SynPo-Net—Accurate and Fast CNN-Based 6DoF Object Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Training
:1. Introduction
- A CNN network architecture specifically designed for increasing accuracy in pose estimation regression through the replacement of pooling layers with convolutional layers.
- The use of lie algebra rather than quaternions for angle representation and regression.
- An ablation study that quantitatively shows the positive effect of all main points of our proposed approach.
- An overall approach that outperforms the state-of-the-art in 6DoF object pose estimation under similar conditions (i.e., no depth images in training, training exclusively on synthetic images) while being computationally very efficient due to the revised network architecture.
2. Related Work
2.1. RGB-D Object Pose Estimation
2.2. RGB Object Pose Estimation
2.3. Domain Adaptation Techniques
3. Problem Formulation
4. Method
4.1. 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
4.1.1. SynPo-Net Architecture
4.1.2. Loss Function Definition
4.1.3. Pose Refinement
4.2. Training Dataset with Proposed Domain Adaptation Technique
5. Evaluation
5.1. Implementation Details
5.2. Error Metrics
5.3. Ablation Study
5.3.1. The Pencil Filter Effect
5.3.2. CNN Architecture Modification Effects
5.4. LINEMOD Dataset State of the Art Comparison
5.5. TUD-L Dataset State of the Art Comparison
5.6. Runtime Evaluation
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Input resolution (448 vs. 224) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
Replace Pooling layers | √ | √ | √ | √ | |||
Lie algebra | √ | √ | √ | √ | |||
Dynamic Augmentation | √ | √ | |||||
Other CNN structure adjustments | √ | ||||||
ADD 10 |
Training Data | Synthetic Images | Real Images | |||||||||
Method | SSD6D [15] | Rambach [18] | Pix2Pose * [39] | YOLO6D * [38] | AAE [36] | OURS | Brachmann [65] | BB8 [16] | YOLO6D [38] | Posecnn [33] | Pix2Pose [39] |
Ape | 23.14 | − | − | ||||||||
Benchvise | − | − | |||||||||
Cam | − | − | |||||||||
Can | − | − | |||||||||
Cat | − | − | |||||||||
Driller | − | − | |||||||||
Duck | − | − | |||||||||
Eggbox | − | − | |||||||||
Glue | − | − | |||||||||
Holepuncher | − | − | |||||||||
Iron | − | − | |||||||||
Lamp | − | − | |||||||||
Phone | − | − | |||||||||
Mean |
Method | Ape | B.Vise | Cam | Can | Cat | Driller | Duck | E.Box | Glue | Holep. | Iron | Lamp | Phone | Mean | |
SSD6D [15] | + P. ICP | 66.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 | |||||||||||
AAE [36] | + ICP | ||||||||||||||
OURS | + ICP |
Method | AAE [36] | Pixel2Pose [39] | OURS |
Obj1 (Dragon) | − | − | |
Obj2 (Frog) | − | − | |
Obj3 (Watering Can) | − | − | |
mean | 47.67 |
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Su, Y.; Rambach, J.; Pagani, A.; Stricker, D. SynPo-Net—Accurate and Fast CNN-Based 6DoF Object Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Training. Sensors 2021, 21, 300.
Su Y, Rambach J, Pagani A, Stricker D. SynPo-Net—Accurate and Fast CNN-Based 6DoF Object Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Training. Sensors. 2021; 21(1):300.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSu, Yongzhi, Jason Rambach, Alain Pagani, and Didier Stricker. 2021. "SynPo-Net—Accurate and Fast CNN-Based 6DoF Object Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Training" Sensors 21, no. 1: 300.
APA StyleSu, Y., Rambach, J., Pagani, A., & Stricker, D. (2021). SynPo-Net—Accurate and Fast CNN-Based 6DoF Object Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Training. Sensors, 21(1), 300.