for the GPS system. In the analyses, it is determined as an arithmetic mean of φ from empirical measurements from a very long measurement campaign. Its results should be very close to the real values, so they were considered to be true (reference) for the GPS system.
- — calculated from empirical GPS data for the session S number N, for N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Each session consists of 1000 measurements. The session is part of the entire campaign of 168′286 measurements.
- μT(λGPS)—nominal (assumed to be real) value of λ of the measuring receiver typical for the GPS system. In the analyses, it is determined as an arithmetic mean of λ from empirical measurements from a very long measurement campaign. Its results should be very close to the real values, so they were considered to be true (reference) for the GPS system.
- —mean 2D position calculated from empirical GPS data for the session S number N, for N = 1,2,3,4,5, with the following values: and Each session consists of 1000 measurements. The session is part of the entire campaign of 168′286 measurements.
- δE(φGPS,SN)—RMS with respect to calculated from empirical GPS data for the session S number N, for N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- δT(φGPS)—nominal (assumed to be real) value of RMS with respect to . It was calculated based on GPS empirical data from a very long measurement campaign (168′286 measurements) and was therefore considered true (reference) for the GPS system.
- δE(λGPS,SN)—RMS with respect to calculated from empirical GPS data for the session S number N, for N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- δT(λGPS)—nominal (assumed to be real) value of RMS with respect to . It was calculated based on GPS empirical data from a very long measurement campaign (168′286 measurements) and was therefore considered true (reference) for the GPS system.
3.2. Influence of Position Random Walk on Determining the Navigation System Positioning Accuracy
3.3. Representative Sample Size
- The whole population of 2D position errors (168′286 measurements) was divided into 168 sessions with the number of measurements increasing by a fixed value (1000 measurements). This means that the length of the first session was 1000 measurements, the subsequent session consisted of 2000 measurements, then 3000 measurements up to a session of 168′000 measurements.
- For each of the sessions, the and δE values were determined, followed by the DRMS(2D) value on their basis.
- Such a session (of minimum length) will be considered representative if the δE values is close to the standard deviation from the whole campaign.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Normal Distribution | Chi-Squared Distribution | ||||
α | Probability (%) | Notation | Probability (%) | Notation | |
0.67 | 50.0 | LEP | 1.00 | 39.4 | level or standard ellipse |
1.00 | 68.3 | level or RMS | 1.18 | 50.0 | CEP |
1.96 | 95.0 | 95% confidence level | 63.2 | DRMS | |
2.00 | 95.4 | level | 2.00 | 86.5 | ellipse |
3.00 | 99.7 | level | 2.45 | 95.0 | 95% confidence level |
98.2 | 2DRMS | ||||
3.00 | 98.9 | ellipse |
Reality | |||
H0 | H1 | ||
Decision | H0 | Correctly accepted H0 (1−β) | Type II error (β) |
H1 | Type I error (α) | Correctly rejected H0 (1−α) |
Measure | All Fixes (168′286) | S1—Red Session (1–1000) | S2—Blue Session (1001–2000) | S3—Green Session (2001–3000) | S4—Purple Session (3001–4000) | S5—Sky-Blue Session (4001–5000) | Mean from S1–S5 |
shift | 0.000 m | 0.572 m | 0.633 m | 1.268 m | 1.956 m | 1.463 m | 1.178 m |
shift | 0.000 m | −0.047 m | 0.251 m | 0.157 m | 0.326 m | 0.427 m | 0.223 m |
Distance of point from the real coordinates (0, 0) | 0.000 m | 0.574 m | 0.681 m | 1.278 m | 1.983 m | 1.524 m | 1.208 m |
0.910 m | 0.299 m | 0.201 m | 0.414 m | 0.275 m | 0.358 m | 0.309 m | |
Session RMSφ vs all measurements RMSφ (%) | 100.00% | 32.86% | 22.12% | 45.54% | 30.26% | 39.37% | 34.03% |
0.653 m | 0.098 m | 0.066 m | 0.059 m | 0.120 m | 0.085 m | 0.086 m | |
Session RMSλ vs all measurements RMSλ (%) | 100.00% | 15.07% | 10.09% | 9.01% | 18.36% | 13.01% | 13.11% |
Positioning System | Empirical Accuracy of All Fixes (R95) | P1(1–1000) vs. P2(1001–2000) | P2(1001–2000) vs. P3(2001–3000) | P3(2001–3000) vs. P4(3001–4000) | P4(3001–4000) vs. P5(4001–5000) | Mean Shift between Sessions |
GPS | 2.039 m | 30.5 cm | 64.2 cm | 70.8 cm | 50.3 cm | 54.0 cm |
EGNOS | 0.871 m | 37.1 cm | 3.8 cm | 28.0 cm | 23.4 cm | 23.1 cm |
Decca Navigator | 131.719 m | 7.477 m | 59.103 m | 63.416 m | No data | 43.332 m |
Probability density function for φ error | |
| |
Probability density function for λ error | |
| |
Probability difference for φ error | |
| |
Probability difference for λ error | |
| |
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test | |
φ error | λ error |
| |
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Specht, M. Statistical Distribution Analysis of Navigation Positioning System Errors—Issue of the Empirical Sample Size. Sensors 2020, 20, 7144.
Specht M. Statistical Distribution Analysis of Navigation Positioning System Errors—Issue of the Empirical Sample Size. Sensors. 2020; 20(24):7144.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSpecht, Mariusz. 2020. "Statistical Distribution Analysis of Navigation Positioning System Errors—Issue of the Empirical Sample Size" Sensors 20, no. 24: 7144.
APA StyleSpecht, M. (2020). Statistical Distribution Analysis of Navigation Positioning System Errors—Issue of the Empirical Sample Size. Sensors, 20(24), 7144.