Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment: Optimisation of Signal Planning with Reinforcement Learning under Vehicle Speed Guidance
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Traffic Signal Control under CAVs
2.2. Closed-Loop Signal Control
2.2.1. Non-Learning-Based Approach
2.2.2. Learning-Based Approach (Reinforcement Learning)
3. Methods
3.1. Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- a vector encoding the current queue lengths on all incoming lanes,
- a one-hot vector encoding of the last chosen signal phase at time t − 1,
- the elapsed time since the last signal phase change,
- for each signal phase, the elapsed time since it was last active.
3.2. Simulation Platform
3.3. Driving Behaviours
- (1)
- Conventional vehicles: This type of vehicle has typical characteristics of a human-driven car. The default VISSIM car-following model (Wiedemann 74) was used. Furthermore, the uniform distribution with a minimum value of 45 km per hour and the maximum value of 55 km per hour was utilised to generate the speed of conventional vehicles.
- (2)
- Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs): driving behaviour for this vehicle class consists of two major components, autonomous behaviour and connected behaviour, which will be explained below.
3.3.1. Autonomous Behaviour
3.3.2. Connected Behaviour
- Step 1. The first question that should be asked of all vehicles entering the network is if the car is able to receive signal data or not. Therefore, conventional vehicles will proceed with movement at their desired speed (the speed at which the driver wants to drive). However, if the vehicle is connected, Step 2 is executed.
- Step 2. The vehicle will continue with its current speed if it passes the intersection or no signal controller can be found ahead of this vehicle; otherwise, Step 3 must be performed.
- Step 3. In this step, the following question should be answered. “Is the signal at its green phase?”. If the response is negative and the signal controller is at its red phase, the vehicle speed must be adjusted (5). Otherwise, go to Step 4.Vopt = max(min(Vmax for green start, Vdes) − Vdiff, Vmin)
- Step 4. If Vmin for a green end (a minimum speed required to arrive at the intersection during the current green) is lower than the desired speed of the vehicle, then Vopt should be equal to Vdes. Conversely, Step 5 is executed. Vmin for a green end can be calculated by (7).
- Step 5. If Vmax for a green start is greater than the desired speed of the vehicle, then Vopt should be equal to Vdes. Otherwise, Vopt = Vmax for a green start. Therefore, the optimal speed of all CAVs in the network can be calculated through this procedure.
3.4. Simulation Scenarios
4. Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Maadi, S.; Stein, S.; Hong, J.; Murray-Smith, R. Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment: Optimisation of Signal Planning with Reinforcement Learning under Vehicle Speed Guidance. Sensors 2022, 22, 7501.
Maadi S, Stein S, Hong J, Murray-Smith R. Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment: Optimisation of Signal Planning with Reinforcement Learning under Vehicle Speed Guidance. Sensors. 2022; 22(19):7501.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMaadi, Saeed, Sebastian Stein, Jinhyun Hong, and Roderick Murray-Smith. 2022. "Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment: Optimisation of Signal Planning with Reinforcement Learning under Vehicle Speed Guidance" Sensors 22, no. 19: 7501.
APA StyleMaadi, S., Stein, S., Hong, J., & Murray-Smith, R. (2022). Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in a Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment: Optimisation of Signal Planning with Reinforcement Learning under Vehicle Speed Guidance. Sensors, 22(19), 7501.